After waking up, Karp looked left and right wondering if I had forgotten something??? By the way, I’m going to take Bogart to sea today, then let’s go, don’t wash your face, don’t comb your hair, put on your own navy coat and go out.

Walking on the way to the base port and looking at the happy smiles on the faces of the townspeople of the G1 base, he felt that he was worth being in the navy for so many years, he did not care about the rank, as long as the navy fought more for the civilian navy, he would not be stingy and give guidance, although he belonged to the doves and was not used to hawks.

I don’t even bother to say that in the navy it is like a stranger, what is the purpose of the establishment of the navy, is it not to maintain peace in the sea, is it not to protect the stable life of civilians, the smile of civilians is the practice of hawks, he will not say anything to kill the pirates on the spot, and even he will not say anything when he goes to sea as a pirate for the sake of adventure

To ask why? Since you go to sea, block your own life, if you don’t have that awareness, don’t go to sea, no one dares to say that you haven’t killed or killed a good person by mistake

Why is this, the reason and simplicity they are not civilians, they are the pinnacle of the sea, their duels to smash an island is very common, they have broken through the limits of human cognition, in the battle does not distract you, if you are distracted so embarrassed.

You are either dead, defeated or seriously wounded, so every time Karp fights, he is at sea and does not want to fight on land, because as long as there is land, there will be many innocent people, and Karp is not a pedantic person, killing? If you haven’t killed anyone, how can you become the pinnacle on this turbulent sea?

The peak is piled up by corpses and bones, and it is not just a matter of talking about the achievement of ten thousand bones.

Looking at the smiles of the civilians, Karp also felt full of strength, isn’t his justice to protect these smiles?

The civilians who looked at the question marks around them answered enthusiastically, and after a while, they walked to the port of the G1 base, and they also parked their dog-headed cars, looking at the sea in the distance, yelling that the brats were ready to pull the anchor and set off, so that those damn pirates could see what the navy is.

The naval soldiers are all full of energy, and the pirates of the new world are a little less jealous, to walk to their warship, but Karp sits, after driving the atmosphere, Karp went to the recliner in the center of the ship and sat down, the rest will be handed over to you, the changeable weather in the new world must pay attention to.

Bogart: Don’t worry, Lieutenant General Karp, these soldiers have been with you for many years, the older ones are in their 40s, the younger recruits are also taken care of by veterans, and they are more familiar with the new world than you after so many years, haha laughed.

Wow, hahahaha, it’s been so many years, I’ve been in the Navy for more than 20 years, forget it, Bogart, you just look at it.

Knowing the vice admiral, after talking about looking at the churning sea at the bow of the ship, the weather in the new world is really weird, because it rained a moment ago, it snows now, and even at the bottom of the sea, there will be swirling currents and waterspouts caused by tornadoes at any time.

The warship that was sailing met a pirate ship in front of it, and it was marked as Dry Bone Hill of the Dry Bone Pirate Group, which is just a newcomer in the New World, and has been in the New World for less than a year, but it is also very capable to sail in the New World for a year without being absorbed and destroyed.

The navy that found the pirate ship sounded the alarm and said, the pirate group was found in the southwest direction, and after looking at it with a telescope for a while, it was found that it was a dry bone pirate group, and the road was a dry bone pirate group, please note that the southwest direction was the dry bone pirate group, and the navy was checking the standard sabers and standard firearms.

The pirates also found that the navy’s warship did not see the dog’s head at the bow because it came from the rear, but even if he saw it, he did not necessarily know it, so he came to the bounty of 230 million Bailey

Oh little ones lean over the ship we haven’t touched the navy for a long time, today let the navy see what is called dry bone hill, pirates: it’s the captain!

And Bogart was surprised to hear the words of the lookout, he was not surprised that he met pirates, it was easy to meet pirates at sea, but this just from the base also met the pirate group or the dry bone pirate group in more than 1 hour, why is it the dry bone pirate group, the dry bone hill bounty of 230 million Bailey is the rusty fruit ability, this ability is quite restrained to use weapons, in addition to the sea lou stone, I really don’t know what else he can’t corrode.

After returning to his senses, looking at the dry bone pirate group that had approached, he pulled out the Judao text on his waist, looked at the approaching pirate ship, a knife rogue hunted, the knife pulled out the sheath from behind, and a huge flying slash directly cut through the pirate ship!

Damn, a swordsman or a flying swordsman! Hill looked at the ship that had been divided into two halves and didn’t care about the crew, jumped directly onto the warship, looked at a man with a dog’s head hat lying on his stomach, but didn’t care about him and went directly to Bogart, rust corrosion rust is a very simple trick because he touched the swordsman was directly corroded by him when he touched the blade, there was no exception before.

But this time there was really an accident, because Bogart’s blade body was already pitch black, and the tricks were also familiar to many people, but Hill was not afraid that any iron would be corroded when it touched him, and he never thought that the swordsman could promise him, but this time was really an exception.

Because he heard a passage that was, and was the last. Black Knife · One Knife Flow · Juhe ・ Dragon’s Nest Flash! In an instant, when Hill directly pulled out the Ju Dao text on his waist, he was already behind Hill when he didn’t react.

Turning to look at Bogart, Dry Bone Hill covered his neck and said hoarsely: “Impossible, there can be no swordsman who can hurt my !!


Bogart looked at Hil, who was struggling on the ground, and said that if it was 7 days ago, you may have failed or even lost your love knife, you lost and you still treated me with the habit of treating swordsmen, you must know that this world has a domineering existence.

Domineering! So it is, it turns out that I lost to domineering not a swordsman! It’s a pity that I just arrived in the new world and didn’t have the opportunity to learn domineering, and I really didn’t want to be willing! O my ambition! Saying that, there was no breath, and Bogart sighed that habit is really a terrible shortcoming!!

Yes, so don’t those bad habits, their death is not lack of ability and strength, but pride and habit, some third-rate swordsmen they encounter can’t hurt him, so he thinks you can’t hurt him either, but he doesn’t know that you will be domineering, and he doesn’t know that domineering, although it can’t restrain the demon fruit, it can resist.

If he was serious just now, you wouldn’t necessarily please you, even if it was a black knife, because your armed color domineering hadn’t yet cultivated home, and Karp said with his nose clasped behind Bogart.

Bogart: Yes, Lieutenant General, don’t be so serious, but your strength has really increased a lot, and the moment you touch the sword, your kendo aura and momentum merge with the sword, although it is not perfect, but it is not bad for just comprehension to be able to use it

At this time, the naval soldiers also solved the battle, you want to ask why so quickly, please they are all veterans who have followed for more than ten or twenty years, domineering or something, it will be early, but they are not willing, get off Kapu’s ship, they feel that it is enough to follow Vice Admiral Karp, the position is not important, of course, it is not so many people that everyone stays, and some like rights, but Karp does not complain about who the seven deadly sins are the common feelings of man.

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