Ace rushes to the battlefield

“Get out”

Jack shouted.

In the distance, people keep coming this way. If they don’t leave now, they won’t be able to leave soon.

Both of them realized the problem at the same time.

These trash fish are nothing to them.

But Ye Fei is what they are most afraid of.

Immediately, the two men raised their weapons and killed in the direction they came from.

Suddenly, the sound of cannons and swords could be heard.

At the same time, at the Dressrosa base camp, Ace was sleeping soundly, still holding the wine bottle he had just finished drinking in his hand.

“Ace, wake up, there is an invasion.”

Buffalo Atmos, captain of the Thirteenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, shook Ace desperately.

Unfortunately, Ace drank too much and even after being shaken for a long time, there was no reaction from him.

Seeing that he had no reaction, Atmos was also unambiguous.

He directly picked up Ace and ran outside.

Along the way, the staggering Ace gradually woke up.

“Hey, why am I here?”

Ace muttered.

Although he had woken up, the alcohol had not dissipated.

The whole person was groggy.

“You bastard, Dressrosa was attacked by someone, you bastard, you actually drank so much, let’s see how you will explain to Ye Fei then” Atmos cursed as he ran


“Being attacked by someone? Who?”

Ace looked confused.

At this moment, he still couldn’t wake up immediately.

“How do I know? You’ll know when you go to the place,”

Atmos responded loudly.

He just received a notice from the port that there was a sneak attack, so he came to wake up Ace. Who knew that this guy had drunk so much wine.

“Hmph, I want to see who has the courage to attack our territory.”

Ace calmed down.

When he was in the Whitebeard Pirates, he always beat others by himself.

It was the first time that I was attacked by someone today.

“Before Ye Fei left, didn’t he ask you to drink less?”

“What should I do if something happens?”

Atmos complained.

Currently, he and Ace are the main defensive forces in Dressrosa.

Before leaving, Ye Fei gave them an explanation: every night, only one of them is allowed to drink, and the other is on duty to deal with emergencies.

Today was Ace’s turn to indulge in a drinking spree, but he didn’t expect that he drank too much and couldn’t even wake up.

After being scolded by Atmos, Ace smiled awkwardly.

“I’m almost fine, you can put me down now.”

After Ace finished speaking, Atmos put him down.

Immediately, the two of them ran to the beach together.

Along the way, the screams of his subordinates were heard from time to time on the other end of the phone.

The two suddenly realized that they might have encountered a troublesome opponent.

Atmos has a bulky body, is a strength type, and has no advantage in speed.

This made Ace a little impatient.

“Buffalo, I’ll get there first,”

Ace said, igniting his fruit power and turning it into a fast flame, shuttling between the tall buildings of Dressrosa.

The residents in the city raised their heads one after another. They didn’t see anyone, they just saw a flame flying over their heads…

Dressrosa, coastline.

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Jack took Vergo and slashed all the way.

The oncoming pursuers were cut down in rows.

In front of these two people, the ordinary crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates were like meat on the chopping board.

But they still rushed forward as always.

“These trash fish are so annoying,”

Jack complained after swinging his scythe.

Vergo did not answer. He knew that if he met Ye Fei at this time, his ending might be worse than Doflamingo’s.

Just when the two were about to break out of the encirclement.

Behind them, a huge fireball flew towards them quickly.

“Captain Ace”

the members of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately shouted loudly.


Huge flames fell directly from the sky.

Within a few dozen meters of the surrounding area, there was suddenly a sea of fire.

A young figure stood in front of Jack and the others.

“Fire Fist Ace?”

Jack broke into a cold sweat.

As one of the leaders of the Beast Pirates, he is well aware of Fire Fist Ace’s strength.

Ace turned around and inadvertently showed a confident smile.

Ace looked a little surprised when he saw Jack, one of the three calamities of the Beast Pirates.

“Who am I supposed to be?”

“I haven’t settled the debt with you last time yet?”

“Now you’re intruding on me, Dressrosa? It seems I need to give you some color.”

Ace adjusted his hat.

At this moment, he was completely awake.

During the war, the Beast Pirates attacked the Whitebeard Pirates’ rear area.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s obstruction, Ace might have taken people to visit Wano Country.

“Last time?”

Faced with Ace’s question, Jack didn’t think about it for a moment.

But he reacted quickly.

“These guys broke into our territory at night”

“Captain Ace, these two killed many of us and injured many of our crew members”

“They must be taught a lesson”

The Whitebeard Pirates The crew immediately rushed to Ace’s side.

Just now, hundreds of crew members were killed by Jack and the others along the way, and countless others were injured.

Naturally, Ace helped them out.

After hearing the crew members’ accusations, Ace Du responded coldly.

“Those things don’t matter anymore.”

“Today, don’t even think about leaving here.”

Looking at Jack, the clenched fist in his hand was already burning with fire.

Just when he was about to take action, he noticed Vergo behind Jack.


Ace was a little confused. He was about to attack, but suddenly stopped.

Vergo was not wearing a navy uniform, but Ace recognized Vergo as a member of the navy at a glance.

Although he didn’t know him personally.

“Virgo, it seems that your identity has been exposed”

Jack mocked.


Vergo nodded silently.

He was not nervous when his identity was revealed.

Compared with rescuing Doflamingo, at this moment, he felt that staying in the navy didn’t make much sense.

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