After finally calming the serious consequences of the smog attack in old Beijing, Roya, who was beaten by Tiger with a full head full of bags, quietly got into the cabin alone.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with the system, he directly exchanged three mysterious treasure chests in one go.

“I still don’t believe it, today’s red hands can’t open good things.”

“Drip, congratulations to the host for opening the mysterious treasure chest and obtaining a drop of seawater.”

With black lines on the door of his head, Luo Ya looked at the endless sea outside the cabin, and he had the mind to hit tofu.

Is this a mysterious treasure chest? Just this broken thing, actually worth 1000 points a piece?

Oh my God!

O earth!

“Open again!” Luo Ya was also open-minded, and he didn’t believe that the four mysterious treasure chests were all opened with this ragged thing.

“Congratulations to the host for opening the mysterious treasure chest and obtaining three seaweeds.”

If it weren’t for the fact that the system had no entity, it would be on himself, if it wasn’t for the treasure chest to disappear after it was opened, Luo Ya really wanted to smash a treasure chest into the face of the system, ask this animal, and say why the good treasure chest is these pit daddy things!

Take a deep breath for a while, looking at the last mysterious treasure chest full of disgust, Luo Ya can see clearly, this thing sounds good, the price of death is expensive, but the things opened are not even as good as the bronze treasure chest, said that the good world is all-encompassing, the result turned out to be such a bag Faha?

Opening the last treasure chest casually, Luo Ya had basically given up on himself.

“Congratulations to the host for opening the mysterious treasure chest and obtaining the martial art Eight Extremes Collapse.”

Eight Extremities: Melee attack fighting skills, known for their strong attack power, trained to the fullest, the attack implies eightfold strength, eight overlapping plus, can be used with other martial arts.

Full of residual thoughts, Luo Ya silently accused the inhumanity of the system, every time people are about to give up, there is always a little surprise to rush away the disappointment, people with bad hearts are estimated to be killed, and the ups and downs of life are really not too fast.

The Eight Extremities Collapse was directly integrated into Roya’s mind and turned into a new skill.

Octapole collapse level 10 (MAX/MAX).

The power of this martial art is enhanced with its own enhancement, and it can be superimposed with other martial arts, and its value is simply immeasurable. It seems that the protagonist in the fight, Xiao Yan, has cultivated this set of martial arts, right?

“Big man, you give Xiaoye out, Xiaoye teaches you how to be a person, no, teach you how to make fish, it’s not right…”

The excited Roa rushed out of the cabin and shouted loudly to Tiger who pulled the boat at the bottom of the sea, it was really too miserable to be taught just now, and the big bag has not yet fallen, and this revenge is not a gentleman.

“Stinky little ghost, it seems that you still lack education.”

Fingers crunched, and Tiger was clearly ready to give Roya another love education.

“Big man be careful! Wa Zhengfist! ”

Ignoring Tiger’s evil taste, he simultaneously carried the Bajibang and the Fishman Karate, and blasted towards Tiger in an instant.

His face changed, and Tiger, who noticed that this move was different, hurriedly blocked his arms in front of him, so powerful, I am afraid that he already has the strength of a thousand watts of fists, and it is not weaker than the rear admiral.


Luo Ya punched Tiger hundreds of meters away, splashed the sky-rushing water column, tired and could only gasp in place, the huge consumption was simply crushing, if you face the enemy, I am afraid that after one move, the enemy will not die, and Luo Ya will have to die without a corpse.

“Stinky little ghost, what kind of physical technique is this, I feel that there are eight forces in an instant, which at least increase your strength by more than five times.”

A moment later, the bombarded Tiger had returned to the boat, flicked the water droplets on his body, and sat cross-kneeled in front of Roya, such a terrifying physical technique, it was simply unheard of, concentrated the whole body strength, divided this force into eight strands, continuous impact, if you use this physical technique is very flat, I am afraid that a punch can make Tiger lose the power to resist.

You must know that in the original work, Tiger pinched the cannon into scrap iron with his bare hands, and beat the rear admiral and the same fierce man as the chicken boy, even if it is not as strong as in the future, but it is not far away.

“Want to learn? Haha, big man, I’m in a good mood now, if you say good things to me, I’ll teach you~”

Roya, who looked stunned, directly turned on the mocking aura, and did not see Tiger’s darkening face at all.

Kerra, who wore a small hat with goggles on the side, smiled and closed his mouth, watching the big one and the small two living treasures fight.


Such happy days lasted a few days and had to end, and the three had already arrived on Kerra’s hometown of Forchat Island, and in order to send Kerra back to his hometown as soon as possible, even the treasure hunt was temporarily put down by Roya.

“Is this your hometown? It’s a beautiful place, no wonder there is a gentle and kind girl like Kerra. ”

After docking the ship on the shore, Tiger, Roya, and Kerra set foot on the land together, and Roa put his hand on Kerra’s hat and rubbed it.

“Uh-huh, this is my home, brother thank you, and of course uncle.”

“Hey, why do I seem to be thanked by the way, hahaha, but it should be me who wants to thank little Kerra for the delicious food.”

The three of them walked towards the village together, chatting idly, and Kerra’s personality became more and more cheerful under the enlightenment of Roya and Tiger.

In the farmland next to the village, peasant couples in pairs worked hard/stumbled, and little Kerra’s steps suddenly stopped, and then he rushed out.

“Mom! Mom! ”

“Grams… Kerra… Is that you? Kerra…”

Roa couldn’t see this tear-jerking scene the most, and turned around and walked in the direction he came.

“No need to say goodbye?”

Tiger also turned around and left, the identity of the fish man finally made ordinary people feel afraid, and many farmers had already grabbed their hoes and began to be on guard.

“People living on this sea don’t need to say goodbye, because one day they’ll see each other again, right?”

“Hahaha, that’s what I said.”

The two left while talking, and the melancholy of parting also dissipated because of Roya’s words.

“Brother, uncle! When I grow up, I’ll go to you, let’s go on an adventure on the sea together~”

There was a shout from Kerra behind him, and Roya did not look back, waved his arm, and clenched his fist tightly.

“Well, that’s it! Kerra has to try to get stronger, but don’t let the bad guys catch it anymore. ”

Tearful Kerra watched the two leave, standing in place for a long time without moving, and the villagers, who were originally like enemies because of the arrival of the fishman, were extremely embarrassed to roughly understand the cause and effect, and could only stand in place like Kerra, silently sending apologies and thanks.


“Little ghost, what is the purpose of your trip?”

“Haha, purpose? I think the word dream is more appropriate, I want to find the treasure of the world! Well, I’m going to fight human traffickers, I’m going to make some changes to this cruel world, cruel slavery, to the best of my ability! Haha, what about your dream? ”

“What a good dream, haha, I originally just wanted to be a carefree explorer, but after seeing so many tragedies on the clear sea, I now want to make some changes for this cruel slavery, otherwise how can I carry out the adventure I dreamed of.”

“Then let’s work together.”


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