"You're not afraid of death, are you?"

At this time, Kidd was covered in wounds, and he couldn't see the human appearance anymore,

only the face was still intact.

Toka sat in front of Kidd with her hands on the throne and looked at the indomitable pirates.

The people of the Kidd Pirates thought that they were more kind, but

they turned out to be an even more terrifying one, and because of a word, the captain was abused to the whole body, except for the face.

Haldson and Alexander couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines as they watched Kidd's deplorable condition, and

they secretly vowed never to mention that Master (the captain) was a wanted criminal.

Kidd's heart has been worn out, and at this time it is no longer a question of whether to take refuge or not

, but the new big guy has no intention of accepting him at all,

but simply tortures him.

"Then have you ever heard of social death?" Shika

looked at Kidd as if she had thought of something interesting, and hooked the corners of her mouth, looking a little happy.

What does that mean, is it a punishment?

Kidd wondered, but he didn't ask.

"Hideson, strip him clean and hang him on a pendulum in Chambord Park for three days and three nights. "

What?" Kidd

despaired, and he began to pray that it wasn't true.

"I'm willing to join ......

" "It's late!"

Toka interrupted Kidd and continued to instruct Ledson,

"Go get a live phone bug, and then put a few more projections on it

to give the people of Chambord a good look at this year's supernova leader."

Then take a photo and send it to the World Economic News, which must be on the front page, and I will pay any money.

Shika looked at the stunned Halderson and glared dissatisfied:

"Look at it! Don't go quickly! You must hang it for three days and three nights, and you will be there to guard."

Knowing that the master was serious, Kidd dragged Alexander and hurriedly ran out, Alexander

went to contact the golden lion to send money to buy phone bug live broadcast equipment,

and separated from the two soldiers with Haldson.

The word devil is the name given to Toka by Kidd and his crew

, and if this incident is reported by the whole world, will Kidd still have the face to enter the new world......

Empathize and commit suicide by jumping into the sea every minute, the kind that doesn't dare to go back to your hometown.

Alexander didn't dare to delay at all, and dialed the phone worm of the golden lion, and

the phone worm gradually turned into the

appearance of an old man.

"Hey, Vice-Captain, send some Bailey here! Captain is going to use it! Angry!"

"Oh, well, let's see what makes her angry." "


Chambord Park,

"No wonder Master wants to hang you on the pendulum." "

The big pendulum is something you can notice as soon as you enter the park

, and of course the roller coasters and Ferris wheels are more noticeable,

but they are too tall for anyone below to see.

Kidd was still struggling, and Haldson broke his other leg by the way

, "I'm sorry, you saw it,

but I'm the one who is unlucky if this doesn't work out."

Hudson smiled, not a bit of a superior, very shameless, very obscene.

"Can you tell me why that ......"

Kidd was unwilling, he didn't know why that kind of big guy hated him so much.

"How do I know.

Hudson sneered in his heart: Heh, you want to lie to me and die with you?

"Walk you" ─=≡Σ(((つ•̀ω•́)つ

Kidd was thrown into the air by Kiddson, nailing all the branches on the ground to the big pendulum and holding the naked Kidd.

Then he clapped his hands and looked at the figure on the big pendulum and said

, "Everything is ready, I only need to guard you for three days

, but you, the more than 300 million sea pirates, should have a lot of interest,


Kidd, forget it now, you are not allowed to bow your head during the day!" Edson reminded.

The night sky of the "Damn !!!"

playground echoed with Kidd's roar.


The next day

, Chambord Park was full of people

, "Hey,

why is there a naked man on the pendulum......?"

It's the captain of the Kidd Pirates!"

The man said a little unconfidently, rubbed his eyes and looked at it again.

"That's right. It's Eustace Kidd, I went to see it before.

There is a person guarding under the big pendulum, you can take pictures, you can't get close. "

This man is amazed, it is a supernova of 315 million Baileys,

the first person in the most evil generation!

"Who dares to take pictures of Lao Tzu and kill him!" Kidd

stared at the crowd present.

Halfson jumped up and slapped Kidd in the face

, "Everyone is free,

don't listen to the threat of a defeated dog." But

Kidd's words clearly shocked most

of the people, the first supernova of the Evil Generation,

and extremely brutal.

Seeing that no one is taking pictures, Hudson is not in a hurry, the best is yet to come.

Sure enough, Alexander had already connected his equipment and started broadcasting

, the projections had been distributed to various parts of the Chambord Islands

, and he didn't even have to spend money to get Kidd on the front page of the

World Economic News, not only the World Economic News,

but other newspapers were also scrambling to report this interesting story.

"Shocked: Eustace Kidd, the first supernova in the Extreme Evil Generation, has such a hobby

?" "The fall of a supernova or the realm of transcending the worldly vision?"

"Chambord's fragrant live broadcast: The Kidd Pirates turned out to be Nantong Paradise?

" "......"


Shixiang nodded with satisfaction, and

the pink hair next to her saw that Shixiang's teacup was empty and hurriedly refilled,

she was too afraid of the person in front of her.

Joelle Bonnie saw the legendary sea pirate Golden Lion on this floating battleship yesterday, and

at that time she suddenly realized that only the ability of the Golden Lion to make such a huge warship float in the air can be done,

but then there are doubts: because the Golden Lion has already been arrested by the Navy?

And they were imprisoned in the city of Advance, a great prison from which no one could escape.

I didn't have time to think about it before I saw the legendary figure of the golden lion in a hurry......

He hurriedly left the battleship with a box of Bailey, who looked like he could have 100 million

, and soon after the golden lion and the girl who hit her on a bubble cart during the day returned

, and the legendary sea thief Golden Lion Shiki was unexpectedly peaceful, and very joking

, they said that Kidd did not want to join them,

so he offended their captain

He was then stripped naked and hung on a pendulum in Chambord Park, and he was

featured in various newspapers,

making him famous all over the world.

It's unbelievable that the golden lion actually became someone else's subordinate.

The name of this battleship is the Eternity, which sounds a little familiar, but it doesn't matter

, the important thing is that there is also live streaming equipment here

, looking at Kidd's life is worse than death

, Joelle Bonnie deeply realizes that she is a member of the Eternity,

and she has always been.

Not only that, but she is also the most loyal maid and the most devout believer of the Night Sword God.

When did the Bonnie Pirates

happen?Don't talk nonsense!Denim clothes?

Don't wear them anymore!

Big Stomach?


sorry, but Lord Night Sword God needs me for this habit, maybe

it's because of the contrast, it will look like Lord Night Sword God eats...... I didn't say anything,

it's time to add tea to Lord Night Sword God again......

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