Luffy uses Overlord Color, Kizaru comes to Shampoo Land

Just now, that shot was already felt by Luffy’s Haki.

He could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, so it was effortless to dodge it.

Since the other party takes action.

Naturally, Luffy would not give up.

Taking advantage of the slow reaction of several people, he directly used Overlord Color Haki.

A small area of domineering energy spread from Luffy’s body.

The big fat man and his subordinates fell to the ground one after another.

The passers-by who were watching were still standing where they were.

Luffy only used Haki in a small area to avoid hurting passers-by.

Two years of hard training allowed him to master the use of Haki proficiently.


The scene in front of him made the passers-by around him look confused.

What’s going on here?

It was obviously the big fat man who fired the gun, but they were the ones who fell.

In the doubtful eyes of everyone, the two looked at each other.


“You are attracting a lot of attention,”

Rayleigh reminded in a low voice as he walked up to Luffy.

“Rayleigh, there’s nothing I can do, and I don’t want to,”

Luffy said feeling aggrieved.

Those people are following me like followers. What do you think we should do?

“Forget it, let’s hurry up and hurry up

.” Rayleigh didn’t care too much and glanced around with his eyes.

Those responsible for surveillance stood among the crowd.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Rayleigh pulled Luffy and hurried away amidst the confused eyes of passers-by…

“Report, Straw Hat Luffy’s trace was found”

“He is with Pluto Rayleigh”

Seeing the two of them escaping , the naval soldier responsible for surveillance reported while following behind.

“I understand.”

“You continue to monitor the situation.”

The person on the other end of the phone was Mu Huang, who had just landed on the island.

The navy had already set up an ambush in the Chambord Islands.

The best effect now is to wait for them to gather together and close the net.

After hanging up the phone bug.

Muara gave a report to Akainu.

At this moment, Akainu is leading a large fleet and setting off from the Marine Headquarters, Marineland.

Ahead, dozens of nautical miles away, was Ye Fei’s fleet.

On the main ship, Akainu and Sengoku stood side by side on the bow.

Behind them stood dozens of navy lieutenants.

“Advisor Crane still can’t come,”

Akainu said with some regret.

She is a very capable person.

“Didn’t you go find him yourself?”

Warring States stared ahead.

Crane refused to participate in the operation.

Warring States didn’t think of it either.

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“If you don’t come, then you won’t come.”

“Anyway, Porusalino is already on the way here.”

The corners of Akainu’s mouth raised slightly.

Right now, he couldn’t care less about Lieutenant General He.

Because General Kizaru is on his way here.

“Sakaski, you are really capable.”

“Polusalino’s duty is to protect the Holy Land Mariejoia.”

Originally, he thought that the World Government would not easily agree to Akainu’s plan.

You know, since the last time Holy Land Mariejoia was attacked by Kaido.

Kizaru stayed there.

The World Government also stipulates that Kizaru cannot leave easily without any other reason.

Sengoku was a little puzzled, wondering how Akainu persuaded those old guys.

“Superintendent of the Warring States Period”

“There is nothing I can’t do here”

“It is also the intention of the Tianlong people to capture Straw Hat Luffy and his gang.”

Akainu was quite proud.

What exactly did Warring States say?

I saw a golden light shining not far away.

Dots of golden light fell around the two of them, converging into a human shape.

The person who came was none other than General Kizaru.

“Hey, why did you call me all the way here?”

“I finally found a place to take a vacation.”

Kizaru spread his hands and said casually.

Since Kaido’s last sneak attack.

He was transferred to the Holy Land of Mary Gioia.

Although his duty is to protect the holy land of Mariejoia, the actual work content is very leisurely.

Except for Kaido, there were only a few people who dared to directly attack the Holy Land Marijoa.

As a general, he naturally has nothing to do.

Occasionally, I encounter a few troublemakers on the street. Whenever I encounter him, I will be frightened and directly beg for mercy.

There is no need to take action, the opponent will surrender.

This left Kizaru with nothing to do.

This is also in line with his hobbies and interests. He takes a nap, drinks afternoon tea, and enjoys the sunset. It feels so comfortable.

“Hey, Porusalino, put away your tricks.”

“The opponent here this time is a very troublesome guy.”

Speaking of that person, Akainu frowned unconsciously.

“A very troublesome guy?”

“Can he be as troublesome as that old man with white beard?”

Kizaru still didn’t pay too much attention.


“I hope it’s that old guy’s”

“But it should be Ye Fei who comes this time,”

Akainu replied.

This is the name I least want to mention.

But in fact, in the past two years, he has been unable to escape the shadow that this name has brought to him.

At night and in his dreams, he would often dream of giving him the final blow.

Each time, he was frightened to the point of sweating profusely.

After waking up, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

This feeling lasted for two years.

In this life, he will never be able to forget that person’s name.

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