Selection Competition

The noise started again.

Among the crowd, Ye Fei smiled calmly.

Facing so many contestants, the Navy will definitely eliminate most of them.

This is understandable.

It’s not that easy to become a naval cadre.

Faced with the noise of the crowd, the flying squirrel answered them with only one sentence.

“If you don’t want to, please withdraw from the selection immediately. The Navy doesn’t need people who don’t follow the rules.”

The crowd suddenly became quiet.

“Since there are no objections, then the competition has officially begun,”

the flying squirrel replied impatiently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers underground immediately opened the entrance passage.

4,700 people were divided into 10 teams, with an average of 470 people per team.

10 teams are divided into 10 entrances and enter in order.

Ye Fei’s number is 99, and he was placed in 99th place in the first team.

“What kind of test will it be?”

Ye Fei, who was standing in the middle of the queue, thought to himself.

The line was too long and he’s still on the sidelines.

At the same time, those at the front had already entered the arena.

When they entered, they knew the first test: the barbell.

Before them were two barbells, one large and one small.

It says 500KG and 100KG respectively.

“Contestants who can’t lift 100 kilograms, please leave immediately.”

“Those who can lift 100 kilograms, but cannot lift 500 kilograms, can choose to stay and become sailors. If you don’t want to, then please leave directly.

” Those who can lift 500 kilograms can advance to the next stage.”

In front of each barbell, there are special navy soldiers to register.

Of course, this is the first threshold.

People who can’t even lift 100 kilograms show that they are weak and can of course leave directly.

Anyone who can raise this number means that he is qualified to become a sailor.

“It seems that ordinary people can’t do 100 kilograms, let alone 500 kilograms.” ”

I am an intelligent person, what should I do if I don’t have the strength?” ”

Yes, I am still preparing to take the exam. Could it be that the Navy only Recruiting porters?”

“Haha, if you want to become a navy, you must have at least some strength. If you don’t have it, then you can only go home to be with your wife.” “Yes, we are

recruiting sailors here. What we need is the ability to fight pirates. ”

I’m going back, Navy, will you reimburse my travel expenses?”

At this moment, some people in the crowd were already retreating.

Moreover, some people have already separated from the team and left directly.

Each of them has a very clear idea of how much they can lift.

However, those responsible for registration don’t care about that much.

They didn’t pay attention to those who left.

“First one, come here quickly.”

Under the urging of the sailors, the remaining contestants came forward one after another…

“No. 1 succeeded in the 100kg snatch but failed in the 500kg”

…. ..The

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recorders wrote down their respective weight-grabbing data one by one.

4,700 people, ten teams.

Within two hours, there were thousands of people, including those who walked away and those who could not lift a hundred kilograms, and these people were directly asked out of the G1 branch by the navy soldiers.

At the same time, there are nearly 2,000 people weighing more than 100 kilograms and less than 500 kilograms.

Of course, these people can decide whether to stay or leave on their own, and they can become sailors.

However, most people still chose to leave.

Because they know that becoming an ordinary sailor is a very hard job.

Not only do they receive meager treatment, but they also do all the dirty work on the ship. What’s even more dangerous is that they have to face those vicious pirates.

In just two hours.

Of the 4,700 people, 3,000 have been eliminated.

This speed is impossible.

Of course, some smart guys were eliminated.

But rules are rules.

The remaining 1,700 people can enter the second game.

Among them, Ye Fei was very good at this simple task and could complete the task with one hand.

When the data was released, Ye Fei was still a little surprised.

It is indeed a pirate world.

In his original world, there were very few people who could lift one hundred kilograms.

It seems that the physical fitness of people in this world is quite strong.

The second level is still physical work: carrying heavy cows!

Ye Fei was very surprised when he heard this term for the first time.

However, it soon became clear to him.

Carrying heavy cows is something the Navy has professionally trained on.

Their job is not to produce milk.

It is a very important criterion for the Navy to select cadres.

The specific situation is that the selected candidates wear special boxing gloves and punch the cow’s rear butt.

The strength of the puncher is judged based on how loud the cow meows.

Of course, only professional trainers can hear the cry of cows.

They will record the strength of the puncher based on the cow’s different levels of meowing.

However, the cow will only make a sound when the puncher hits a thousand kilograms of force.

Moreover, the load-bearing cows can withstand up to 10,000 kilograms of force…

Soon, dozens of load-bearing cows were led out.

Ye Fei noticed them the moment they appeared.

The height of the load-bearing cow is about two meters.

At the same time, their hindquarters are also extremely strong.

Not only that, their rear buttocks were also wrapped in protective sheaths.

That’s to protect the cows.

“It is said that the price of a heavy-duty cow is 20 million beli.”

“Haha, it can match the bounty of a heavyweight pirate.” ”

There are ten of them on the field today, so the starting price is almost 200 million?”

“Navy, can you? So rich”


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