: Shiliu of Rain is defeated, Teach’s tactics change

In an instant, Ye Fei jumped directly into the air.

White sword energy flashed across.

The huge iron cannon on the square was split into two by the sword energy.

The upper layer rose into the air and then fell into the sea water in the bay, causing huge waves tens of meters high.

“The swordsmanship is good.”

“Tich is quite capable of recruiting such people into his subordinates.”

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the fort.

The incisions made by the sword energy were neat and uniform.

As a great swordsman, he also admires Hiryu Ame’s swordsmanship.

It’s just that I haven’t been able to see him.

This time, I finally saw it.

I have to admire him a little.

As a swordsman, he likes to compete with others, especially great swordsmen.

“This is the original warden of Impel Down City.”

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the ship were also secretly surprised.

Although they admire Yuzhiliu’s swordsmanship.

But they knew that Ye Fei would be able to avoid it.

After all, they had just seen with their own eyes that Ye Fei beat up Akainu.

You know, that’s a navy admiral.


Yuzhiliu was surprised.

With this move, he had almost used all his strength.

But he didn’t expect to be dodged by Ye Fei.

Just when Yuzhiliu was confused.

In the sky, a bolt of lightning flashed across.

A figure was falling rapidly.

This person is Ye Fei.

After seeing it clearly, Yu Zhixiliu was shocked, and the sweat on her forehead suddenly appeared.

He stretched out his sword and instinctively resisted.


Their weapons met.

The domineering energy is free…

time seems to be frozen.

For a moment, neither of them moved.

“As expected of a great swordsman, he can actually block it.”

“Is this why Tiqi asked you to be his subordinate?”

Ye Fei said coldly.

In the original work, Yuzhiliu rarely showed his strength.

But Ye Fei knew that just from that moment.

Shiliu of Rain is not simple.

The title of Chief Warden of Impel Down City is not earned for nothing.


Yuzhiliu snorted coldly.

He indeed took Ye Fei’s move.

However, he had to use all his strength to catch it.

Fortunately, the knife in my hand is a famous one.

If it had been an ordinary weapon, it would have been interrupted by Ye Fei long ago.

At this moment, he had to start feeling fearful of this opponent from the bottom of his heart.

No wonder he could kill Badgers so easily.

“It seems that you can’t hold it any longer.”

Ye Fei smiled slightly.

In the duel between masters, everyone knows the level between the two.

Immediately, he pressed the dragon’s teeth down hard.

Although Yu Zhiliu was still resisting, the sweat on his forehead and trembling hands already showed that he could not hold on for long.

He originally had one hand, but now he has two hands to resist.

On the side, Blackbeard Teach looked shocked.

Ye Fei’s ability has exceeded his expectations.

Shiliu of the Rain can be resisted with both hands.

On the other hand, Ye Fei only used one hand.

At that moment, Tiqi already knew that Yu Zhiliu would definitely lose.

Originally, he just wanted Yuzhiliu to test Ye Fei’s strength.

Now it seems that Ye Fei has already surpassed Yu Zhiliu.

“Fire Fist”

Ye Fei shouted.

Pull out the other hand and activate the fire ability.

Hit Yuzhiliu in the chest at close range.


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Yuzhiliu shouted, and flew out with flames all over him.

However, Ye Fei did not stop.

He jumped up and followed him.

“Damn it…”

“I didn’t expect this kid to not only be able to use fire, but also be more skillful than Ace,”

Tikki muttered to himself.

While resisting, he can also activate his fire ability.

The fire fist was fired, and Ye Fei appeared in front of Yu Zhiliu.

“Thunder Bagua”

Yu Zhiliu, who was still being beaten away, was hit by Ye Fei with a stick in the chest directly in mid-air.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out from his mouth.


Yuzhiliu fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep pit.

Shiru of the Rain just fell.

A familiar voice sounded in Ye Fei’s mind.


[The host defeats the Great Sword Haoyu Shiliu and is rewarded with 15,000 experience points]

Ye Fei smiled slightly.

The reward for defeating Shiliu of Rain is the same as Badgers.

In other words, the strength of the two is almost the same.

at the same time.

Everyone stopped immediately.

“Hiryu was defeated”

The entire Blackbeard Pirates were stunned.

You know, he is a person that Captain Teach values very much.

For a moment, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates’ battle retreated behind Teach.

Teach was also stunned.

How could he?

Originally, after seeing Badgers defeated, he wanted Yu Zhiliu to try Ye Fei’s ability.

Unexpectedly, these are just a few tricks.

He was actually directly crushed by Ye Fei.

Is this Ye Fei?


In the deep pit, Yu Zhiliu stretched out his hand with difficulty, hoping that their captain, Tiqi, would save him.

Ye Fei’s move just now.

It directly broke six ribs on his chest.

At this moment, he could no longer stand up again.

Like Badgers, he could only lie on the ground.

At the same time, Ye Fei had already landed beside him.

After giving him a cold look, he looked at Blackbeard Tikki again…

Tikki was silent for a while.

He didn’t pay attention to Shiliu who was lying on the ground.

But he laughed again.

“Hahahaha, thief”

“Ye Fei, you shocked me so much. I didn’t expect that you actually like to hide yourself just like me.” ”

Would you like to join my pirate group? I can make you my deputy captain.” ”

Father Whitebeard is already a figure from the old era.”

“The sea in the new era is our world.”

“As long as we join forces, the navy, pirates, and revolutionary army will not be our opponents.”

Tiqi clasped his hands and said Showing the attitude of wanting to control everything.

At the same time, he also extended an invitation to Ye Fei.

He could ignore the death of his beloved general Badgers and the serious injury of Yuzhiliu.

Those people were far behind Ye Fei.

If you want to become the Pirate King, you must learn to make your opponents your friends.

He, Tikki, can do it…


aside, Marco’s teeth itched with hatred.

You killed Saqi, captured Ace, and now you want to win over Ye Fei?

I have never seen such a shameless person.

“What else?”

Ye Fei asked coldly.

Tiqi thought he was interested and shouted loudly.

“As long as you are willing to cooperate with me.”

“After we capture the Whitebeard Pirates, their territory will be divided between you and me.” ”

Dad is old. He cannot hold on to his territory.”

“Sooner or later, it will be divided up. Why don’t you and I join forces and let’s part ways?”

“No one among them will be our opponent.”

“The new world is our world.”

“What do you think? Do you want to consider it?”

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