One of the highest combat powers in the Naval Headquarters, Marine Admiral "Green Bull" Aramaki is a forest man who ate the Logia Forest Fruit and can transform into plants with different functions to fight for himself.

"The mainland is dense!"

I saw countless huge vines spreading along the Marine's warship circle towards the coastline of Cake Island. The plant tentacles that covered the sky and seemed to be like living creatures immediately shocked countless people, whether they were pirates or Marines.

Even many powerful people in the Charlotte family couldn't help but frown. It was their first time seeing the new Admiral's abilities.

Smoothie said, "What is Marine planning to do? It doesn't look like he wants to attack!"

Cracker smiled and said: "Hahaha, do we need to take action?"

Katakuri stopped him and said, "Just wait and see what happens, and see what his intentions are first!"

At this time, the huge vines spreading from all directions suddenly accelerated and plunged deeply into the surface of the cake island. The hard surface made of butter was immediately punctured and exploded. Terrifying movements spread around the entire island, forming a A cross-sea bridge made of natural plants.

Immediately afterwards, with an order from the Vice Admiral, all the Marine officers jumped off the warship together, followed the landing place created by the green bull, and launched a murderous charge towards Cake Island from all directions.

The BIG.MOM Pirates truly understood the enemy's intentions at this moment.

Perospero said calmly: "Did you originally plan to build a land across the sea and attack here? The new Admiral's ability is really outrageous!"

Compert also said: "So, in order to avoid damaging the warship, we deliberately stopped outside the firing range! And you see, this way the mine traps we set under the sea are completely useless!"

"Bombardment! Destroy their foothold!" The unwilling BIG.MOM pirates immediately turned their guns and fired fierce bombardments at the giant vines.

However, after a burst of smoke and fire, the vine was only blackened and sunken by the bombardment, without any damage.

"How is this possible?" Many pirates' perceptions were subverted.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!" A tall pirate with a huge knife on his shoulder rushed forward and slashed down the vines on the ground with a roar. Unexpectedly, the steel knife shattered in response, but the vines only remained. Next white mark.

"Is this iron or a tree?" Even many members of the Charlotte family were confused at this time.

The green cow on the warship in the distance lit a cigarette and said disdainfully: "How can I cut corners on the things used to pave bridges and roads? This is a truth that even children understand!"

At this time, a tall fiery red figure landed on the vines.

"Lord Owen!"

Owen, whose whole body was braving the terrifying heat, said with a ferocious smile: "How can something made by Devil Fruit be destroyed so easily! Look at Laozi melting it!"

Immediately, the place where his feet stepped was directly burned and sunken deep. The Ultimate high temperature, which was enough to melt steel, was burning and destroying the vines below.

"As expected of Sir Owen!" The pirates in the rear cheered.

This level was just a small test of his skills. Just when Owen was about to use a more powerful high-temperature move to destroy the vines, a huge sharp slash flew directly from an extremely long distance, directly setting off a gust of wind.

Owen's expression changed drastically when he sensed the danger signal. He didn't care about destroying the vines anymore and immediately used Armament Haki to block it. However, he was still knocked away by the terrible slash. Although he was not injured, his energy and blood surged.

Owen, who was shocked and angry, immediately looked up and saw that the man who had taken action was still far above the warship.

The beautiful Marine with the mole on the corner of her mouth is Guanyuan, Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, and the Admiral candidate is codenamed "Momousagi". She is considerate of the common people but is merciless to pirates. At this moment, she sheathed her sword and said coldly: "How could I let you continue to destroy me, you evil party with all your whims!"

On another warship, the funny-looking Marine Vice Admiral was also an Admiral candidate, codenamed "Tea Dolphin". With his iconic harmless smile, he said: "Miss Zhuyuan's swordsmanship is amazing again. You have made a lot of progress! On this grand day of annihilation of the Four Emperors, please accept my 101st proposal!"

The adjutant on the side stopped him and said, "Mr. Jiaji, now is not the time to propose marriage!"

Jiaji couldn't listen at all and said: "The more critical the moment, the more romantic the effect of the proposal will be, and the success rate will be..."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuan didn't even look at him, but directly interrupted and said: "I refuse, go deal with the pirates quickly!"

Looking at the figure of the other party jumping off the warship, Jiaji was not discouraged at all. He still smiled and said: "It is not a dream if it is easy to realize! I will not give up on you, Miss Zhuyuan!"

After saying that, he stood up and jumped off the warship with his sword in hand, and followed the opponent's footsteps.

The pirates who failed to destroy the vines became angry and turned their guns again, shooting at the Marine soldiers who had entered the range.

After a continuous roar, dense shells suddenly fell from the sky and fell towards the position of the Marine troops.

"Disperse!" The Marine generals immediately hurriedly ordered the soldiers to escape.

However, the uneven vines made it difficult to move forward, and the Marine soldiers' avoidance efficiency was also very low.

At this moment, several bolts of sword light flashed by, and the group of cannonballs exploded out of thin air and dissipated in mid-air.

I saw Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Storo Berry, Huo Shaoshan, Flying Squirrel and other senior Vice Admiral powerhouses all showing up to take action.

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral calmly ordered: "Leave the cover to me, you just rush forward!"

"Brothers, the Vice Admirals are taking action! Don't back down and rush to Cake Island in one go!" The Marine soldiers, who no longer had any worries, were immediately boosted in morale and their marching speed accelerated a bit.

"Don't even think about succeeding. Don't underestimate the warriors of our BIG.MOM Pirates!" A large number of pirates along the coast also jumped on the vines and launched a reverse charge, fighting directly with Marine on top.

At the same time, the cannons on the coast continued to roar, launching continuous fire suppression towards the troop position behind Marine.

"Don't cease fire. Shoot them one by one! I don't believe those Vice Admirals can stop all the shells!" The commanding Charlotte family member's eyes turned red.

At this time, Zhu Yuan, who was harvesting the lives of pirates wantonly, looked at the continuous bombardment of cannons along the coast, frowned and said: "Jiaji, your swordsmanship has not fallen behind! Do you dare to use that combined fencing skill with me again?" Huanglong!"

Not far away, Jia Ji raised his eyebrows and said, "What an honor!"

The next moment, two figures leaped high into the sky, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Yaga Ryu. Igiri Gin!"

The extremely rich and deep Emission Haki was poured into the two black knives, and then turned into two extremely terrifying huge Emission slashes, intertwined, flying out with a terrifying impact, and strong winds swept the sea along the way. The corpse of the thief actually instantly destroyed a large area of ​​​​fort positions along the coast, and its power remained undiminished as it pushed deeper into the island.

All the buildings and people along the way were annihilated in the aftermath of the attack.

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