Kaido is furious


Deckard Lily snorted coldly.

“Vice Admiral Vergo, you have been making arrangements for many years, right?”

“For so many years, that guy has done such a good job keeping secrets.”

“However, I believe you will see him here soon.”

Di Carl Lilly tells it all.

He believed that Ye Fei’s words were absolutely not deceptive.

Now we can see Doflamingo trying his best to cover up.

He was finally convinced that Ye Fei was not lying.

At that moment, Doflamingo was stunned again.

The other party really discovered Vergo’s undercover identity.

Hannibal behind him was even more shocked.

Virgo is an undercover agent?

How can this be?

But this was said by the Admiral himself, so there was no way he could be wrong.

“Hey, stop joking? How is that possible?”

Doflamingo suddenly became very excited.

Last time, Ye Fei raided Dressrosa and almost destroyed their entire group.

Only one Virgo was left outside.

Now, Vergo’s exposure made him completely lose his cool.

“Ye Fei is indeed right,”

Dikal Lily smiled proudly.

She knew that Ye Fei would not lie.

“Is it that guy Ye Fei again?”

“Damn it, that bastard.”

Veins popped up on Doflamingo’s forehead.

Last time, Ye Fei destroyed his territory and ruined him.

But this time, Ye Fei directly destroyed his last hope.

He couldn’t figure out why Ye Fei would kill him.

At that moment, an infinite hatred suddenly arose in his heart.

And Ye Fei stood aside.

Seems a little embarrassed.

Being scolded by others in front of oneself.

This feeling is very unfamiliar.

“Don’t blame anyone.”

“The winner is the king, the loser is the enemy, and if you lose, you lose,”

Deckard Lily said coldly.

Then, he looked at Ye Fei beside him.

“Yesi, it’s time for us to leave,”

Deckard Lily said, turned around and left.

She had gotten what she wanted to know.

“Hey, what are you going to do with Vergo?”

Doflamingo’s roar came from behind again.

However, no one paid any attention to him…

until Quinn and others were sent to Impel Down.

The Beast Pirates only learned of this.

Kaido almost destroyed Onigashima in a rage.

“Ye Fei, you are so disgusting”

“How dare you send my people to Impel Down City”

This time, six important subordinates were lost.

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Not only did the entire pirate group suffer a serious blow, but it also caused Kaido to lose face.

Immediately, Kaido decided to go to Impel Down City himself and rescue those people.

However, he was stopped by Jin from “Fire Disaster”.

“Lord Kaidu, with your strength, there is no problem in rescuing them from the Impel City.” ”

But I am worried that if this is the fault of the Navy and Ye Fei”

“If you rush to rescue people, once the Navy has something in advance, Prepare, what should we do?”

Jhin reminded.

The implication is that Impel Down City must be ready.

To save people at this time, even if Kaido goes there, the risk is extremely high.

Since they can send people there directly.

Definitely already prepared.

Impel Down is very close to Malevando.

It only takes half a day for the warship to arrive.

Therefore, in Jhin’s opinion, there is no way to take action now.

“You mean, they may have set a trap?”

Kaido was a little confused.

Jhin’s words made him sober up a little.

“It’s very possible, Lord Kaido,”

Jhin replied.

“But let those people be imprisoned?”

“Then, wouldn’t it be a joke for the whole world to see me?”

Kaido’s face turned pale.

After all these years, it has never been as embarrassing as it is today.

Everything is because of that guy Ye Fei.

Not only was the Devil Fruit plan disrupted by him, but he also lost so many important subordinates.

“Lord Kaido, we can’t act rashly now,”

Jhin reminded again.

In his opinion, this matter is not simple.

“What do you mean, we just do nothing?”

Kaido asked.

This is not his character.

When someone bullies you, you still have to swallow your anger.

“Lord Kaido, in my opinion, this is the Whitebeard Pirates’ revenge on us.” ”

I guess we have also been targeted by Whitebeard and Ye Fei.” ”

At this time, it is not good for us to attack them.”

It seemed to Jhin that this matter was definitely planned.

Although he doesn’t know exactly what it is yet.

But his intuition told him that this matter was definitely not that simple.

Therefore, at this time, you should be patient.

The last war on top allowed him to see that Ye Fei had abilities similar to Kaido.

Moreover, he was able to easily defeat both Quinn and Jack.

Maybe, his strength is not weaker than Kaido.

At this time, when they sent troops to Dressrosa, they were not sure of a decisive victory.

“What do you think we should do now?”

For a moment, Kaido had no idea.

“Ye Fei sent Quinn and his gang to the navy, probably because he wanted to provoke a conflict between us and the navy.” ”

If we really did that, we might have been tricked by Ye Fei.”

“Besides, Ye Fei is here now Going to the Shichibukai for the king, it is absolutely impossible for the navy to take action against him now.” ”

We now have a strong enemy like Ye Fei, so we can only maintain a confrontation with the navy.”

“The top priority is that we should cooperate with Charlotte Lingling as soon as possible.”

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