Preparing for Death

Revolutionary Army base, Valdigo.

Sabo has led the revolutionary army in the base area to prepare defense work.

Sabo, who was in the liaison room, kept hearing news that the outpost had been destroyed.

Blackbeard’s fleet is getting closer and closer.

Forty nautical miles…

thirty nautical miles…

twenty nautical miles, Blackbeard’s fleet finally appeared among the video phone bugs.

“It’s finally here. It seems that there are quite a few coming.”

I saw the huge fleet in the video phone bug.

Sabo couldn’t help but frown.

The image phone bug can see very clearly.

Through the screen, the people in the liaison room soon saw the Blackbeard Pirates shelling the outpost on the island.

Fortunately, the arrangement of the video phone bug was not within the outpost, but was placed in a secret location on the island, so it was not damaged.

Blackbeard’s fleet quickly passed through the surveillance of the video phone bug.

Following closely behind them, a navy warship suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

“Navy warship?”

No one thought about it.

This time, it was not only Blackbeard who came to attack the base area, but also the navy? ? ?

The Blackbeard Pirates are already difficult to deal with.

Now, another navy?

What should I do?

Suddenly, everyone had a premonition that this might be a disaster.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be panicking.

“Hey, when we join the revolutionary army, aren’t we ready to die at any time?”

Sabo replied calmly.

At this moment, as the top cadre of the revolutionary army.

Compared with dealing with the enemy, the most important thing is to appease the morale of the troops.

Sabo’s words quickly calmed down the originally chaotic crowd.

Everyone remembered their original intention of joining the revolutionary army.

Before joining, everyone swore an oath: they were willing to die for the revolutionary army’s struggle.

Immediately, everyone began to shout: “You are right, anyone who dares to come here is ready to die at any time”

“Let us kill all these invading enemies”

The scene, From the original panic, he became impassioned.

“They are coming from the south.”

“I think we should go out and prepare to fight.”

After appeasing everyone’s emotions, Sabo smiled lightly, put on his hat, and held the water pipe in his hand, with an extremely determined expression on his face.

Countless battles made him mature.

At this moment, Sabo was ready to die in battle.

Sabo’s actions infected everyone.

Everyone followed him…

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Bardigo, south of the base.

Thousands of revolutionary soldiers were standing behind Sabo, staring at the sea to the south.

The gunners, gunners, and soldiers were all in high spirits.

They knew that this battle would determine the life and death of the base area.

The sea breeze blew slowly, and the waves hit the shore in waves.

‘Bulu Bulu Bulu’

The phone bug Sabo carried rang.

After taking it out and seeing it, the expression on his face was slightly surprised.

It was the dragon that came here.

Without thinking too much, I just connected directly.

“Sabo, I heard that someone is going to attack the base?”

A calm voice came over from the other end of the phone.

He is the leader of the revolutionary army: Monkey D. Long!

Just now, he received a report from the revolutionary army cadres.

Only then did they know that the base area was about to be attacked.

“Yes, uncle.”

“This time it’s Blackbeard Teach and the Navy.”

Sabo nodded and confirmed.

He didn’t take the initiative to talk to Long about this matter, just because he didn’t want him to worry.

But unexpectedly, Long found out about it.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

Then, he continued: “Is it too late to transfer now?”

If we can avoid fighting with Blackbeard and the Navy, it would be best if we could transfer.

Sabo smiled and shook his head: “Uncle, if we knew about this a day or two in advance, maybe we could still make it in time.” “But

now they are about to arrive at the base area.”

“Now, the only way is to fight to the death.”

Materials and equipment in the base area , there is no way for personnel to move away.

Instead of being chased and beaten, the only way is to resist desperately.

On the other end of the phone, Long was silent again.

He did not expect that he would organize revolutionary armies to resist all over the world.

His base was attacked.

Now, it is no longer necessary to say those words that are not there.

He is a very straightforward and decisive person.

“Anyway, take care,”

Long said after a while of silence.

At this moment, he is only a few days away from the base area at the earliest.

Even if we set out at this time, it will be difficult to turn back and rescue.

Blackbeard, Navy, the power of both sides.

With the little strength of the base, it is difficult to hold it.

Long knew this very well.

“Uncle, promise to complete the mission.”

Sabo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and made a promise, just like he did before when he performed the mission.

Then, hang up the phone bug.

Ahead, the enemy has appeared.

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