Attacking Valdigo?

“Since you said you can’t attack Blackbeard”

“What about the revolutionary army?”

Muhuang asked again.

“Revolutionary Army? My plan has been disrupted,”

Teach murmured in reply.

“Tiqi, I told you a long time ago.”

“It doesn’t take that much trouble to attack the Revolutionary Army.”

“As long as we kill them, those guys from the Revolutionary Army are no match at all.”

Muhuang looked a little angry.

He was particularly upset that Teach kept delaying the matter.

“You underestimate the Revolutionary Army guys too much,”

Teach said coldly.

In his view, attacking the revolutionary army was no small matter.

“Really? Tikki, this is not the you I know. When did you become so timid? When you asked me to join the Blackbeard Pirates, where did your boldness go???” Muhuang was quite disdainful

. .

I don’t dare to do this, I don’t dare to do that.

Previously, he had long persuaded Teach to attack the White Earth Island “Bardigo” where the revolutionary army was located.

Teach agreed, but before that, he had to be prepared.

Including personnel, warships, supplies, arms, etc.

So, they started trading with Jiufeng Trading Company.

But now things are less than half done.

Jiufeng Trading Company was suddenly taken over by Bai Tuan, which thwarted Tiqi’s plan.

Muhuang’s words made Blackbeard extremely embarrassed.

At that time, in order to recruit Muhuang, he said a lot of harsh words, such as claiming to be the fifth emperor of the new world, not afraid of Whitebeard, Ye Fei, the navy, etc… But so far, they have only

defeated some small pirates .

In front of those big pirates, there was no movement.

Even the revolutionary army is still timid.

This indeed loses one’s dignity.

After some thinking.

Tiqi decided to agree with Muhuang’s plan: attack Bardigo, the base of the Revolutionary Army!

“That’s not bad, otherwise I might really look down on you.”

Muhuang was satisfied.

“Thief hahahaha”

“If you win this time, Muhuang, you will be Baldigo’s new master”

Tiqi laughed.

With the current strength of the Blackbeard Pirates, it shouldn’t be too difficult to attack the revolutionary army.

Therefore, he agreed to Muhuang’s plan.

In order to appease Muhuang, he decided to hand over the management of Baldigo to Muhuang.

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“It’s best. When should we set off?”

Muhuang asked again.

“Within a week”

after being confirmed by Blackbeard.

Muhuang left with satisfaction.

After returning to his room, Muhuang took out a top-secret phone bug.

That was given to him by the Navy Headquarters.

Immediately, Muhuang immediately broadcast his phone bug.

At the same time, in the Navy Headquarters, in the Marshal’s Office, a unique-looking telephone bug made the sound of ‘Bulu, Bulu, Bulu’.

Akainu, who was busy processing official documents, suddenly turned his head.

I was a little surprised when I saw the phone bug in front of me.

Then, it was connected immediately.

“Hey, Muara, how is your plan going?”

After confirming that the other party was Muara, Akainu spoke.

“Report, Marshal Sakaski”

“Things are going relatively smoothly now”

“Tich has agreed to mobilize troops to deal with the revolutionary army within a week,”

Muhuang confirmed.

His true identity is the captain of the Navy’s special mobile team.

The eve of world conscription.

He received a secret order from the Navy Headquarters, requiring him to participate in the world conscription as a civilian.

Halfway through, he met Blackbeard Teach.

Seeing that he was powerful, Teach directly invited him to join his team.

Of course, Muhuang was dismissive of Tiqi’s invitation at first.

Therefore, he refused directly.

But Blackbeard has been following him and doing his ideological work at the same time.

Muhuang, who took the trouble, quickly reported the matter to the Navy Headquarters.

After discussions at the Navy Headquarters, it was decided to let Muara give up the plan to recruit soldiers around the world, and at the same time let him join the Blackbeard Pirates and become an undercover agent of the Navy.

The reason for this is to use Blackbeard to deal with the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army led by Monkey D. Long aims to overthrow the world government.

So they have always been a serious problem for the world government.

The pressure from the World Government forced the Navy Headquarters to make considerations.

Using pirates to deal with the revolutionary army is undoubtedly a good way.

While Blackbeard was wooing Muhuang, he made him an undercover agent in the navy, inducing Blackbeard to attack the revolutionary army.

In this way, not only can they deal with the revolutionary army, but they can also monitor Blackbeard.

Therefore, Muara joined the Blackbeard Pirates on the grounds that the revolutionary army must be eliminated.

“You did a good job”

“If you need to cooperate, I can ask the navy of the New World to cooperate with you”

Akainu replied.

At present, the revolutionary army is an eyesore to the Navy Headquarters and must be eliminated.

Therefore, why General Yesi was stopped by Akainu when he attacked Beehive Island.

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