The Five Old Stars let go, Ye Fei meets Akainu again

Soon, the five old stars reached a unanimous suggestion: give up Doflamingo!

Agree to remove him from the title of King Shichibukai.

But the question is whether to send troops to exterminate them.

The five old stars had differences.

On the one hand, if they directly send troops to destroy it, what will the other Shichibukai think?

Moreover, King Riku’s side doesn’t look very good either.

Will he think: Eight years, what have you been doing for eight years?

In addition, isn’t Ye Fei’s purpose of coming here this time just to use the World Government’s help to eliminate Doflamingo? Direct annihilation, doesn’t that just conform to Ye Fei’s idea? It’s definitely not that cheap.

If they are not eliminated, then if Doflamingo goes unpunished and Ye Fei brings this matter out, they will be the ones who are embarrassed.

There was a stalemate…

but soon, they came up with a new solution.

That is what Doflamingo must destroy.

But it is not up to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters to take action.

Let Ye Fei take action and the world government cooperate.

You know, he is the current king of Shichibukai.

If he implements the World Government’s decision, then his status will continue to be recognized.

If he doesn’t agree, then the World Government has reason to remove him from his status as a Shichibukai.

In their opinion, if Ye Fei were to deal with Doflamingo, he would definitely agree.

Because he was the one who picked out Dressrosa.

Therefore, he will definitely agree.

Of course, they have other plans for Doflamingo himself. After all, he still has Celestial Dragon blood.

I’m afraid it wouldn’t be appropriate to kill them directly.

After the discussion of the five old men was completed.

Soon, they recruited Spangdam.

Let him tell Ye Fei the World Government’s decision…

The next day, when Ye Fei comes to see Spandam.

“The World Government has agreed with your idea”

“Remove Doflamingo’s status as the Shichibukai”

“However, the World Government did not directly come out to clean him up. They want you to capture Doflamingo and hand him over to the Navy, and others “It doesn’t matter how many you want to kill”

Spandam conveyed the meaning of Wulao Xing to Ye Fei in a flawless manner.

Immediately, Ye Fei agreed to the World Government’s decision.

“No problem, I will hand over Doflamingo himself to them.”

Ye Fei nodded.

Originally, I hoped that they would take action and save some trouble.

However, they left it to their own devices.

This is pretty much what I expected.

They are really smart.

So, in this way, I can receive a lot of experience points.

Just as Ye Fei was happily walking out of the CP9 station for his second stage goal.

Outside the door, someone had been waiting for him for a long time.

As soon as Ye Fei went out, he encountered a dense crowd of naval soldiers outside the door.

The leader is none other than Admiral Akainu.

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A few days ago, he was summoned to Malinford by the Five Old Stars.

Discuss the appointment of the new Admiral of the Navy.

In the past two days, he got news that Ye Fei appeared here.

Only then did he specially bring people to wait for Ye Fei.

“Are those five old men crazy? They would actually choose you to become the King of the Shichibukai?”

“Don’t they know the consequences of letting the tiger go back to the mountain?”

Akainu said coldly.

In his opinion, letting a character like Ye Fei become a Qibukai is the worst choice.

On the opposite side, Ye Fei also stopped.

It seems that someone has already leaked the news of his arrival.

Needless to say, he must be a member of CP9.

Regarding Akainu’s words, Ye Fei said contemptuously: “What, Navy Admiral Sakaski, do you still want to fight with me?”

Akainu’s face was ashen, this kid was mocking himself.

What happened to Marineford made him lose face.

Even the five old men had something to say.

“Kid, don’t think I’m afraid of you.”

Akainu noticed that Ye Fei did not come with a weapon this time.

Thinking of the mace from last time.

Even now Akainu can’t forget it.

Since you don’t have any weapons, I’ll take care of you here.

Thinking of this, Akainu had already activated the rockberry fruit’s ability.

Both arms have turned into fiery red magma, which

is falling drop by drop on the bluestone slab.

At the same time, all the navy soldiers aimed their guns at Ye Fei uniformly.

“Then come and try,”

Ye Fei said coldly.

A big war seems to be about to take place.

“General Sakaski, this is Marigio, you can’t mess around.”

Spangdam quickly jumped out.

He had just learned that Akainu had brought someone here to look for trouble.

Suddenly I felt a little helpless.

“A mere CP9 actually wants to go against me? No, you are no longer the commander of CP9.” ”

Spandam, get out of here, don’t delay me,”

Akainu said.

Spandam was instantly unhappy.

You know, CP9 is the exclusive intelligence agency of the World Government.

Only under orders from the World Government.

Navy, why do you blame us?

Faced with Akainu’s cynicism.

Spandam immediately responded: “Humph, even if I am not the commander of CP9, it is not your turn to be arrogant in front of me.”

Until now, CP9 and the Navy have not dealt with it.

It is common for the two sides to be at war with each other.

Now that he had fallen out, Spandam had nothing to fear.

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