Ye Fei sleeping, Ace’s view

“Contestant Ye Xi, please come on stage immediately when you hear this,”

Gal Daz urged loudly into the microphone.

Letting the finalists take the stage is what the Navy Headquarters wants.

Just to let the world see them clearly.

However, Ye Fei was missing.

Everyone looked confused.

Where did Ye Xi go?

The arena suddenly fell into chaos, and many people started talking.

“Where did that guy go?”

On the stage, Akainu looked displeased.

Soon, a messenger hurried over: “Our people just saw player Ye Xi returning to the accommodation area.”

Akainu ordered impatiently: “Send someone immediately to call him over.”


the messenger quickly Throw it away quickly.

When they arrived at Ye Fei’s residence, they found Ye Fei sleeping soundly.

“Contestant Ye Xi, please get up immediately,”

several soldiers stood in front of the bed and said hurriedly.


Ye Fei was confused.

Then he replied impatiently: “What are you doing?”

“The game is over. Marshal Sakaski asks you to return to the field immediately and meet all the spectators.”

Seeing Ye Fei’s impatience, several soldiers looked frightened.

The players who have reached the quarterfinals are definitely not simple people.

“I’m not going, whoever wants to go can go, don’t bother me.” He

was sleeping soundly and was suddenly disturbed, no matter who he was, he would feel uncomfortable.

When several soldiers heard Ye Fei’s answer, they didn’t know what to do for a while.

If you go back now, you will definitely get scolded.

But if you don’t go back, you’ll still be waiting there…

Just when everyone is at a loss.

Ye Fei suddenly turned around and stood up.

“Let’s go.”

Hearing this, several soldiers looked confused.

But it’s hard to say anything.

He had to follow Ye Fei…

back to the arena, and Ye Fei walked onto the stage sleepily.

Then he yawned.

This move was seen by Akainu.

Suddenly I felt very unhappy.

“This guy looks like a thorn,”

Akainu muttered.

There was quite a bit of disgust in his words.

Based on his feeling, he felt that Ye Fei was difficult to manage.

Seng Guo, who was sitting next to him, seemed calm and relaxed.

“In the navy, there are many people with personalities, and this guy is quite interesting.” ”

Besides, this guy didn’t make any mistakes.”

He saw Ye Fei’s laziness.

Let Warring States suddenly think of Kuzan, who is just as lazy and can sleep anywhere.

But when it comes to doing things, it’s very reassuring.

“Forget it”

Akainu had no intention of pursuing the matter.

“The Navy’s proposal was indeed right, and six individuals entered the finals as expected

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.” The six people on the colored ball were consistent with the predictions of the Navy’s staff department.

They were not eliminated, but successfully entered the finals.

“That’s right.”

“I hope things will develop in the direction you want,”

Warring States just finished answering.

Akainu suddenly turned his head and looked at Sengoku with confusion.

He knew that there was something in what Warring States said.

Moreover, he knew what Sengoku was talking about.

However, he did not ask further.

At this moment, the eight people who entered the finals were receiving cheers from everyone.

The video phone bug turned the live broadcast to the whole world, and everyone could see these eight people clearly.

Some are happy, some are cheering, and some are disdainful.

But many people know that this world conscription may change the current world structure.

“Ye Fei, you kid is too messy. How are you going to end this matter?”

Through the video phone bug, Whitebeard saw the disguised Ye Fei and felt helpless.

Of course, until now, he still couldn’t understand Ye Fei’s behavior.

Simply don’t think about it too much.

Compared with this matter, Whitebeard Edward Newgate was more worried about Ye Fei’s safety.

In his opinion, once Ye Fei shows his true strength.

His hidden identity is very likely to be discovered by the navy.

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and Kizaru are all top-notch combat powers.

Once Ye Fei’s identity is exposed.

How could Ye Fei cope with so many powerful people by himself?

At this moment, Whitebeard didn’t know whether he could attack Malinfando again with his deteriorating body.

“Perhaps, my destiny should end there.”

Whitebeard smiled calmly.

He was ready to go to Malinfando.

Just like when he risked everything to save Ace…


Ace and his men searched Vergo for a whole day, but found no trace of Vergo.

“That guy can really hide, it’s quite troublesome.”

Ace, who was sweating profusely, scratched his head unconsciously.

“Captain Ace, is it possible that Virgo escaped from the sea?”

The crew members who were following Ace’s search asked.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible”

“Atmos personally guarded the port. Every ship was almost checked thoroughly. It is impossible for anyone to escape from the ship,”

Ace replied.

Ace was very confident about this.

Under that close guard no one could escape by sea.

“Then why haven’t you found it after searching for a whole day?”

“Isn’t that guy flying away?”

The crewman next to him looked puzzled.

“If he really can fly, there’s nothing we can do about it,”

Ace suddenly laughed.

Although that is a possibility, Ace believes that Vergo must still be somewhere in Dressrosa.

It’s just that it hasn’t been discovered yet.

“Captain Ace, what should we do now?”

The crew members beside him suddenly lost their focus.

We have already looked for everything we need to look for.

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