Aren’t you in the navy?

A room high up in the palace, next to the window sill.

With a pair of eyes, watching Cyrus leave with the people, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

That person was Rebecca.

She heard clearly what Grandpa King Liku said to his father Cyrus just now.

“Master Ye Fei, I won’t let you down,”

Rebecca murmured.

When she saw Dressrosa being attacked, she had already made up her mind to fight.

At the same time, she knew very well that her grandfather and father would never allow her to go out.

So, she didn’t say anything at all.

The purpose is to sneak out of

the city… Tiqi has already led the people forward.

On the street, it was already difficult to see people.

Most people are either hiding at home in fear.

Or, on his way to the palace.

However, those residents hiding in their homes cannot avoid suffering.

Wherever the pirates went, the first thing they did was to kick open locked doors, and then they began to burn, kill and loot.

“Thief hahahaha”

“I thought it would be so difficult to attack Dressrosa”

“It turns out it’s just that”

Teach laughed.

Originally, he thought he would encounter great obstacles.

But after walking for so long, there was no decent resistance.

Dressrosa’s punishment and defense system is really bad.

“Tiqi, please don’t be careless

.” Muhuang’s tone was cold.

His intuition told him that his opponent had not appeared yet.

“I just have to wait for them to come out.”

“What I said last time was right.”

“Ye Fei and Fire Fist Ace are not here,”

Teach smiled again.

At this moment, he had to admire his own wit.

“Hmph, you are really smart, but don’t be careless.”

Muhuang didn’t take it seriously.

Just as the two were talking.

In the distance, dust is flying.

There was a rapid sound of horse hooves.

“You’re here just now? Just a bunch of fish,”

Tiqi said with a mocking look.

According to his feeling, there were not many powerful people among those who came on horseback.

Just when he was proud.

A powerful aura suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Who is it?”

Teach raised his head.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of them.


Tiqi and Muhuang were stunned at the same time.

The person in front of them was familiar to them.

During the world recruitment period, that person had already reached the finals.

“The blind swordsman smiled,”

Mu Huang exclaimed.

Why does this guy appear in Dressrosa?

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Didn’t he participate in the world conscription?

Why did it appear in the pirate’s territory?

“Hey, why are you so familiar?”

Tiqi showed a slight hint of nervousness on his face.

“Blackbeard, there is another adult”

“You two are very strong, I can feel it” ”

But, I hope you will stop here”

He smiled and held the blade and hilt tightly with both hands, as if he was about to draw the sword. .

He is not a person who naturally enjoys dueling with others.

But he was favored by Ye Fei, so he naturally had to do something.

“Just smile, what brought you here?”

“Shouldn’t you be in the navy at this time?”

Teach asked strangely.

He has watched the finals of the World Conscription Competition.

I also know that Yixiao lost to Deckard Lilly.

However, since then, he has not received any news from Yixiao.

He thought he had always been in the Navy.

Unexpectedly, this time, he suddenly appeared in Dressrosa.


“That seems to have happened a long time ago, right?”

“I’m no longer a member of the navy.”

The joke just ended.

The two people opposite them widened their eyes at the same time.

Not the Navy?

With his strength, he is at least a vice admiral or above.

If you don’t stay in the navy, why don’t you become a pirate here?

The blind swordsman’s actions quickly made the two of them react.

“Yixiao, did you join the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Muhuang asked in shock.

No wonder I haven’t heard from him for so long, that’s why.

“Yes, I have already joined the White Group

.” Yixiao did not hide this.

Originally, he hoped to become a naval admiral.

But that time in the navy, not only did he not get the position of lieutenant general, but he was also ridiculed.

No one in the navy stood up to speak for him.

From that time on, he had become disillusioned with the Navy.

Since you can’t become a navy who enforces justice, then you can become a pirate who enforces justice.

This is what he has always thought.

Hearing this, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

Before the two of them could speak, he smiled and continued.

“Blackbeard Teach, Dressrosa is Ye Fei’s brother’s territory”

“You are in the wrong place this time”

he said to Yixiao.

Teach reacted very quickly.

“Ye Fei?”

“Yixiao, what do you mean, you mean to go against me?”

“I’m in the wrong place.”

“Don’t you know that Ye Fei robbed my Honeycomb Island?”

“He can sneak attack me, Can’t I come?”

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