
Several inspectors immediately took out their telephones to notify the port.

But something unexpected happened at this time.

No matter how many phone calls were made, there was no reply from the port.

“Those guys won’t be drinking in the bar again.”

“It’s really unlucky that this happened. It would be nice to go back and drink,”

several people complained.

Then he hung up the phone.

At this time, the ship on the opposite side had already sailed over.

Several people raised their hands and shouted loudly towards the ship.

When the ship got closer, everyone saw clearly that it was not a merchant ship, but a pirate ship.

The huge elephant head logo is particularly eye-catching.


Several people were suddenly shocked and speechless by this scene.

Before they could react, several spears flew out of the ship and pierced their bodies directly.

Then, a huge iron anchor was thrown into the water.

The ship’s name was called the Mammoth.

A burly man with a Ming mask on his face walked onto the bow surrounded by people. The leader of

“Captain Jack”

is Drought Jack, one of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates.

“Those should be the members of the Whitebeard Pirates,”

Jack looked at the corpses on the ground coldly.

Soon, his subordinates replied:

“Looking at their appearance, they should be the crew members with white beard. They have been following the ship for a long time.” “If you

don’t kill them, they will inform you immediately.”

Seeing this, Jack stopped asking any more questions.

“Hey, Vergo, is that thing you mentioned really in Dressrosa?”

Jack turned back to the cabin.

“Of course”

a voice came from inside the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, the figure walked out slowly and came directly to Jack.

Vice Admiral Vergo is actually one of the top leaders of the Doflamingo family.

Since Ye Fei attacked Dressrosa, Doflamingo was defeated.

The entire Don Quixote family was almost destroyed.

Since then, Vergo has found Kaido.

Hopefully he can help rescue Doflamingo and take back Dressrosa.

“If you can’t find that thing, Governor Kaido will definitely not let you go.”

Jack’s voice was particularly cold.

He was very unwilling to be sent to Dressrosa by Kaido.

But towards Kaido, he dared not speak out in anger, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come over.

He knew very well that the current owner of Dressrosa was Ye Fei of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The great pirate whose bounty exceeds that of Whitebeard and is as high as 5.1 billion beli.

Even if Governor Kaido leads the entire pirate group, he may not be able to win, let alone if he brings a ship?

Jack was also wary of coming here. Although he was not a coward, his instinct told him that the more mysterious the opponent, the harder it would be to deal with it.

Vergo was not afraid of Jack’s threat.

“Of course, don’t worry, I know where it is.”

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“But I hope you can agree to my conditions as soon as possible.”

Vergo answered calmly.

The thing in Jack’s mouth: SAD manufacturing data.

SAD is known as the key ingredient for artificial devil fruits.

It could only have been made by the world government’s pre-scientific Caesar Courant.

In order to prevent Caesar Coulant from escaping, Doflamingo specifically ordered him to back up a copy of the data.

And this information remains in the SMILE factory in Dressrosa.

Since Doflamingo was captured.

Vergo contacted Caesar Coulant in advance and asked him to hide.

The purpose is to prevent Kaido from finding him. In this case, the plan to save Doflamingo will fail.

“Virgo, do you think you can negotiate terms with us?”

Jack sneered.

In his opinion, Virgo was extremely childish.

Want Kaido to rescue Doflamingo?

How can it be? Impel Down is not that easy to enter.

And take back Dressrosa?

Wouldn’t that mean making enemies on both sides?

“Captain Jack, aren’t we talking?”

Vergo didn’t think so.

And ignored Jack.

“Don’t be too arrogant. I can take your life at any time.” ”

Don’t forget, your current identity is a navy.”

“Even if you can escape by tricking yourself, once we reveal your identity, you will not only face The Yonko still has to face the navy.”

“It’s not that you are negotiating terms with us, but that we are giving you a chance,”

Jack replied.

Vergo just smiled at Jack’s threat.

“My purpose is to rescue Doflamingo and take back Dressrosa”

“I know, so I hope you will be sincere and meet my conditions, and the previous cooperation can still continue” ”

Kill me, you will never There is no way to produce Devil Fruit.”

Hearing this, Jack frowned and his face turned pale.

A pirate who was like a lost dog was so arrogant in front of him.

Suddenly, anger burned in his chest.

But he knew very well that now was not the time to argue with him.

After getting the things, kidnap him directly and hand him over to Kaido.


Jack suppressed the anger in his heart because he was still needed now.

Vergo nodded slightly.

In fact, he understood that there was no guarantee in cooperating with the Beast Pirates, and Kaido would only pursue his own interests.

But now, he has no choice but to cooperate with them.

However, Virgo also kept a trump card.

That was Caesar Courant.

In his opinion, even if he gets the SAD information, Kaido may not be able to actually create a real SAD.

At that time, Caesar Courant will still be needed to help with research.

It’s just that Kaido hasn’t found Caesar Coulan yet.

Then, he still has the right to negotiate.

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