Honey Minister Franpe is the 36th daughter of the Charlotte family, the special attack captain of the BIG.MOM Pirates, and the former president of the Katakuri Fans Association.

She has an unruly and willful personality, and is arrogant. She once admired her second brother Katakuri like her other brothers and sisters. Later, after witnessing Katakuri's true appearance, her love turned to hatred. She loathed and ridiculed him to the point where she even threatened to kill him. Make his secret known to the public.

However, after Katakuri took the initiative to show his true face to the family, he was still respected and loved by many younger brothers and sisters. For no other reason than that, the entire Charlotte family was supported by him during this period.

Flampe's threats and harsh words seemed so feeble, and even some of her brothers and sisters who couldn't see it even gave her a harsh lesson. Her original goal was to become the most favored and popular sister in the family, but she couldn't. Due to her previous slanderous behavior towards Katakuri, instead of having an impact on him, her own popularity and favor were greatly reduced.

Many brothers and sisters felt chilled and disgusted by his arbitrary and mean-spirited behavior, which made him once become a marginalized and transparent person in the family. In the end, it was Katakuri's active persuasion that he regained the family's trust. Accept.

In Katakuri's heart, family is the most important at all times and everywhere, especially at this moment. Every Charlotte member must unite and love each other to overcome difficulties together, and everything else is insignificant.

However, not everyone can have his mind and structure, even blood relatives are no exception.

Flampe, who was only 15 years old but had experienced ups and downs in life, did not realize her own problems at all. She blamed others and Katakuri for all the grievances she suffered. She had sworn in front of her brothers and sisters before. He wanted to change his mind, but he still resented and loathed Katakuri in his heart, and there was not a day that went by that he didn't think of ways to get revenge on him.

However, during this period, everyone in the family was busy trying to protect Charlotte, and no one had the leisure to pay attention to her little actions and thoughts. Over time, she could only give up this unrealistic idea of ​​revenge and start again. Set the goal as "the most pampered and popular sister".

During this war, Flampe was also determined to lead her special attack team to perform well and regain the love of her family members.

Yes, she never thought from the beginning to the end that Cake Island would fall, the BIG.MOM Pirates would be defeated, and the Charlotte family would be destroyed. These nonsense stories.

Even when those familiar brothers and sisters died in front of her, she did not have the slightest emotion. She just died as an ordinary unknown person. Even when those family members who had scolded her were killed, she still felt a sense of inexplicable joy.

She is a childish girl with an extremely lack of love in her heart. She only accepts those who like her, and rejects and hates those who do not accept her. She even hopes that the other person will disappear forever, even her family is no exception.

Until Seraph's slash across the vine bridge landed at the location of her special attack team, the terrifying explosion of sword energy directly wiped out all her men. Flamper herself was also knocked away by the aftermath of the impact. Fortunately, she The special suit he wore had outstanding defensive power, and he managed to save his life, but he still fainted and fell to the ground.

When Franpe woke up holding her bleeding forehead, she saw a real scene that was even more terrifying than a nightmare.

With the help of the three Seraphs, the war situation was almost one-sided at this time. The pirates were completely defeated by the terrifying power of the Seraphs and suffered a brutal encirclement and massacre. Even the strong leaders of the Charlotte family were defeated one after another. Death.

With the help of three humanoid weapons, Marine gained momentum. The battle against the BIG.MOM Pirates temporarily turned into a cover-up operation, and the battle line continued to advance towards the interior of Cake Island.

It was only at this moment that Flampe began to panic and get scared.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the grumpy monster brother Owen in the distance.


Owen was also anxious and angry about the unfavorable changes in the battle situation at this moment, but the powerful Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral in front of him also made him feel quite troublesome. He was completely restrained by the opponent and was unable to use his own abilities to create an advantage for the pirates.

This is exactly the purpose of Huo Shaoshan. He is well aware of the horror of the opponent's high heat ability. If left alone, it will definitely cause huge casualties to Marine's side. With his own strength, although he will not lose, he still wants to win against the opponent. Very difficult.

Huo Shaoshan was living up to his name at the moment, suffering from multiple serious burns on his body. In contrast, he also left several serious stab wounds on his opponent.

At this time, a huge body suddenly emerged from the bottom of the vines, hugged the unsuspecting Owen from behind, and jumped into the sky with him.

Huo Shaoshan Vice Admiral also looked stunned at this moment.

It was Seraph S-Shark who attacked Owen. He used his diving ability to continuously attack pirate cadres, and he had succeeded many times.

"Let go, damn it!" Owen, who was tightly locked by the opponent's strange power, was unable to break free. He could only continue to increase his own temperature, almost turning into a light person emitting incandescent light. However, the Seraph with the Lunaria clan's physique was completely Ignoring the high temperature attack, he still hugged the opponent's body tightly with his head down, and fell heavily downwards, smashing a deep pit into the surface of the vines.

Seraph was naturally unscathed, and Owen used his high-temperature physique to completely roast the vines and offset many impacts. However, the impact caused by the opponent's landing still injured his internal organs and coughed up blood stains.

At this moment, Storo Berry Vice Admiral, who had not appeared before, used the Six Styles of Shave to surprise him.

The long-bearded and long-hatted Marine Vice Admiral swung his swords towards Owen, whose body was locked by the Seraph, and showed no mercy.

"Let me go!" Owen was anxious at the moment, but he still couldn't break away from the strange force, and no one could help him.

He could only watch helplessly as the two swords attached to Haki pierced his body fiercely. The opponent's armed skills were fully able to withstand his high-temperature body, and could even ensure that the weapons would not be melted.

Owen's eyes were about to burst after being stabbed in his vital part. Blood spurted out of his mouth desperately, and he struggled to squeeze out a sentence.


The temperature of his body also continued to decrease along with his vitality. Seraph finally let go of his body and plunged into the vines again.

The Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral who witnessed all this walked up and asked his colleagues with a bad look on his face: "Why do you want to interfere in my battle?"

Unexpectedly, Stolo Berry said calmly: "We are at war, don't say such childish words!"

Then he calmly turned around and left.

Huo Shaoshan looked at Owen's unblinking expression and said with a complex expression: "This should have been an upright duel, what a pity!"

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