(As of last night’s ten o’clock statistics, only flowers more than a thousand, although the tip is full of five times, but there are actually only two people who tip, but because it was not explained before, so this time it can be regarded as meeting the standard of tipping, but the next tip to meet five times plus more is five people to tip, according to the agreement, the number of today’s plus is two chapters!) )

“Gee, if Moonlight Moria were on Earth, it would definitely be possible to build a world-famous horror paradise!” Looking at the ghosts around him, full of horror movie atmosphere, Di Mu couldn’t help but reverie.

Di Mu was not lured into the Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship because he found the wine bottle used as bait, but broke in on his own, apparently the zombies on the ship did not prepare in advance.

Under the fast running of the zombie dog, Di Mu easily passed through the forest, and then came to a vast cemetery.

Looking around, you can see that the cemetery is full of crossed tombstones, and just after coming here, the zombie dog suddenly slowed down and kept barking.

Di Mu glanced at the zombie dog under him who behaved strangely, the corners of his mouth twitched, where he didn’t know what the other party wanted to do, he definitely wanted to use the zombies in the cemetery to defeat himself.

Bang bang~!

Sure enough, under the urgent (urgent) barking of zombie dogs, those graves in the cemetery made a sound, and one by one there were signs of decay, and even the zombies with missing arms and severed heads crawled out of the dirt with a terrifying look.

“Pretend to be pretty similar!” Di Mu touched his chin and looked at these zombies that were slowly surrounded, and then jumped directly from the back of the zombie dog.


As soon as the dazzling sword light flashed, the ‘ink blood’ behind it was already unsheathed, and at the same time, the zombie dog engaged in small movements suddenly turned into two halves, and the body that turned into two halves under the scream was constantly twisting on the ground.

“This is punishment for your small actions!” Di Mu said lightly, while holding his sword and looking at the zombies around him.

Although the zombies on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship are not zombies in the true sense, because they are the products of the shadow fruit, the zombie dog was cut off by Di Mu but did not die.

Of course, Di Mu was not interested in killing these zombies, otherwise a little sea salt would be enough to make the shadows in these zombies’ bodies break away like death.

Seeing that Di Mu actually cut the zombie dog in half at once, the zombies with human intelligence were all startled, and looked at Di Mu a little nervously.

“Why, as zombies, do you also feel scared!” Seeing the changes in these zombies, Di Mu said playfully.

“The human category is too arrogant, we won’t be afraid of you, see if we are not afraid of you eating!” The zombies were a little embarrassed and angry, and they all drank angrily, and immediately rushed towards Di Mu.

But unfortunately, how can these miscellaneous zombies be Di Mu’s opponents, Di Mu chuckled and rushed out with a sword, only to see that the sword light kept flashing around, and all the zombies were screaming and being cut off their bodies.

Almost as Di Mu was playing with zombies in the cemetery as fun, on the other side, Hilton had flown back to the castle, and then came to a spacious and dim room.

“It’s not good, Lord Moria, the Dark Sword Hao who offered a reward of 450 million Bailey has come to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!” Hilton shouted as soon as he flew into the room from the window.

In this spacious room, there is a huge soft bed, and on it lies a strange man who is nearly seven meters tall, looks like a demon, has two horns on the side of his forehead, and has a fiery hairstyle.

This strange-looking and even terrifying man is Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, and he, who was still sleeping, also woke up suddenly under Hilton’s shout.

“What’s the matter, is that Dark Sword Hao you just said the person named Di Mu!” Moonlight Moriah quickly sat up from the bed and looked at Hilton with some surprise.

Hilton nodded repeatedly: “It’s him, Lord Moria, the dark sword lord doesn’t know how to come to the Devil’s Triangle and break into the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, with the other party’s high bounty amount, those zombie soldiers on the ship may not be opponents!” ”

“Hehe Moonlight Moriah was not as nervous and scared as Hilton, but soon burst into weird laughter.

“Hilton, you go and inform Absalom and Perona now, let the two of them go together to deal with the Dark Sword Hao, and be sure to capture each other alive!” Moonlight Moriah put his hands behind his head, leaned comfortably on the bow of the boat, and ordered.

“Yes, I’ll notify you right away!” Hilton had long been accustomed to Moonlight Moria’s way of leaving everything to his subordinates to solve, and when he heard this, he quickly flew out of the window.


In the terrifying cemetery, Di Mu sat on a tombstone with Erlang’s legs up, smoking casually, and spitting out hazy smoke from time to time.

At the same time, around Di Mu, there were constantly wailing zombies, but these zombies had long since lost their original appearance, but were all divided into at least several segments, like building blocks.

“Although I can’t kill it, the feeling of chopping zombies is pretty good!” After smoking a cigarette, Di Mu put the butt of the cigarette still at his feet, and after stepping on it, he stretched out.

I also spent some time here, and compared to the moonlight Moria, who should have known his arrival, now it was time to go to the castle.

Since Di Mu learned to see and smell domineering, he has always had a good habit, that is, whenever he goes to a new place, he will immediately use electromagnetic waves and seeing and smelling domineering to perceive the surroundings to ensure that there is no potential threat.

In fact, since landing on the island, Di Mu has discovered the Hilton, but it is only to attract the moonlight Moriah and did not pay attention to it.

Pulling out the ‘ink blood’ inserted on the ground on the side and putting it under the scabbard, Di Mu swaggered towards the castle that was not too far away.

After walking out of the cemetery, the castle leads to a dark and gloomy forest.

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