Half an hour later, when the door was opened, a humanoid creature came out of it.

The reason why it is described as a humanoid creature is because this creature can no longer see the human appearance, the head is swollen like a pig’s head, and the body is full of red meat buns the size of a child’s fist.

“Horn!” Di Mu wailed, but because his face was too swollen, his speech was a little blurry, and he also pulled the wasp bag on his face, constantly croaking his teeth and cracking his mouth, and tears were about to flow out.

But the pain returned, and Di Mu immediately used electrotherapy to recover himself after coming to the yard.

Wasps can also stab people, although Di Mu has physical qualities beyond ordinary people, but over time, it will also cause damage to the body, and it will be treated naturally in time.

The recovery effect of electrotherapy is very powerful, not only to relieve the toxicity of wasps, but also to make the wasp bag on De Di Mu’s body swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the body recovered, the naked Di Mu’s face palpitated, using wasps to exercise hearing was simply numb, and the key thing was that his little brother had been pierced several times just now, which was simply too sour.

But what is the way, in order to be able to learn to see and smell domineering, Di Mu still walked back to the house with trembling legs, and then closed the door again, and the bitter screams soon came out again.


Relying on the electrotherapy recovery ability brought by the current energy, Di Mu was like a nightmare for the next three months, turning into a pig’s head dozens of times every day.

But the effect is also very significant, at the same time as being tortured by the hornets, Di Mu is also forced by a nightmare, his hearing improves at an alarming speed, and in the end, the number of wasps has also increased from the original hundred to ten thousand, so that the whole room is filled with the sound of buzzing wings.

Three months later, Di Mu walked out of the closed room refreshed, without a wasp bag on his body.

“Lao Tzu finally succeeded!” Di Mu burst into tears and sighed excitedly.

After the number of wasps reaches 10,000 and they are not stung, it means that the first stage of the domineering extreme hearing has been completed.

Thinking that he would not have to die in the future when the wasp was stung, Di Mu was naturally very excited and couldn’t wait to laugh a few times.

But in the end, in order not to look so middle-two, Di Mu still endured, and at the same time felt the effect of extreme hearing.

Because it was not suddenly awakened, but obtained through cultivation, Di Mu’s first stage of seeing and hearing domineering did not have an uncontrollable situation.

Let his consciousness focus on listening, and soon, a large number of noisy sounds appeared in Di Mu’s ears.

There are the sounds of selling from the street far from the house, the sound of mosquitoes that were faint but now exceptionally clear, and the sound of husband and wife moving from the houses hundreds of meters away.

Although his head was a little swollen because of the large number of sounds pouring into his ears at once, Di Mu still endured the discomfort, carefully felt and controlled, and was able to filter unnecessary sounds and only listen to the sounds he wanted to hear.

After a long time, Di Mu’s ultimate hearing cultivation was also able to send and receive freely, unless he wanted to listen, then there would be no unnecessary sounds.

Although the previous three months had been miserable, when he felt that his hearing had really reached a strange point, Di Mu immediately forgot his previous misery, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“Next, it’s time to cultivate the second stage of seeing and hearing domineering!” Di Mu muttered to himself, and quickly took out the luxurious book and flipped through it.

The second stage of seeing the domineering color is a cultivation method that is somewhat similar to Dao Zen.

Through meditation, the mind is defended, after eliminating distracting thoughts, high-intensity concentration gazes at distant life, and when the line of sight is not clear, stimulate one’s consciousness with incomparably powerful obsessions and beliefs, and make one’s heart extremely eager to be able to see distant life clearly.

The first stage of seeing and hearing the domineering is only out of the state of enlightenment, and only when cultivating to the second stage, the ultimate hearing will evolve into the real domineering of seeing and hearing the fluctuations and breath of life.

After learning the method of cultivation, Di Mu hired a few people from the formation to go to a wasteland on the island, he himself stood on a high slope, and let the hired people move freely a few kilometers away, and then began the second stage of cultivation that saw and smelled domineering.

Perhaps because of his cultivation of the Ancient Dao Zen, Di Mu’s control of his consciousness was perfect, and after two months, he could clearly see everything that several people hired from a distance of several kilometers apart.

At this point, Di Mu’s domineering cultivation was considered to be a preliminary cultivation, but in order to familiarize himself with the domineering, Di Mu still spent a month to perfect the domineering mastery before it ended.

From the beginning of cultivation to the formation of the domineering qi, Di Mu took half a year, and at the same time, he was rewarded, his consciousness could sense the fluctuations and breath of life within a radius of about 100 meters, and even concentrate the domineering qi in a certain place, and the perception range could reach a distance of five hundred meters.

Of course, if you just listen or watch, the scope of exploration is even wider.

The cultivation method recorded in the magnificent book that Di Mu obtained was only the second stage of seeing and hearing domineering, and what was recorded after that was only how to slowly improve his belief and obsession to expand the perception range and acuity of seeing and hearing domineering, and the cultivation method of the next stage.

However, Di Mu’s cultivation of seeing and hearing domineering did not end because of this, but he began to study the integration of the ‘source of electromagnetism’ into the development of seeing and hearing domineering.

When he was cultivating and seeing the domineering color, Di Mu remembered the Thunder Fruit ability Anilu in the Empty Island chapter.

In the empty island, the domineering spirit is called the ‘heart net’, and Anilu has integrated the radio waves into the ‘heart network’ through the development of the thunder fruit, so that its hearing range has been greatly increased, enough to cover the entire empty island.

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