: Vergo’s identity, how to deal with Jack?

Wouldn’t it make the whole world laugh out loud at the general the Navy had chosen with so much effort?

In his opinion, Ye Fei had made a fool of the navy this time.

However, Ye Fei’s next words confused Ace again.

“Haha, Ace, there is another Ye Fei in Dressrosa”

Ye Fei said with a smile.

He had no intention of hiding this from Ace.

Even if you don’t say it yourself.

Ace will also soon find out that another Ye Fei is still in Dressrosa.


Ace’s eyes widened.

what’s the situation?

Is there another Ye Fei?

Ace didn’t react.

“Ye Fei’s body is still in Malinfando.”

Ye Fei’s answer made Ace almost jump: “What, you said Ye Fei is still in Malinfando? What’s the situation?” ”

Haha, Ace, you don’t want it. No more questions.”

“I let the main body stay there, but there is a reason.” ”

As for what, it is no longer important.”

“You only need to know that I have returned to Dressrosa now.”

Regarding the main body, Ye Fei didn’t want to tell Ace because he stayed at the Navy Headquarters.

Hearing this, Ace thought for a long time and was still very confused.

However, seeing Ye Fei so confident.

Ace couldn’t say more.

After all, Ye Fei is now the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Well, it’s good that you’re back.”

“I don’t really want to ask about Marinevando.” “The matter

of Dressrosa is very important now.”

“I contacted you last time.”

“Jack, Kaido’s subordinate.” “Things”

Ace scratched his head.

A few days ago, Jack, one of the three disasters, was caught by him.

Until now, Jack has refused to explain the purpose of coming to Dressrosa.

This made Ace very depressed.

“He hasn’t confessed yet?”

Ye Fei asked casually.

Ace then nodded: “Yes, I had people break twenty whips, but there was no reaction.” ”

That guy’s resistance was not ordinary.”

For two or three days, Ace had people take turns beating Jack. But to no avail.

Jack refused to explain, and Vergo was not found, so he was very depressed.

Moreover, in the prison, Jack kept asking to see Ye Fei, which made Ace very embarrassed.

“You are really ruthless.”

Ye Fei was a little surprised by Ace’s actions.

“Jack has always said he wants to meet you, but I never gave him a chance.” ”

Now, do you think you want to meet him?”

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Ace asked.

“Okay, we’ll go there later.”

“Virgo, don’t look for him.”

“That guy can’t make much trouble,”

Ye Fei murmured.

“Vergo is a Vice Admiral”

“If we don’t catch him in time”

“What if he returns to the navy, what should we do then?”

“Besides, this guy suddenly joined forces with the Beast Pirates, I I don’t understand what they are doing?”

Give up the search for Virgo.

Ace was worried that he would report the incident on Dressrosa to the Navy Headquarters.

“Just him?”

Ye Fei looked down upon Vergo when he heard his name.

With his strength, he cannot cause any substantial harm to Dressrosa.

“What happened to him?”

Ace looked confused.

“He joined forces with the Beast Pirates. Isn’t he afraid of being discovered by the navy?” ”

Besides, this guy is Doflamingo’s subordinate,”

Ye Fei replied.

“What? Vergo is Doflaming’s subordinate?”

“He is a marine, why is he his subordinate?”

Ace couldn’t believe it.

Ye Feike had never told him about this before.

Ye Fei smiled calmly: “Otherwise, why do you think he would be with Kaido’s people?”

Ye Fei’s words made Ace stunned.

If you put it this way, it seems to make sense.

“Ye Fei, how did you know about this?”

Ye Fei looked embarrassed when he asked.

You know, he has seen the plot.

To put it bluntly, wouldn’t that mean exposing yourself?

Of course, Ye Fei would not say that.

Fortunately, he responded quickly enough.

An idea struck him, and he immediately replied: “Last time, I found secret exchanges of letters between the two people at Doflamingo’s residence.” ”

Vergo has always been a senior cadre of the Don Quixote family, but he has always been hidden in the house. It’s just in the navy.”

Ace finally understood Ye Fei’s answer.

After defeating Doflamingo, Ye Fei had been to the King’s Heights several times and found out his secrets. Naturally, he had nothing to say.

Then he muttered: “You didn’t tell me about this last time.”

Ye Fei had to explain: “I just thought this person was not very important, so I didn’t tell you. Last time I was in the navy, I also It’s hard to say much.”

Ace nodded.

In this way, Vergo’s purpose is very clear.

His purpose in coming to Dressrosa was naturally to cooperate with Kaido and rescue Doflamingo.

“Ye Fei, since he is Doflamingo’s undercover”

“Why don’t we just pass this news to the Navy and let them deal with Vergo”

“By then, their master and servant will live in Impel Down City forever.”

Hearing this, Ye Fei suddenly laughed.

Ace has really made a lot of progress during this period of time.

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