Agreeing with Wuming to become a lieutenant general, Ye Fei finds the blind swordsman

“Does anyone have any objection to letting Wuming become the lieutenant general?”

Akainu looked at everyone again.

After the episode just now.

Now, it’s hard for everyone to agree directly.

You know, Wuming knocked Ye Xi to the ground.

What if General Ye Xi is also the kind of person who holds a grudge?

You have to agree directly. If Ye Xi disagrees later, it might be embarrassing.

Immediately, everyone looked at Ye Fei again.

Waiting for his meaning.

He saw everyone looking at him.

Ye Fei finally spoke.

“I have fought against him, and everyone has seen it. I admit that Wuming is very strong.” ”

He is fully qualified to become a vice admiral.”

“I strongly recommend him to become a vice admiral.”

Ye Fei’s words immediately made his position clear. .

Unlike Deckard Lilly.

Ye Fei does not hold grudges, and does not regard Wuming as an enemy at all, but as a friend.

Contrary to what happened on the court just now.

This time, everyone gave Ye Fei approving looks.

This can be considered a fair and objective evaluation.

And I highly recommend Wuming to become a vice admiral.

At least it shows that this person is moral and doesn’t hold grudges.

I just disapproved of the blind swordsman being an object, and I was definitely licking Deckard Lilly.

“Unnamed becomes Vice Admiral, I agree.”

This time, Deckard Lily also made his position clear.

After saying that, Dikal Lily looked at Ye Fei and showed a satisfied smile.

The two admirals agreed.

The others were speechless and raised their hands in agreement.

“Okay then, I decided to accept Wuming’s proposal to become Vice Admiral.”

“As for the other personnel, let it be decided directly by the Naval Staff.”

Akainu finally made his decision.

The codename of the admiral and the candidate for lieutenant general were finally determined.

Akainu had a vague and very bad feeling about Dekar Lily.

Moreover, judging from her performance today.

This woman is very strong and disobedient…

This time the high-level meeting of the Navy came to an end.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Deckard Lily greeted him.

“We were at the meeting just now. Thank you very much, uncle,”

Deckard Lily said.

“Just a thank you?”

Ye Fei said deliberately.

I just told a big lie in front of everyone, and you can just say thank you and be done with it?

“Then what else?”

Deckard Lily looked suspicious.

“Does the previous promise still count?”

Ye Fei asked.

He didn’t want to mention what happened just now.

I don’t even want to ask why Deckard Lily did this.

Therefore, he deliberately mentioned his promise to Deckard Lily.

“It doesn’t count.”

“I won’t agree

,” Deckard Lily said without waiting for Ye Fei to answer.

Just walk away.

Looking at her retreating back, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

If it wasn’t for the blind swordsman to leave, he wouldn’t have said that in front of so many people.

That’s good now, I guess I’ll have to offend the blind swordsman this time too.

However, in order to be able to recruit him.

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Sometimes to achieve your goals, you have to use some means.

Even if I don’t want to.

Next, it’s time to talk to the blind swordsman…

Let’s go down that day.

Ye Fei found the blind swordsman and smiled.

At this moment, he was lying on the hospital bed and resting.

The duel with Deckard Lilly a few days ago.

Made him unconscious.

He didn’t wake up until yesterday.

He has already learned about the meeting of high-level navy officials this morning.

Moreover, he also knew that he was being targeted by Dekar Lily and what Ye Xi thought of him.

“Brother Lao Yesi, you took the trouble to come to see me,”

the blind swordsman replied calmly.

Although his words were very kind.

But Ye Fei could still tell that the blind swordsman was unhappy.

Ye Fei understands human nature very well.

And this time I came to visit the blind swordsman.

Ye Fei hopes that one day his identity will be exposed.

Blind swordsman should not blame himself.

After all, I really wanted to recruit him.

If one day he knew what he had done, he probably wouldn’t think so.

“Mr. Yixiao, is your injury no longer serious?”

Ye Fei asked awkwardly.

Even though it was embarrassing, Ye Fei still tried to complete his plan.

“Fortunately, my life is still strong.”

“Brother Ye Xi, you are already an admiral of the navy, right?”

the blind swordsman murmured.

Missing the admiral made him feel very depressed.


Ye Fei nodded.

Listening to his words, Ye Fei heard some tricks.

He seemed unhappy.

Ye Fei guessed that he already knew what happened this morning.

Although the blind swordsman has an easy-going personality.

But when this happens, no matter who you are, you will be unhappy.

Now that he knew it, Ye Fei decided to take the initiative to speak out.

“Mr. Yixiao, there was a meeting with senior navy officials this morning.”

“The navy marshal recommended you to be a lieutenant general.”

“However, someone raised objections.”

Hearing this, the blind swordsman slowly raised his head.

“I know, it’s the girl from Deckard Lily, right?”

“I’ve heard about it,”

the blind swordsman replied.

In fact, when fighting Deckard Lilly.

He could already feel the girl’s disgust for him.

“Yes, it’s her.”

“And I said almost the same thing,”

Ye Fei replied.

He didn’t want to hide this from the blind swordsman.

Because he knew that with so many people present at the time, this news and this matter could not be hidden.

The blind swordsman raised his head, the expression on his face seemed a bit complicated.

He didn’t expect that Ye Fei in front of him would be so honest.

He didn’t even understand why Ye Fei told him this.

Do you hope that you won’t blame him?

then what?

Ye Fei’s sudden move.

The blind swordsman’s view of Ye Fei was very strange.

Is there such a person in this world who just belittled himself and now comes to confess?

What’s the meaning?

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