Water Ability, Rain Fruit

These are all natural abilities.

It’s really exciting.

Currently, Ye Fei has the burning fruit, which means he has the ability of fire.

Thunder Bagua has the ability of thunder attribute.

In other words, Ye Fei now has the ability of two attributes.

Next, it’s wind and water.

Looking through the fruits, Ye Fei began to search.

But there are too many fruits in the mall.

Ye Fei looked through it for a long time but couldn’t find it.

If I keep searching like this, I don’t know when I will find it.

Just when Ye Fei was about to give up.

A water-attributed fruit suddenly appeared: the Rain Fruit!

Seeing this, Ye Fei immediately became interested.

In the original work of One Piece, the natural fruits include the Burning Fruit, the Thunder Fruit, the Shining Fruit, the Rock Berry, the Frozen Fruit… There is only one Water Fruit for the water type.

That belongs to Doflamingo family leader Senior Piqué.

However, Senior only used that ability for swimming and picking up girls.

Ye Fei estimated that he did not fully develop the fruit’s ability, so he was defeated by Franky.

However, this time in Ye Fei’s system mall, there is really a water-type fruit, that is, the rain fruit.

Then, look at the fruit introduction:

Rain Rain Fruit: Natural type. After eating it, the eater can gain the ability to control rain at will (including making rain and controlling the size of rain). The user himself can also transform into water form and perform ordinary physical attacks. Non-Haki attacks are ineffective against the user!

The lower column is an accessory column that introduces the combat skills of Yuyu Fruit.

Sense Rain: The rain created by the user can sense enemies within the range of the rain falling, which can be used for detection and defense! The range is determined by the user’s capabilities.

Arrow Rain: Falling rain can turn into countless rain arrows falling from the sky, attacking enemies in a wide area.

Arrow Rain MAX: Arrow Rain upgraded version, speed and attack power increased by more than ten times.

Rain Gun: A weapon made from the fusion of rain, usually used for offense.

Rain Shield: Defense system, a shield fused with rainwater, which can withstand swords, bullets, and artillery attacks, and can slow down enemy attacks.

Rain Lightning: Create thunderstorms and use them to hit enemies accurately.

Rain Fist: After the user creates rainwater, he can fuse the rainwater into Rain Fist.

Rain God·Water Dragon: Create heavy rain, use the water dragon created by the ability to attack the enemy.

Rain God·Gravity Rain Ball: Use the ability to increase the density of rainwater while keeping the volume of water unchanged, thus hitting the enemy.

Rain God·Gravity Water Ball: After the heavy rain merges, a high-density giant water ball is formed, which falls from the sky. It is effective for a large area or a single individual. The size of the water ball is determined by the user’s ability.

Corrosion·Acid Rain: The user can create high-intensity acid rain, which can corrode enemies, swords, and steel warships!

Weaknesses: More powerful fire, magma!

After seeing the introduction of the fruit’s abilities.

Ye Fei was a little surprised.

Sense the rain, which is somewhat similar to Payne’s perception in Naruto. This move is relatively safe to defend. After activating the ability, once the opponent comes to sneak attack, as long as the opponent enters the rain, you can know in advance and react. .

Arrow Rain is effective against large areas of enemies.

Rain gun? Can weapons turned into rainwater really be used for fighting? Ye Fei still had doubts about this.

However, moves such as Rain Fist, Water Dragon, and Big Water Ball do look very powerful.

Especially gravity rain can actually change the density of water, which probably consumes a lot of effort.

Finally, acid rain is a bit damaging. It can not only corrode steel, but also corrode enemies. It’s too cruel, so it’s better not to use it as much as possible.

Generally speaking, Ye Fei is still looking forward to the Yuyu Fruit.

Suddenly, Ye Fei thought of Crocodile, the user with the ability of the Shasha Fruit.

His own Yuyu Fruit should be his nemesis.

After looking at the price, I saw that just like the Burning Fruit, it only requires 10,000 experience points to redeem.

Ye Fei didn’t think much and directly chose to exchange.


[The host exchanged the Yuyu Fruit successfully]

Following a prompt, Ye Fei had a transparent water-like Devil Fruit in his hand.

It’s soft when you pinch it, and it shines like a diamond under the starlight.

“Yuyu Fruit?”

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Ye Fei held it in his hand and didn’t eat it in a hurry.

Instead, he started to think about it.

He already has the ability to burn fruits.

You know, it’s the fire element.

And the one in my hand is indeed a water-attributed fruit.

Once eaten by myself, will it be incompatible with each other?

In the world of pirates, devil fruits are related to restraint.

You know, water and fire are incompatible.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei regretted a little.

“System, will eating the Rain and Rain Fruit have anything to do with the Burning Fruit?”

Ye Fei looked worried.

Ask the system instead.



[Although water and fire abilities are incompatible, they do not affect the performance of the host]

[Just try not to use both abilities at the same time]

[Once used, it may cause backlash]

[The host has extremely strong recovery ability , so it won’t cause much harm to the host]

Since it’s nothing serious, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the fruit in your hand.

Ye Fei bit it directly.

“It still tastes bad, just like the medicine.”

Ye Fei looked disgusted, but in order to gain more abilities, Ye Fei could still endure the pain.

All it takes is one bite of the Devil Fruit.

Throw the rest aside.

Ye Fei’s body also changed accordingly.

It’s different from the first fusion.

This time, Ye Fei didn’t feel much pain.

It’s just that my abdomen is a little bloated.

There seemed to be several forces moving around in his body.


[The host successfully fused the Rain Rain Fruit ability]

[Does the host redeem all skills? 】

Hearing this, Ye Fei was a little surprised.

I remember that when I integrated the Burning Fruit last time, those skills were all included.

This time, do you have to spend experience points to buy it?

This system is getting darker and darker!

Just like when you start playing the game for free, the further you go to the back, the darker it gets!

It doesn’t work without recharging money!

Ye Fei was a little speechless, but since he had eaten the Yuyu Fruit, if he didn’t buy the skill, he would have to learn it slowly, and he didn’t know when he would learn it.

Just exchange them all together.


Ye Fei replied secretly.

[The host spent 10,000 experience points, and the redemption was successful]

[The host obtained Arrow Rain, Arrow Rain MAX, Rain Gun, Rain Shield, Rain Lightning Rain Fist, Rain God·Big Water Ball Corrosion·Acid Rain] [

Skills and moves started to be fused]

[Skills and moves are being fused. …】

Suddenly, the various moves and methods of activating the skills of Yuyu Fruit began to pour into Ye Fei’s mind!

[Skill and move fusion successful]

The system prompts success.

Ye Fei smiled proudly.

Not only can it fuse fruit abilities, but it can also be done so quickly.

The response was really quick.

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