: To calm the whole crowd, Akainu takes action personally

Seeing everyone surprised.

Akainu said, “Do you think you disagree?”

Everyone looked away.

Sengoku was a little confused: “Sakaski, the Straw Hats are just ordinary pirates.”

“Isn’t it too much to send out an admiral?”

“Besides, the three admirals of the navy now, Kizaru is in Mariejoia, Yeshi , Deckard Lily and the two are located in the New World”

in the Warring States Period.

It’s just to eliminate straw hat doubts, there’s no need to make a fuss out of a molehill.

Akainu immediately rejected Sengoku’s view.

“Inspector of the Warring States Period, please don’t underestimate those guys.”

“A few years ago, they made such a big noise on the sea. The Navy and the World Government have never been able to bring them to justice. ”

There has been no news in the past two years.”

“Who knows how much their strength has increased?” ”

Besides, the Straw Hat Boy is inextricably linked to the White Tuan.” ”

If something unexpected happens, then, I’m afraid this time The navy’s plan will fail again.”

“To ensure nothing goes wrong, I decided to dispatch the navy admiral.”

Hearing this, Sengoku fell silent.

Akainu’s words seemed very cautious.

But what he said was basically true.

The Straw Hat Crew, starting from one person, turned the ocean upside down a few years ago.

If not given a kill.

Once it becomes a climate, it may be troublesome to deal with it.

Sengoku acquiesced to Akainu’s words.

Seeing the Warring States Period, I have nothing to say.

Others have nothing to say.

Akainu calmed the audience.

Next, the hawks immediately stood up.

“Yes, the Admiral must be dispatched.”

“But, Marshal Sakaski, who is more suitable for us to dispatch this time?”

The hawks took over Akainu’s words.

“Polusalino’s current mission is to protect the Holy Land Mariejoia”

“Dekar Lily’s mission is to monitor the Whitebeard Pirates”

“The only one left is Admiral Yesi. Beast Kaido, Blackbeard has been wiped out, and the most suitable person is none other than him,”

Akainu replied.

General Ye Xi?

Everyone’s hearts were shocked.

Last time, didn’t the Navy Headquarters suspect that he was a member of the White Group?

Many high-level officials in the Navy Headquarters were aware of this matter.

This time, when he went to exterminate the Straw Hat Doubts, he was actually used?

What if he is really from the White Group?

So, wouldn’t it be possible to watch Ye Xi let them go?

This is very difficult for everyone to understand.

Warring States on the side seemed to understand something.

Dealing with the Straw Hat generals made him confused.

But for general Ye Xi to take action, he had to be suspicious.

If you think about it carefully, the Warring States period is almost clear to your mind.

He wanted to test the admiral through this move.

If he wiped out the Straw Hats.

Then, at least it shows that he is loyal to the navy.

If he helps Straw Hat Doubt, then there is no doubt that General Ye Xi is a member of the White Group.

Akainu’s move is really powerful.

“I agree.”

Seng Guo was the first to nod in agreement.

As a former Marshal of the Navy.

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He would never allow pirates to appear in the navy.


Akainu was stunned.

He didn’t expect that this time, Warring States would be the first to agree.

This seems a little different from the Warring States period I know.

He could agree, and Akainu nodded with more satisfaction.

The Warring States Period all agreed, and the others had no objections.

They all raised their hands in agreement…

“If it is confirmed that Ye Xi is a member of the White Group”

“Let him deal with the people of the White Group, wouldn’t it be obvious that the tiger should go home?”

After the meeting ended, Warring States did not leave.

This is what everyone was wondering about just now.


Akainu hummed softly.

He had already considered this.

“If he is really from Baidan”

“Then, it’s just what I want.”

After saying that, Akainu showed a weird smile.

Warring States seemed to understand something.

“What do you mean, do you want to go there in person?”

Warring States asked.

That’s why Akainu had to go in person this time.

“That’s right”

“I don’t want him to be a member of the White Group”

“If so, then I will eliminate him and the Straw Hat Boy in Shampoo Land”

Akainu replied coldly.

As Admiral of the Navy.

He could not tolerate a pirate in a high position in the navy.

“Admiral Ye Xi, he is the strongest person selected from the world’s military conscription.” “The

Navy has not yet thoroughly investigated his identity.” “If

you go so rashly, if something goes wrong, I’m afraid the Navy will fall into chaos.”

Warring States Period reminded.

Although the Navy had previously investigated General Ye Xi.

But until now, he still hasn’t learned about Ye Xi’s life experience.

Therefore, this admiral is too mysterious to the navy.

Moreover, when the world conscripted troops, everyone present saw with their own eyes the strength of General Ye Xi.

That cannot be solved by ordinary opponents.

“Lord Warring States, are you doubting my ability?”

“You think I can’t deal with Ye Xi?”

“You don’t have to worry about this.”

“No matter how strong the person is, I will take him down on the spot.

” The dog looked slightly angry.

Sengoku’s words were clearly looking down on him.


Warring States looked embarrassed.

Frankly speaking, from the bottom of his heart, Akainu’s life and death had nothing to do with him.

He was also dissatisfied with Akainu’s position as marshal.

But if we start from the overall situation of the navy.

He still didn’t want anything to happen to Akainu.

After all, that might once again trigger turmoil within the Navy.

As a former marshal of the navy, he naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

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