Di Mu smiled disdainfully: “If I want to kill all the treasures on your ship, you can still get it, this has no value in exchange at all!” ”

“Then what do you want to release us!” Kobra couldn’t help but shout.

Even the king’s strongest warrior was easily killed and injured by Di Mu, and Kobra had no luck at all, only hoping to save his life, or at least let Vivi live.

Di Mu looked at the two, and finally looked at Wei Wei, whose body was trembling a little, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

He is still very interested in Wei Wei, the big beauty in the original work, but it is a pity that he is only thirteen years old, and the other party is only ten years old, even if he has any ideas, it is useless.

“Don’t you play a development game, well, it’s too troublesome, then stock it!” All kinds of evil thoughts appeared in Di Mu’s heart, and he decided how to deal with them.

“Ahem, it’s not impossible to let you go, so, I see that although this little girl is a little younger, she looks good, then take her ‘rite of passage’ in exchange!” Di Mu said very implicitly.

However, although Di Mu said it very implicitly, the content was very evil, and Kobra looked at Di Mu in amazement.

As a king, although he is still relatively upright, some games between nobles must have some understanding.

Kobra immediately knew that the so-called ‘rite of passage’ mentioned by Di Mu was not as simple as the normal banquet held by a young girl when she was sixteen, but represented that on the day Vivi turned sixteen, Vivi would take away her virgin body, which represented chastity.

Kobra, who has always regarded his daughter as the most precious existence in his life, opened his mouth to refuse in an instant, but unexpectedly, Wei Wei’s small face showed surprise, and shouted before Kobra: “Then it’s settled, then my bar mitzvah will be handed over to you!” ”

Wei Wei obviously didn’t understand that the ‘rite of passage’ in Di Mu’s mouth was completely different from the ‘rite of passage’ she knew, and only thought that Di Mu wanted to hold a banquet for her when she was sixteen years old, which was naturally much lighter than the lives of the whole boat.

“Vivi~!” Kobra was shocked, his face suddenly showed anxiety, he knew that his daughter did not understand the true meaning of what the other party said, and quickly wanted to explain.

“Okay, it’s crisp enough, then it’s decided, but since you agreed, there will be no chance to repent, otherwise I don’t mind going to Alabastan in person to let you understand the consequences of repentance, and besides, I was rewarded by the Navy with 120 million Bailey!” Di Mu gave a thumbs up with his left hand with a look of appreciation, and at the same time looked at Kobra with a dangerous gaze, and said with a smile.

Kobra’s body froze, and his mouth (ba) was unable to say a word.

He knew that this was Di Mu warning him that he had not refused, otherwise Alabastan would be targeted by a sea thief with a reward of 120 million, and he would be in danger.

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Di Mu smoothly got a lot of seasonings from the king of Arabastan’s ship, and also booked a little loli virgin who will become a big beauty in the future, which can be described as a happy event.

Di Mu didn’t care if he would hate himself when Wei Wei grew up and understood the true meaning of the so-called ‘rite of passage’, anyway, he never expected the other party to fall in love with him.

The thing of ‘love’ is too ethereal and elusive, although Di Mu does not mind a vigorous love, but he will not deliberately chase, and Di Mu prefers more practical, such as not getting the heart, getting the body is still good.

After getting enough seasonings, Di Mu also suddenly became imposing, and continued to move towards the capital of seven waters with great boldness.

Half a month later, when there was not much food left on the ship, Di Mu came to a passing town island to prepare for supplies.

Docking the ship in port, Di Mu hired a transport team in the harbor and paid enough Bailey to replenish his ship.

In his spare time, Di Mu also wandered around the town, and when he was cultivating on Gravity Island, the clothes he had prepared were almost broken, and now he was just adding more.

Just as Di Mu was looking for a clothing store on the street, in the alley on the side of the street, a man with a black jazz hat on his head and a black suit on his body intentionally or unintentionally fell his gaze on Di Mu.

When he saw Di Mu walking into a clothing store, the man who turned west immediately retreated into the alley, and at the same time took out a phone worm from his arms.

“No. 9527, this is the contact point of the small island of Düsseldorf, and it is found that the Dark Sword Haodimu is supplying on the island, please give instructions!” The man quickly whispered into the phone worm.

“Understand, just got the latest information, the warship escorting the ship of the king of Alabastan was destroyed by the Dark Sword Hao, Rear Admiral Yuchimula and a group of navies were killed, and the Navy Headquarters has sent Vice Admiral Squirrel to investigate, you continue to monitor, our side will immediately contact Vice Admiral Squirrel to go to Düsseldorf Island!” The phone worm changed into a deep human face, and at the same time made a deep voice.

“Understood!” The man from the west turned quickly said, and hung up the phone worm, ready to continue monitoring the clothing store.

As a spy agency of the world government, the CP organization can be said to have contact points everywhere in the world, specializing in intelligence collection in various places, and this man in a suit is the CP liaison intelligence officer on the island.

Just as the man was about to return to the entrance of the alley, suddenly a hand patted him on the shoulder, and at the same time a chuckle sounded: “Are you looking for me!” ”

“Who~!” The man in the suit changed his face in an instant, and at the same time he hurriedly turned around in shock, and was about to cast a Lan kick behind him.

Cracking sound~!

The brilliant current energy instantly flowed on the west-turning man, and the west-turning man was convulsed by the impact of the current before he could make a move, and he fainted on the ground as soon as he rolled his eyes. _

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