Yang Yan, defeating Moonlight Moria

Moonlight Moria wanted to escape, but the strong pressure of the flames made it impossible for him to turn over, and he had no choice but to let the flames burn.

Waves of pain came, and screams could be heard endlessly.

The whole body, the whole body was covered in flames.

The whole person burned together.

Ye Fei fell down and stood on the ice.

Moria looked at the burning moonlight in front of him with an expressionless face.

Regarding the painful screams of the enemy in front of him, Ye Fei didn’t feel any emotion in his heart…

At this moment, Ye Fei didn’t want to give him any chance to breathe.

Those with shadow fruit abilities would be in trouble if their shadows were cut off by this guy.

In addition, with every enemy missing on the battlefield now, the chance of rescuing Ace becomes greater.

“Who are you? Ah…”

Moonlight Moria rolled on the ground.

I want to try to extinguish the flames on my body.

But this time, it doesn’t seem to be that easy.

This fire is more powerful than the musket just now.

He couldn’t figure out how Ye Fei had this ability.

He could only scream loudly and desperately.

Facing Moonlight Moria’s screams, Ye Fei didn’t show any sympathy.

There wasn’t even a single answer.

Before the fire on him goes out again.

Ye Fei used Yang Yan again.

The pillar of fire hit Moonlight Moria again.

The flames on his body were about to go out, but Moonlight Moria’s body was already scarred.

Haven’t taken a breath yet.

As a result, unexpectedly, Ye Fei used the same trick again…

“This, the ability of fire? Burning fruits?”

“Isn’t this the ability of Fire Fist Ace? Why does Ye Fei also have it?”

” This is Yang Yan, Ace’s move.”

“Did Ye Fei eat Ace’s Burning Fruit?”

“Impossible, there is only one Burning Fruit in this world, and there is absolutely no chance that there will be a second one.”

… …

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked confused.

Ye Fei actually used Ace’s ability.

Even Whitebeard and Marco didn’t think about why Ye Fei used the power of fire.

This thing is simply outrageous.

The fire burned on Moonlight Moria until it went out.

Watch Moonlight Moria again.

The body became smaller again, and this time it spit out a lot of shadows.

At the same time, Moonlight Moria’s whole body was burned into darkness.

Physically, Moonlight Moria looks like a wine bottle or gourd.

“This looks like a black wine bottle, a Gujing Gong wine bottle.”

Ye Fei said with a smile, that kind of black wine bottle.

The flames went out, and Moonlight Moria lay motionless on the ice, like a dead corpse.

High intensity burning flame.

Let Moonlight Moria faint.

Completely lost combat effectiveness.

“Is this the King of the Seven Martial Arts?”

“No wonder he was expelled from the World Government,”

Ye Fei secretly despised.

Just use two moves of ‘Yang Yan’.

I didn’t expect him to be so reluctant to fight. He didn’t feel much better than the Vice Admiral.

Ye Fei felt very relaxed after defeating Moonlight Moria.

This made Ye Fei have an illusion: Could it be that he has surpassed the Qiwuhai under the king at this moment?

Ye Fei shook his head.

It must be that he was attacked by Jinbe just now, and Moonlight Moria is not very strong. Among so many Shichibukai, the overall strength is considered very poor.

Ye Fei thought to himself.


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The sound of the system sounded in Ye Fei’s ears again.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating King Shichibukai Moonlight Moria]

[The host has gained experience points +30,000]

Looking at the system panel, 30,000 experience points have been received.

Ye Fei was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the experience value for defeating Moonlight Moria would be so high.

“The reward for defeating the Shichibukai is indeed extraordinary. It’s still the fragrance of the Shichibukai.”

“Let’s see if there are any good skills in the system.”

Ye Fei muttered to himself.

The so-called skills are too many to overwhelm the body.

If you want to learn more skills.

Very important for building strength.

Especially at this extraordinary moment…

when Ye Fei was looking at the system panel alone.

Many people have already set their sights on him.

You know, the pillar of fire just soaring into the sky.

But it was seen by many people.

While shocked.

They realize it too.

Ye Fei doesn’t seem to be an easy opponent to deal with.

Being able to defeat the Qibuhai under the king is not something that ordinary people can do.

“Who is this person?”

“Check it out for me quickly.”

Even Navy Marshal Warring States noticed Ye Fei.

He felt a little strange about Ye Fei’s strength.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, all the famous people were on the bounty list, but he had never seen this face before.

Where did it come from?

Could it be foreign aid invited by the Whitebeard Pirates?

Soon, Warring States received the report.

“Report to the marshal, we have just checked.”

“This pirate is a subordinate of Marco, the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

A navy soldier ran over in a panic.

“What? Marco’s men?”

“Ordinary crew members?”

“He just defeated Oishi Shichibukai.”

Sengoku found it a bit incredible.

How could the little miscellaneous fish soldiers under Whitebeard be so powerful?

Although Moonlight Moria is weak, he is still the king of the Shichibukai recognized by the world government, and ordinary lieutenants may not be his opponents.

“Did the investigation go wrong?”

“The report is absolutely true”

After pondering for a moment, Warring States then looked at Garp: “This person has the ability of the fire element. Who do you think is better to send down? ”

However, at this moment, Garp’s attention is not on Ye Fei at all, but on his grandson: Monkey D Luffy!

At this moment, Luffy was fighting with the naval soldiers surrounding him.

Watching his grandson fighting with his subordinates, he had an indescribable feeling.

Seeing this, Sengoku’s expression suddenly dropped, and he shouted loudly: “Garp, don’t forget your identity! He is now a pirate.” ”

As a sailor, you must not be emotional. We must uphold the dignity of justice.” Only then did Garp

come back to his senses: “Warring States, what were you talking about just now?”

He was so focused that he had no idea what Warring States was talking about.

Warring States angrily told him again.

“Fire-type ability user?”

Garp finally reacted.

Then he began to observe Ye Fei’s body movements.

“Yes, this is very similar to Ace’s ability to burn fruits,”

Warring States replied, staring at Ye Fei intently.

With Ah’s movements, he used the ability just now.

Exactly the same as Fire Fist Ace.

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