I am the younger brother of the Four Emperors

“Straw Hat Luffy, please allow me to join you.”

The pirate knelt directly in front of the ‘Straw Hat’ group.

“Hey, tell me about your bounty.”

The big fat man ‘Luffy’ looked at him condescendingly.

When he learned that the other party was just a pirate with a bounty of 55 million.

His face suddenly changed.

Without waiting for the other party to continue speaking, he took out the pistol from his waist.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a loud bang.

The pirate who came to seek refuge immediately covered his chest in pain.

“The pirate has a bounty of 55 million beli.”

“Read the leaflet carefully.”

“The pirate captain will not accept the reward for less than 70 million beri.” ”

So The low bounty is too low for you to come here.”

The fat man ‘Luffy’ held a smoking gun in his hand and looked at the man kneeling on the ground with contempt.


The pirate covered his chest in pain, but there was nothing he could do.

You are fully satisfied and want to join, but you are not qualified?

” I am the son of Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and the younger brother


the Four Emperors. Are you worthy?

” Everyone can join in.”

The jeers of the Straw Hats echoed in the tavern.

Then, the big fat Luffy raised the gun in his hand again.

After several consecutive gunshots, the man’s heart-rending shouts echoed throughout the tavern.

At this scene, everyone was too frightened to move.

“How ruthless, the Straw Hats”

“Who gave them real skills?”

“Keep your voice down, don’t talk, don’t let them hear you,”

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several people murmured in a low voice.

You know, that’s the ‘straw hat’ gang that kills without blinking an eye.

They didn’t dare to step forward and make any move.

“Franky, how many people have we gathered now?”

the fat man ‘Luffy’ asked arrogantly.

After getting the report from ‘Franky’.

The fat man ‘Luffy’ is even more proud. In the past two days, they have recruited two big pirates with bounties of 210 million Baileys and 190 million Baileys respectively. Moreover, they are both members of the entire pirate group.

Seeing the pirate group he formed recruiting such powerful pirates, the fat man ‘Luffy’ became even more excited.

“Continue to gather more capable subordinates, hahahahaha, boss, please have some more wine,”

the big fat man ‘Luffy’ called to the boss loudly.

Then, he looked at the sexy girl sitting at the bar.

From the moment he walked in, he noticed the beautiful woman sitting at the bar.

The purpose of the shot fired at the pirate just now was not only to show his strength, but also to show his manliness in front of the beautiful woman.

However, what he just did didn’t seem to attract the girl’s attention. She was still drinking indifferently.

The big fat man felt unhappy when he saw this.

I’m so powerful, but you don’t even look at me?

Haha, since you want to pretend to be with me, then I will just click on it.

“Also, the woman who has been sitting there since just now”

“Stop sitting alone and come over here”

“Come and have a few drinks with me”


the fat man Luffy said with a smile. He looked at Nami narrowly.

In his opinion, this prey cannot escape today.

Facing the invitation issued by the big fat man ‘Luffy’.

Nami didn’t make any move or answer at all. She just dragged her chin and continued to face him.

The big fat guy ‘Luffy’ couldn’t hold back his face, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly became impatient: “Hey, who’s calling you? That woman?” The tavern

owner’s face turned pale, and he whispered to Nami: “Is he calling you? Nami

sighed and replied nonchalantly: “No need, I’m waiting for another man.” As

soon as these words came out, everyone present broke into a cold sweat.

You know, this woman is facing the great pirate who has a bounty of more than 400 million beli: Straw Hat Luffy.

How dare this woman ignore it.

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