In the ensuing talks, Sengoku also announced that the navy needed to closely deploy everything on the Great Route, ensuring the safe arrival of the Allied Kings at the World Congress in Mariejoa, for which a large number of troops must be mobilized to escort.

Everyone in the conference hall also listened carefully, after all, if something went wrong at this world conference, the consequences and responsibilities would be difficult for even them to bear.

Knock knock~!

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Sengoku, who was explaining the importance and focus of the escort, and he frowned, but still said: “Come in!” ”

The sentries outside must know that a meeting is being held now, and the general things will be reported after the meeting, and it must be more important to come over now.

The door to the hall with a seagull wrench was pushed open, and a naval colonel dressed in a righteous mantle hurriedly trotted to Sengoku’s side.

“Marshal, just now the communicator sent an urgent intelligence that the No. 96 Division base was attacked by pirates, including the colonel in charge of the 96 base, a total of more than three hundred soldiers were killed, and the base was also destroyed by two buildings, with heavy losses!” The Captain reported a little heavily.

The vice admirals sitting on the conference frowned, it was so unfortunate that now that the world conference was about to be held, such a bad incident had happened.

“Which pirate group did it!” Warring States also instantly turned pale, and anger appeared between his eyebrows.

The captain said: “According to the report of the base over there, there is only one perpetrator, it is the ‘sword bearer’ who appeared from the North Sea not long ago!” ”

“If the old body remembers correctly, it seems that this ‘sword bearer’ was originally rewarded because it was most likely a sword hao, so the first time he was rewarded, he set a bounty of 58 million berry!” The one who spoke was the Vice Admiral Crane with his hands crossed on the table, like an old woman, she said calmly.

“What about Jian Hao, this is not the North Sea but a great shipping route, since this person dares to do such a bad thing, then he must be judged with justice!” The red dog, who was sitting opposite the crane, wearing a crimson suit, also wearing a justice shirt, and a navy hat, said coldly.

For the words of the red dog, the vice admirals present also nodded slightly, and the crime of violating justice must accept the verdict.

Although Sengoku has always felt that the form of the red dog is too extreme, this time he also agrees with the words of the red dog, and at this important moment, everything must be stable.

“That, Marshal, the intelligence from the communicator is not only that, that ‘sword-bearer’ left a few words before leaving, saying that he wanted to inform the headquarters of the Navy!” After hesitating for a moment, the lieutenant commander gritted his teeth and said.

“Well?! What words did he leave behind! Sengoku turned his head and looked at the lieutenant commander calmly, with his understanding of pirates, he would definitely not leave any good words, but he still needed to understand.

The lieutenant commander said the words that Di Mu had left at the base a little nervously, and then looked at the marshal whose face was constantly changing with anxiety.

“Bastard, really a bad person, actually dared to storm the branch base for such a trivial matter, and killed so many people!” The Warring States were furious, and slapped a palm on the conference table, causing the table to tremble violently, as if it would fall apart at any time.

The other vice admirals also had ugly faces, they did not expect that just a name would cause the base to be stormed and hundreds of naval soldiers to die.

“It’s so terrible, the current pirates are really lawless!” Among the three generals sitting together, a listless yellow ape said exaggeratedly.

Karp also stopped eating donuts and shook his head, I really don’t know what Roger would think if he knew that the pirate era opened by his death led to this kind of murderous pirate.

“Sure enough, pirates are all cancerous tumors that must be eradicated, and I suggest that the fleet be organized immediately to solve this ‘sword-bearer’ as soon as possible to deter other pirates!” Akainu said sternly.

Knock knock~!

Tsuru lightly touched the table a few times, and after letting everyone see it, he said calmly: “Although this ‘sword-bearer’ has committed unforgivable crimes, don’t forget the next world conference, we must concentrate our forces to protect the progress of the conference!” ”

“Not only that, this ‘sword bearer’ is obviously a very murderous person, since the other party has limited our navy to change its name within three days before leaving, otherwise it will attack other branch bases, so it is better to change his name as soon as possible before arresting the other party!”

“Are we going to succumb to a pirate!” A vice admiral at the head of Mohican said dissatisfied, he was the elite vice admiral of the future navy headquarters.

“It’s not to give in but to reduce losses, from the situation reported this time, it can already be determined that the other party is a sword master, and the strength is enough to kill the colonel of the headquarters and destroy a branch base, if you do not agree to the other party’s request, then there will definitely be more branch bases and soldiers sacrificed in the future!” Tsuru said seriously.

As a staff officer, she cannot be disturbed by emotions and must make the most correct choice from a calm point of view.

The same is true of the Warring States, he can be called a wise general, naturally he will not be carried away by anger, even if he now wants to personally kill Di Mu who acts murderously, but he must also consider the overall situation.

“Notify the Ministry of Information, immediately change the name of the ‘Sword Bearer’, spread it to the world within three days, and notify the other bases near the base of Division 96, let them all enter a state of martial law, and once the situation of the ‘Sword Bearer’ is discovered, report to me immediately!” Sengoku quickly gave instructions and ordered.

“Hmph!” A cold snort came from the tip of the red dog’s nose, obviously very dissatisfied with the decision of Tsuru and Sengoku, if it was him, he would definitely not give in like a pirate, even if he sacrificed more, he had to kill each other.

Sengoku naturally also saw the dissatisfaction of the red dog, but he naturally followed his own concept form, and after dealing with it, he continued the meeting that had not ended just now.


(It’s about to be on the shelves, it should be in these days, I hope you can support more, ask for collections, flowers, tips!!! )

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