: If you catch them, you can become cadres

“Oh, how about we go take a look?”

Luffy planned to join in the fun.

He is a naturally lively person.

He likes any place where there are many pirates.

“Luffy, have you forgotten the Empress’s reminder?”

“Champaign is a stronghold of the navy. You’d better gather and set off as soon as possible.” ”

In the new world, you can make as much trouble as you want, but not here,”

Rayleigh reminded. .

The navy has noticed them and may cause trouble if they don’t leave as soon as possible.

“Okay then”

Luffy had to agree.

Luffy was sorry to miss the pirates’ gathering.

The two were preparing to bypass the pirates and head directly to their destination.

But at this moment, a shout came from the stage in the distance, which immediately attracted the attention of the two people.

“I didn’t expect that I was looking for them just now.”

“They would actually show up here on their own initiative.”

“It’s really unexpected.”

“God is also blessing me to find my enemy.” The

person who spoke was really a glib Dimar Brak.

Standing on the stage, he noticed the two people here from a distance.

Especially the kid carrying a big bag, that happened just now.

He clearly remembered that he was the man who knocked a group of them to the ground on the street, although he couldn’t figure out how the other party did it.

Luffy and Rayleigh looked puzzled.

I don’t know what the other person is talking about.

However, soon, a big hand on the stage pointed at the two of them.

Suddenly, all the pirates’ eyes turned to this side.

“That kid with the big backpack is the one who insulted me on the street today.” ”

If any of you can catch him,”

“Then, I can promote him to a cadre,”

Dimar Burak shouted loudly.

The words just fell.

There was a burst of cheers among the pirates.

“Boss? Boss Luffy, are you telling the truth? Are you kidding us?” ”



Just capture those two people? Can he become a leader of the Straw Hats?

You can’t even dream of something that good.

“Kill that guy!”

someone shouted amidst the cheers.

The running pirates rushed towards the two of them like a tide.

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First come first served, those are the cadres of the Straw Hats, who wouldn’t want to?

“Huh? They seem to be targeting us.”

“Rayley, we seem to be in trouble again this time.”

Luffy seemed to have heard what just happened.

Obviously just want to keep a low profile.

Unexpectedly, he was still surrounded by people.

“Luffy, you go first.”

“Leave these guys to me.”

“I’ll come find you later.”

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes, shook his arms, and was ready to fight.

I haven’t moved my muscles for a while, and now is the opportunity.

“Hey, Rayleigh, are you looking down on me?”

Let your friend face so many enemies alone?

Luffy couldn’t do such a thing, even though he knew Rayleigh’s strength very well.

Having said that, Luffy put down his backpack. He would never leave until the matter was settled.


“Two arrogant guys”

“Do you know who you are facing?”

“I am Straw Hat Luffy”

The look of the two of them made Dimar Brak laugh loudly on the stage .

In front of them were thousands of pirates.

In front of this group of pirates, Dimar Brak revealed more than once that he was Straw Hat Luffy.

Sometimes, the more guilty you feel and the less confident you are, then you have to go to great lengths to prove yourself in front of others.

The purpose is to impress everyone and make them recognize themselves.


He laughed so arrogantly when he heard others pretending to be him.

Luffy was stunned on the spot, unable to react for a moment.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t show up for two years and was actually impersonated.

For a moment, he still couldn’t understand.

He still couldn’t figure out what the point of pretending to be himself was.

“Luffy, that guy seems to be impersonating you.”

Rayleigh was speechless.

Judging from the situation on the street just now, Rayleigh was not worried at all about the pirate pretending to be Luffy.

But the problem is that such a big move will most likely attract the navy.

A lot of navy have come to Shampoo.

Don’t they know that pirates are gathering here?

Isn’t it so strange that there isn’t even a navy around?


“I’m telling you”

“The two people around that person are a bit like Zoro and Sanji”

Luffy scratched his head.

Originally, he wanted to stop those two people.

Now, he began to understand that they were all fake.

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