Hawkeye Mihawk dared to wander around on the New World Grand Line in a coffin-board boat alone, and dared to find Shanks for a drink in New World.

Aokiji rode a bicycle around the world, lying on top of the penguin, and wandering in New World.

Rayleigh dared to cross the Calm Belt while driving a small boat. The boat broke down and swam by himself.

Arthur thinks that there is a gap between these three people at this time, but it won't be too big. As a Thunder Fruit capable person, and it has been developed to 400 million volts, it is nothing to ride the wind and waves in New World.

Four days ago, after Arthur's ship passed three islands to replenish some supplies, it finally arrived at the Iron Island without stopping. At this time, he had been away from the sky island for more than three months.

The island was half swallowed by lantern mackerel, and now only half is left.

And this sea area is the purpose of Arthur's visit this time.

The sea where the anglerfish swallowed pure gold!

Pure gold, a special metal that can make living things immortal after being close to them.

The scientist who made the pure gold and his daughter in the original theater version survived for two hundred years with a ring made of a little pure gold.

In two hundred years, except for the fat that the scientist ate, his daughter has hardly changed in the slightest. Basically, the appearance is only one or two years old.

In other words, pure gold can really make people immortal and can reduce the lapse of life to an extremely slow level. At least, pure gold can delay one year's vitality to one hundred to two hundred years, or more.

That is equivalent to that as long as Arthur wears a ring made of pure gold, he will have a life span of at least one Ten Thousand Years, and possibly more than two Ten Thousand Years.

Originally, Arthur was going to wait for some time to come over and get pure gold, but now his body hasn't grown to its peak, and it's not fully developed, so it's not good to wear it.(Read more @ wuxiamtl.com)

But after thinking about it, pure gold is not only for my own use, but also for wives. At this time, they happen to be old enough, and they are flourishing, and they are always young. Isn't it also their own happiness?

After wandering in this area for three days, I encountered several New World merchant ships, two passing pirate ships, and even three pirate ships that came to look for pure gold.

Except for the merchant ships and pirate ships passing through this sea area, the other three pirate ships also approached Arthur's ship for the same purpose, and were directly killed by Arthur's 300,200 million volt ruling.

In this sea area, Arthur would open Observation Haki with all his strength every day to explore for a while, and then stopped until he couldn't hold on.

Not found three days ago, Arthur wandered for three more days.

As night fell, the sixth day passed immediately. As soon as Arthur put the ingredients into the fire, Berry, who was about to make some supper, was attracted by a strong light coming in from the window.

"Huh? What?" Arthur put down the plate and looked out the window. He didn't know what was going on. The ocean was shining intensely, and it was getting bigger and brighter.

"Could it be...that anglerfish!" Arthur's eyes lit up and he immediately got on the top of the boat.

Sure enough, a huge figure slowly appeared under the sea. A huge fish mouth was on the sea surface, even if it was several kilometers apart, because the sea water was introduced into the fish mouth, causing the current to change direction.

Arthur's boat was taken to the mouth of the fish. When Arthur saw this, instead of stopping the boat, he started the boat and rushed into the fish's mouth faster.

After a violent swing, the ship entered a strange place.

Arthur knew that he had entered the belly of the fish now. The taste inside is not very good, it has a rotten and sour taste.

However, it seems that because the lantern anglerfish opened its mouth just now, some fresh air has come in here, so the smell is not very strong.

I have to say that this fish is indeed amazing, the light of its lantern can actually shine in, making its body feel like daytime.

After entering the fish's belly, Arthur turned on the sight and smell, feeling the breath inside.

Anglefish is indeed a monster that can swallow half of an island. Its body is really too big, like a big island. Arthur immediately felt the breath of life with tens of thousands of people when he opened up his sight.

However, most of these breaths of life are animal breaths, and only two breaths are completely different. Arthur easily distinguished that these two breaths were human. Lenovo's original theatrical version, Arthur knew that this was the Botu and her daughter.

"Then, go find his daughter first. What is the name of the little girl who has lived for two hundred years?" Arthur jumped off the boat and looked for the doctor's daughter who was in the same stomach as him.

In the induction, the female breath happened to be in the same stomach with herself. This is also the reason why the doctor's daughter in the original book can go to the outside world.

In fact, Arthur can directly find the third stomach and get pure gold. However, the doctor who made pure gold was also a genius scientist, so it was a shame to let it go.

So, since it's here, even the maker of the pure gold belt will receive it.

[PS: Today's fourth update! There will be two or three changes after that, although it can only be regarded as a supplement before, but please vote for all the flowers evaluation to me! 】.

Read more @ wuxiamtl.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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