One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 112 Breaking In (Part 2)

The light above the island was countless times stronger due to the presence of that light source, and it was so dazzling that it temporarily blinded the outpost troops.

The light in the sky dissipated, revealing a tall, thin middle-aged man, wearing a pair of sunglasses, with a ring of stubble on his face, and then Marine's standard suit and justice cloak, with a leisurely and casual look on his face. demeanor.

"It's Kizaru here!" The pirate soldiers on the outpost suddenly remembered the fear dominated by that light, and they were all horrified.

Even Mondor had a cold sweat on his face and said in shock: "Even Marine Admiral has taken action personally. Could it be that Marine is serious this time!"

The Admiral of Headquarters, known as the Naval Headquarters and the World Government's highest combat power, has amazing combat power that can confront the Four Emperors head-on. This is obviously not an enemy they can handle.

However, his strong sense of responsibility made him want to stop the opponent as much as possible, and almost subconsciously shouted: "Open fire! Shoot him down!"

The soldiers who feared Admiral from the bottom of their souls did not dare to disobey at this moment. They turned their weapons and launched a fierce attack on Kizaru in the air.

A dense net of firepower suddenly covered the air, and the tongues of flame spewed by bullets and shells went straight through Kizaru's body, but they could not hurt him at all, and even Kakuzu's clothes could not scratch him.

"Oh, I am a Logia user, this kind of attack will not work!" Kizaru spoke slowly and humorously as always.

Admiral Kizaru, whose real name is Borsalino, is a flash man who ate the Logia Sparkling fruit. He possesses the speed and power of light and can emit lasers through his body to produce large-scale explosions.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Kizaru, who was 58 years old at the time, smiled half-heartedly and slowly pinched out two finger flowers. His body instantly turned into a ball of light as blazing as the sun. Countless laser projectiles flew out randomly, overwhelming the sky and covering the island below.

Faced with Admiral's ability bombardment, the outpost troops had no ability to resist. Suddenly, the entire island fell into a violent explosion. The fire and impact crazily destroyed everything on the island. No matter whether it was buildings or soldiers, they had nowhere to hide. They were all involved in the explosion. .

The terrifying and violent bombing lasted for almost more than a minute before stopping. This indiscriminate attack turned the entire island into a land of smoke, with corpses everywhere, thick smoke billowing, and burning everywhere. Firelight.

In just one minute, a heavily guarded island turned into a blackened purgatory. This was the terrifying combat power of Marine Admiral Kizaru.

Kizaru pouted the corners of his stubbled lips and said indifferently: "This is just following orders, don't blame me!"

"Huh?" He turned his eyes at this moment and locked onto a figure in the sky in the distance.

At this moment, Mondor was flying on books while using the phone bug to contact Cake Island.

He is the book bearer of Paramecia's book fruit. He can make living creatures into specimens and seal them in books, and he can also use books to fly in the air.

"Hurry up and answer the phone!" His eyes were splitting at the moment.

When he saw Kizaru appear before, he already wanted to contact the capital to issue a warning, but everything happened so fast that he only had time to use his ability to escape.

"Don't even think about escaping from my grasp!" Kizaru looked at the figure that was running away like crazy.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

He slowly put his hands together in front of him, and a large beam of light condensed between his palms, which was instantly emitted and refracted by the surrounding clouds, forming several light tracks.

"What?" Mondor suddenly realized that the surrounding light was extremely dazzling. He turned around in horror and saw a beam of light shooting straight towards him.

The beam particles at close range instantly condensed into Kizaru's figure, and he closed his eyes and calmly hit the opponent with a kick.

A laser beam immediately enveloped Mondor's body and shot towards the island below, followed by a deafening series of horrific explosions, and fire and impact swept everything around.

Without any ability to parry, Mondor, who was charred and smoking, rolled his eyes and fell silently into the ruins.

At this time, Admiral Kizaru, who had just easily destroyed an island, was hurriedly searching for a phone bug that kept ringing on his body.

"Moxi Moxi? How strange!" He called the phone bug on his wrist several times, but got no response and was scratching his head in wonder.

Suddenly remembering the instructions from his former subordinate Zhan Momomaru, he took out another phone bug from his clothes, answered the call and said, "Moxi Moxi, this is Kizaru!"

The phone bug instantly turned into an unruly face with a cigarette butt in his mouth, and said loudly: "Big brother, where are you now?"

Kizaru said calmly: "Oh, it's brother Aramaki! I just managed to deal with an outpost force!"

The other end said impatiently: "Stop pretending! Those bastards can't possibly make you work hard. I'm heading towards the Cake Island now!"

"This time we are following Mr. Sakazuki's command to divide our forces to encircle and suppress the BIG.MOM Pirates! Just now, Gion and Kaki also contacted me and said they are in place. Don't let your subordinates laugh at you!"

Kizaru said: "Look what you said! Of course I don't want to listen to that guy Sakazuki's nagging after I go back!"

"That's good, let's meet up at Cake Island then!"

Kizaru added at this time: "If you hurry up, then you can ignore the towns along the way!"

"Huh? Do you need to talk about such a thing? Of course, they were eliminated along the way! Don't forget the Marshal's emphasis on eradicating evil, especially the Four Emperors pirates who must not be tolerated!"

Kizaru asked quietly: "Then the people of this country will not be left alive in the same way?"

The other end of the phone said impatiently: "Isn't this nonsense? They have succumbed to being thieves and degenerated themselves, so they certainly don't deserve sympathy! Besides, there are people from the BIG.MOM pirate group on every island, so how can they have time? Make a distinction!”

"It's so helpless! In order to destroy the Four Emperors pirate group, we will kill millions of civilians! This is the danger of a pirate country!" Kizaru sighed and turned off the phone.


Meanwhile, the capital of Totto Land, Cake Island.

Due to the lightning annihilation tactics adopted by Marine this time, the Totto Land outpost force had no time to notify the capital. The Charlotte family, who knew nothing about it, was currently wholeheartedly preparing for the birthdays of the three Katakuri brothers.

Today's birthday party is a long-awaited event, and the entire capital is filled with joy and joy.

"Sister Bree, you don't know how to make cakes, why do you have to get involved!"

"Yeah, just go back and wait to eat the cake!"

Several girls from the Charlotte family complained to their sister Bree.

Bray, who was in a hurry, glared and said, "What do you know? Brother Katakuri has worked too much during this time. I will personally help prepare a birthday cake for him this time!"

The younger sisters said helplessly: "Then you should stir in the eggshells too!"

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