Looking for Caesar

After receiving Akainu’s order, Makiara led a group of people to leave the navy headquarters and go to Dressrosa that day.

within the next few days.

Muhuang and his party arrived at Dressrosa as scheduled.

His plan was to find Caesar Courant first and then take him away.

Regarding the character of Caesar Courant, Muhuang has a very good grasp of it.

That is a character who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Just give him a little color and he will follow you immediately.

After some disguise, he successfully deceived the Kingdom Guards and lurked into the city.

Next, they began to investigate the whereabouts of Caesar Courant.

Because this is the territory of the fourth emperor Ye Fei.

In addition, after Mu Huang witnessed Ye Fei’s terrifying ability last time.

He developed a serious fear of Ye Fei and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Muhuang’s investigation can only be conducted in secret.

Muhuang originally thought that finding someone would be an easy task in this small country.

Turns out, he was wrong.

After a few days, the result was nothing.

“Captain, if we continue like this, we may not be able to find Caesar,”

the entourage said to Muhuang.

“I know this.”

Muhuang looked very depressed.

I obviously saw Caesar last time.

In the past few days, they took the portrait of Caesar Coulant and asked many residents of Dressrosa, secretly or openly.

But still didn’t get any news from the other party.

Muhuang guessed that the last time he exposed his identity, it was very likely that he had aroused Ye Fei’s vigilance.

Ye Fei is very likely to hide Caesar or take him to Wano.

If this is the case, it may be difficult to complete Marshal Sakaski’s mission this time.

If Caesar is taken to Wano, his mission will be completely disrupted.

Most of Muhuang’s guesses were correct.

Caesar Coulang was indeed hidden by Ye Fei, but he was not taken away.

Ye Fei had already noticed this last time.

To prevent Caesar Courant from being taken away by the navy.

Ye Fei specifically gave Caesar Courant a death order.

Caesar Courant will never be allowed to leave the institute again without Ace’s consent.

At the same time, Ye Fei also gave Ace an order to think things through.

Furthermore, additional manpower will be deployed to guard the institute around the clock.

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No one is allowed to enter or leave without the approval of the White League senior management.

The purpose is to prevent him from being found by the navy.

In Dressrosa, except for a few senior members of the white group, no one knew the specific location of Caesar Curran.

“Captain, what should we do now?”

Seeing Mu Huang’s sad face, the entourage asked again.

Muhuang pondered for a moment, then looked at everyone.

“Continue to inquire. This time, you will disperse.”

“As soon as you get the news, report it to me immediately.” ”

Also, be careful not to be discovered by the pirates.”

“As long as we are discovered, our plan will be completely lost.”

Several The entourage looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Wait for everyone to disperse.

Muhuang found a tavern alone.

Drinking alone.

After several days of investigation.

Muhuang realized one thing very clearly, that is, it was not easy to find Caesar Curran.

In Ye Fei’s territory, he could not mobilize the navy on a large scale to blatantly look for people.

Now continue this investigation.

I don’t think there’s much hope.

Therefore, Mu Huang no longer had much hope for the subordinates he sent out.

“Perhaps, I can only take the risk and give it a try.”

After taking a sip of wine, Muhuang sighed.

Then, he put down the wine glass heavily.

At this moment, a plan emerged from his mind.

If you want to find Caesar Courant, you must attack the pirates of the White Group.

You know, right now, that guy is serving pirates.

Only through pirates is the best hope of finding Caesar Courant.

In this case, the only option is to go alone and infiltrate the pirate camp of the White Group.

Of course, Muhuang knew it very well.

Sneaking into the white group is an extremely dangerous thing.

Today’s Dressrosa not only has heavyweights such as Fire Fist Ace, Katakuri, Musuki, Yamato, etc., but Muhuang still doesn’t know whether Ye Fei is still in Dressrosa or not. Srosa.

If you sneak into the Baituan and are discovered, even if you are secretly executed, the navy may not be able to find you.

Muhuang knew the danger of this move very well.

But right now, he had no other option.

You can only take risks.

As a former captain of the Navy’s Special Mobile Team.

Muhuang is not a timid person.

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