Blackbeard’s Recruitment

“Hey, do you want to follow me?”

Tiqi looked at them in a condescending manner.

In the past, he had never looked down on these people.

However, now is the time to employ people.

Miscellaneous fish are also people.


“Of course we are willing, we have long hoped that one day we can follow Captain Tiqi” ”

Follow Captain Tiqi, we will have meat to eat, wine to drink, and money to spend.”

They were naturally very willing to Tiqi’s invitation.

They had long heard that the pirates on Beehive Island had lived a paradise-like life.

No matter what, it’s the best.

That’s what they aspire to.

Now that the captain has personally invited him, how could he not want to?

However, Tiqi could not give them that much at the moment.

Beehive Island has long been hollowed out by Ye Fei.

Ti Qi couldn’t get a single coin out of his body.

But that doesn’t matter.

The most important thing is to give this group of people a hope, a very big hope.

Teach is very good at this kind of thing.

Immediately, he shouted to the pirates: “I will definitely help you realize what you want.” ”

But before that, you have to follow me to Dressrosa.”

Hearing this, Hai, who was originally cheering, Thieves.

Suddenly he was dumbfounded.

You know, they know very, very well whose territory Dressrosa belongs to.

That’s the Whitebeard Pirates.

There are two Yonko in the New World.

Especially the newly promoted fourth emperor Ye Fei, who even Kaido can’t defeat.

“Captain Teach, you want us to go to Dressrosa? Could it be that you want us to follow you to attack the Yonko Ye Fei’s tribe?” ”

That’s the Yonko. Captain, please give me ten thousand courages. We can I don’t dare, even Kaido is no match.”

“Captain Teach, you suddenly recruited us because you want us to follow you for revenge? Then, wouldn’t we become cannon fodder?” ”

Captain Teach, aren’t you leading us ? They want us to enjoy the happiness because they want us to die.”

“No wonder they recruit us so politely suddenly. It turns out they want to take advantage of us.” ”

Captain Teach, are you doing this in an honest way?” ”

We are not willing to die. “Go”

Those wandering pirates all know very well, Baldigo, that Beehive Island has been flattened by Ye Fei.

And Blackbeard in front of him now only has a few broken ships left.

They didn’t even have to think about Teach’s purpose in going to Dressrosa, they knew that he was going for revenge.

Dragging them to deal with the Four Emperors was clearly looking for death.

Naturally none of these pirates were willing.

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When you were enjoying yourself so much, you didn’t think about us.

This is a good time to drag us to death together.

What a devil can do!

Soon, the wandering pirates began to whisper.

Some even questioned Blackbeard to his face.

Facing this scene, Teach did not panic or be anxious at all.

Instead, he laughed.

“Thieves hahahaha”

“It seems that I underestimated you guys. I didn’t expect you to be so smart.” ”

I should have included you in the Blackbeard Pirates earlier, but at that time, Beehive Island could not accommodate so many people. “People can only place you in these places.”

“But don’t worry from now on, I will treat you as a crew member.”

Regarding Teach’s words.

The wandering pirates paid no attention.

Is it interesting to talk about this now?

When I was eating branyan vegetables here, you were enjoying yourself and never cared about our feelings.

Now that you have no one, you have to paint a bigger picture for me again.

If there is something wrong with your brain, I will die with you!

Looking at the disdainful pirates in front of me.

Teach wasn’t angry either.

But he laughed again.

“Hey, hey, you don’t have to go, but then you will never be able to get ahead.” “Is

this kind of life what you want?” ”

Look at you, you don’t even have any decent clothes.”

“Look again . Look at all my subordinates, who is not well fed and well clothed?” ”

As long as they join our Blackbeard Pirates, they will never be treated badly.” ”

Does your dream stop at these deserted islands?”

“It’s really embarrassing to pirates.”

“You don’t deserve to be called pirates. You don’t have any dreams at all,”

Tikki said with a smile.

He knew very well what those pirates wanted from their hearts.

And he had just what they needed.

Hearing this, the pirates who were originally dismissive suddenly raised their heads and looked at Tiqi when they heard what Tiqi said. He had a necklace around his neck, and his ten fingers were all marked with different colors. jewelry rings.

Although he looks ugly, he can’t help but be rich.

Although we are handsome, there is nothing on our hands except dirt. Our pockets are empty and we cannot even touch a woman’s hand.

At the same time, they looked at Teach’s crew. Although they were poor, the clothes they wore and the weapons they used were all the best. In addition, most of them were extremely strong, and their food must be good.

After looking at others, look at yourself. You are covered in nothing but tattered clothes. You have nothing to change into in the summer and nothing to wear in the winter. You have to eat and drink.

This is the difference between people.

In this situation, someone soon became loose.

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