On the edge of the East China Sea, Jessica looked forward to it and looked at Calm Belt.

Seven hours have passed since Arthur left. In the middle of the battle, because there was no wind in the Calm Belt, there was still a little sound that was not lost after nearly two hundred kilometers.

Holding the binoculars, I just looked at it for several hours in a row. Jessica could see the thunder light in the middle, the golden slash, and the crack opened by the sea.

She knew that Arthur didn't use a sword, so the slash must be Golden Lion's. While admiring the Golden Lion's slashing so powerful, Jessica was worried about her lover.

Later, seeing the huge fireworks set off with thunder and lightning that had been agreed with Arthur in advance, Jessica was relieved. Because, Arthur won.

When Arthur flew back from Calm Belt, he saw Jessica looking at herself caringly.

As soon as she landed on the boat, Jessica immediately stripped off Arthur's armor. Then touch here, squeeze there, and check if Arthur has been seriously injured.

However, fortunately, Arthur's injuries were relatively minor, and the most important thing was exhaustion, even if it eased slightly now.

Seeing Jessica caring about herself so much and checking her body, Arthur teased: "Don't worry, I'm careful about the place that should be protected the most."

"Huh?" Jessica was relieved just after checking, she was a little puzzled to hear Arthur say this. When he saw the smile in Arthur's eyes, he suddenly reacted, blushing and lightly punching Arthur.

"Look at what I brought you!" Arthur handed Jessica the two famous knives wrapped in cloth beside them.

As soon as Jessica saw the shape, she immediately understood it. He opened the package with excitement in his eyes. [The original book should be a double-edged sword, but Jessica was written as a double-edged sword before. In this case, there is a big difference between using a single-sided sword and a double-edged sword, so a small adjustment is required. 】

"This is... Sakura Ten and Wither Wood! Arthur, you are so kind to me!" Jessica threw on Arthur with excitement.

"If you say it will bring it to you, then you must do it! However, you can change the handle of the knife yourself. It was previously set on the Golden Lion's leg and cannot be used."(Read more @ wuxiamtl.com)

"Hmm!" Jessica pulled the two knives out of the original scabbard that Arthur found, and watched carefully like an artwork.

"That's right! Jessica, do you want to be a fruit capable person?" Arthur had already thought about it. Jessica would eat the Lion Fruit so that he could directly take the Golden Lion back to the island.

Moreover, this kind of fruit must also be eaten by the people around him! As for Laqi, there are so many fruits, and then I will find another suitable one for her.

"Fruit? I don't want it! I don't want to eat that fried fruit, haven't I told you about it? I am a swordsman with two swords, that fried fruit is useless to me!" Jessica thought Arthur said It was the deep-fried fruit that she had asked her before.

"It's not fried fruit!" Arthur lifted the bag containing Lion Fruit and gestured.

"Not fried fruit? What kind of fruit is that? Did you find new fruit on the island of Golden Lion?" Jessica asked in surprise when she saw the shape of the fruit in the bag.

Devil Fruit is not so easy to get. Arthur accidentally got a fried fruit, and now he got another one.

"Yeah, it appeared after me and the Golden Lion fight." Arthur smiled and nodded.

"Oh, then you are lucky. Unfortunately, I am a swordsman, so I don't want to eat those strange fruits." Jessica curled her lips.

Arthur nodded, and walked into the boat, making the move to put the fruit in a hidden compartment in the wall. On the one hand, Arthur said with a pity: "It's a pity that this Lion Fruit is, so let's see if others can eat it or not."

"Wait!" Jessica was really attracted by Arthur's words. "What fruit did you just say?"

"Lion Fruit." Arthur didn't stop, and continued walking in, while repliing as if casually.

"How is it possible!" Jessica rushed in, took the power bag from Arthur's hand, and took out the fruit and looked at it. "This pattern... is it really Lion Fruit? But, isn't that the fruit ability of Golden Lion?"

"He died, so the fruit was born again. I didn't expect to be born again in his kitchen. I happened to find it." Arthur shrugged his shoulders, indifferent.

"Okay, give it to me. I'll hide it and show it to someone then." Arthur said, and reached for the Lion Fruit.

Jessica turned around, holding the fruit in her arms, while looking carefully, Kaidō: "You don't need to hide it. Let me eat this fruit."

Arthur's mouth curled up with a nice smile, and joked: "But you said that if you are a swordsman with two swords, you don't eat Devil Fruit."

Jessica pouted her lips, with a proud little expression on her face. "Yes? Arthur, are you sick and your ears are not working well. Humph, I'm going to eat!"

With that said, Jessica was going to be on Lion Fruit in one bite.

"Oh~It's so bad, how could it be so bad." Jessica retched and threw the rest of the fruit into the sea.

"Yeah, isn't it as unpalatable as shit?" A smirk appeared on Arthur's face.

"Hmm!" Jessica took a glass of water and nodded while gargle. Then Arthur showed a shocked look, and looked at Jessica like you were terrible: "How do you know that shit is unpalatable? You have actually eaten shit!?"

"Ah? You!" When Jessica heard this, she put down her water glass angrily and chased Arthur.

For a while, the boat was happy. Arthur felt his exhaustion dissipated a bit. .

Read more @ wuxiamtl.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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