Defeat Blackbeard


Tiqi spat out a mouthful of blood and flew towards the sky at the speed of light.

Ye Fei landed firmly on the ground.

Look up at the sky.

He flew so high that no trace of him could be seen.

In this way, Ye Fei kept looking into the sky and waiting.

After a long time, a dot suddenly appeared in the sky, and then gradually grew larger.

Ye Fei took a few steps back.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and Teach hit the ground again.

The originally cracked square once again had a deep pit.

A few meters underground, Tikki lay motionless.

Ye Fei put away his weapon.

Walked up to Tikki again.

Just when Ye Fei wanted to wait for him to get up.

In my mind, a familiar voice sounded again.


[Host defeats Blackbeard]

[Rewards host with 60,000 experience points]

Hear the voice of the system in your mind.

Ye Fei was stunned.

“Did you defeat Blackbeard?”

Ye Fei still didn’t believe it.

This time the battle with Teach felt a little more relaxed and not too tiring.

But the system’s judgment has never been wrong.

Blackbeard Teach has been defeated.

Sixty thousand experience points is indeed very good.

Plus the 100,000 experience points that have just been activated as a reward for the three S skills.

In Ye Fei’s system mall, it became 160,000 experience points.

You can redeem a lot of good things again.

However, Ye Fei was not in a hurry.

“Master Ye Fei, is he dead?”

Behind her, Rebecca couldn’t help but asked curiously as she walked this way.

She saw Tikki lying down without any movement for a long time.

So I wanted to come and have a look.


Cyrus wanted to stop it.

But he has no choice but to control his daughter now.

Immediately, he had no choice but to follow Rebecca.

You know, with the fight between the two just now, ordinary people might be injured as long as they get close.

Casually, he followed Rebecca while pressing the sword.

I saw Ye Fei saying it was okay somewhere.

The two of them quickly ran towards Ye Fei.

“Master Ye Fei”

“That’s Blackbeard Tiqi”

Looking at Blackbeard lying on the ground, Rebecca still couldn’t believe it.

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He is the former king of the Shichibukai and is recognized as a great pirate by the entire pirate world.

In Dressrosa, he was defeated in less than half a day?

“So what?”

Ye Fei replied lightly.

Suddenly, Rebecca looked at Ye Fei with admiration.

“Master, you didn’t teach me anything.”

Think about yourself and then look at Ye Fei.

Rebecca felt suddenly disappointed.

Ever since Ye Fei left Dressrosa.

She hasn’t seen Ye Fei for several months.

Although she practices every day.

But after Ye Fei left, she felt like she didn’t have the motivation she used to have.

“Rebecca, I’m sorry, I’m too busy.”

“Didn’t Uncle Blind Swordsman teach you?”

Ye Fei replied awkwardly, and then asked.

“He’s so strict”

Rebecca replied with a pout.

And he is too old to talk to me at all.

“Wouldn’t that be better? He is a top expert. With his guidance, you will make rapid progress,”

Ye Fei said awkwardly.

His character is always serious when he smiles.

Rebecca, on the other hand, likes to liven up the atmosphere.

It was indeed a bit difficult for him to teach Rebecca.

At this moment, the blind swordsman Yixiao was slowly walking towards this side.

“Princess Rebecca, you are very serious,”

the blind swordsman replied with a smile.

He had clearly heard what the two of them said just now.

However, he didn’t care.

“Thank you for taking this time, uncle.”

“I still need to guide her more,”

Ye Fei nodded.

“I will definitely fulfill Captain Ye’s arrangements.”

The blind swordsman nodded silently.

Since staying in Dressrosa.

He was finally doing something he loved.

Although he did not join the navy, he upheld his own justice.

But in Dressrosa, he felt a strong sense of belonging.

He was still very grateful to Ye Fei.

Cyrus, who was present, heard the conversation of several people and suddenly realized.

No wonder Rebecca has improved so quickly.

It turns out that not only did he worship Ye Fei as his master, but he was also learning from the blind swordsman.

In comparison, that devil fruit must have been given to her by Ye Fei.

Thinking of this, Cyrus’s face turned red: You have kept it secret from me for so long!

Just when several people were talking.

Caesar Courant was walking towards the square with a group of people.

Seeing the collapsed ground, everyone suddenly opened their mouths.

“Lord Ye Fei”

From far away, Caesar Coulang stretched out his hand to greet Ye Fei.

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