The new navy marshal

The purpose of all this is naturally to deal with pirates all over the world, especially the Four Emperors of the New World. If they exist for one day, the world government will not be so at ease.

This time, there are five competition areas in the world recruitment and preliminary competition, namely the four seas, the southeast, the northwest, and the new world of the Great Channel.

Responsible for the recruitment of troops in five divisions at the same time, Akainu felt a little overwhelmed.

In his marshal’s office, more than a dozen telephone bugs were ringing.

Donghai: “Marshal Sakaski, the venue in Donghai’s competition area is dilapidated and needs to be repaired immediately.”

Akainu: “Then repair it.”

Donghai: “We don’t have funds here. I hope the marshal will give us approval.”

Akainu: “I understand. You should contact the Logistics Department for this kind of thing.”

Saikai: “Marshal Sakaski, there are too many people who have signed up for conscription. We don’t have enough manpower at all. We need to send more people immediately.”

Akainu: “Then send more people.”

New World: “Marshal Sakaski, our supplies were robbed by pirates on the sea”

Akainu: “Nani, send people to destroy them immediately”

New World: “They are Kaido’s people”

Akainu: “Abominable”

World Government Five Old Stars: “Sakaski, please report the current progress”

Akainu: “…”…

Bulu Bulu Bulu”

more than ten The phone kept ringing.

Akainu, who had just become the marshal of the navy, made his whole body collapse.

He didn’t expect that being a marshal would have to take care of so many things.

Even if it’s some trivial matter, the people below will come over and ask for advice.

When I was a general, every time I saw Warring States, I thought he was very relaxed.

If I had known it would be such a hassle, I should have waited until this happened.

Just when Akainu didn’t know how to start.

Outside the door, Warring States walked in calmly.

“Sakaski, all the calls from Wulaoxing came to me.”

“How did you handle the matter?”

Warring States looked unhappy.

He also showed no mercy towards Sakaski’s marshal.

“Hmph, Great Inspector of the Warring States Period, those are just trivial matters. I’m about to arrange for special personnel to go to each competition area to check.”

Akainu pretended to be calm.

The newly appointed navy marshal cannot embarrass himself in front of the old leader.

But Sengoku could see his hidden calmness at a glance.

Then he sneered.

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“In that case, that’s fine.”

If Wulaoxing hadn’t called him specifically this time.

Sengoku would never come looking for Akainu.

After saying that, Seng Guo turned around and left.

At this moment, Akainu suddenly spoke.

“Inspector Sengoku, you should know about Deckard Lily.”

Sengoku turned his head, pretending to be surprised.

“Sakaski, why did you say that?”

Hearing this, Akainu asked, “Don’t you know?”

“What do I know?”

Sengoku looked innocent.

“Didn’t you ask Huo Shaoshan to do this?”

Akainu asked again.

Regarding the last meeting of the headquarters, Huo Shaoshan suddenly recommended an outsider.

Originally, Akainu didn’t care.

However, in the past few days, it suddenly occurred to me that something was wrong.

How could such an honest person like Huo Shaoshan suddenly recommend an outsider?

It is possible that he was instructed by outsiders.

In the navy, there are only three people who can command him: former Marshal Sengoku, Lieutenant General Garp, and Lieutenant General He.

Garp didn’t want to meddle, and Crane wasn’t that interested.

Then, only the Warring States Period could do such a thing.

Therefore, he suspected that Huo Shaoshan was ordered by the Warring States Period.

Warring States was slightly startled.

Could it be that this kid actually guessed that it was me.

It’s like learning to be smart.

“I no longer care about the navy.”

“What he said was his own idea.”

“I only found out about it after the fact.”

Sengoku said something against his will.

Of course, he only mentioned this matter to Huo Shaoshan.

He believed in Huo Shaoshan’s character.

Except for Garp and He, no one else could ask him anything.

Therefore, Akainu must have guessed on his own.

Sengoku’s answer, Akainu nodded.

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