Vine Bridge Battlefield.

With the appearance of Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts and Big Kanban Jhin in the battle, the morale of the pirate side was once again revived. Many cadres took the lead in launching a counterattack. The troops that originally retreated to the mainland of Cake Island once again participated in the battle on the vine front. among.

At the same time, the battle between General Marine and the Charlotte family cadres also came to an end.

The female Rear Admiral Hina's physical strength and condition were greatly reduced at this moment, but the eldest son Perospero still looked at ease.

The Devil Fruit ability competition between the two was also a highlight on the battlefield, with countless broken syrup blocks and broken iron bars scattered all around.

Perospero smiled faintly and said: "Hehehe, Miss Rear Admiral, have you reached your limit? There is no point in struggling anymore, just become a candy man!"

"As you can see, that monster has arrived on the battlefield. You have no chance of winning this war! I will make all the remaining Marines into candy men to offer sacrifices to my dead brothers and sisters! "

Hina gasped and said: "Until the last moment, we don't know who will win!"

Perospero sneered: "What a pity you can't see it!"


Hina's arms stretched out long fence-like huge iron branches, completely surrounding the opponent in front of him, and then suddenly closed in the middle to attack.

"Wall of Candy!"

Perospero smiled disdainfully, waved the candy cane in his hand, and a large amount of syrup surged to form two huge fortresses. Then he suddenly launched a reverse collision against the iron sills on both sides, and directly broke the opponent's encirclement.

After performing this move, Hina completely lost her strength and sat down on the ground.

Perospero approached slowly and mocked wantonly: "Hahaha, I told you before! You are no match for me at all. The consequences of picking the wrong enemy are very serious!"

"No one can develop fruits like you. It's laborious and useless. It's just a mess! You have to learn to use your abilities more effectively, little girl!"

Hina then managed to raise her head and glare at him, and said coldly: "Are you going to take action right away, or are you going to keep chattering in front of me like this all day?"

"Hahaha, that's great! It's my favorite character!" Perospero smiled sinisterly.

"Candy virgin!"

A large amount of syrup surged and then solidified to create a huge golden iron maiden, trapping Hina who was unable to resist.

Perospero looked at the unyielding eyes inside the candy and couldn't help but admired: "What a perfect work of art. When this war is over, I will definitely put you in my treasure house!"

"If you still existed!"


At the same time, the battle between Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel in Naval Headquarters, and Baron Eggman also reached the final moment.

Both of them were covered in bruises at this moment, and the wounds all over their bodies were bleeding profusely, but they both held their weapons tightly and focused on each other.

Although Baron Eggman can evolve his own form by enduring fatal injuries, this ability is also extremely energy-consuming, and the price of high error tolerance is equally heavy.

Not to mention the flying squirrel Vice Admiral. As a veteran Vice Admiral who is proficient in the six forms, his physical fitness is quite excellent, even not inferior to the strong Zoan. However, the long-term fierce battle has consumed a lot of his Haki and physical strength.

Compared to the life-and-death fights between other people, the battle between the two was full of the beauty and ritual of swordsmen. At least they both enjoyed the duel.

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral was panting and bleeding from the corner of his mouth. He suddenly smiled and said: "If we weren't on opposite sides, we might actually become friends!"

Baron Eggy also grinned and said, "What are you talking about? Aren't we already friends?"

The flying squirrel was startled.

I saw the other party saying seriously: "It is also a blessing to meet by chance and fight between life and death!"

The flying squirrel also smiled and nodded and said: "What you said is absolutely true, then let's decide the winner with our next move! This will bring a necessary end to this friendship when we first met!"

"Okay, in order to give my friend a ride, I am willing to accompany you with my life!"

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral used the Six Styles of Shave and rushed forward immediately. The saber in his hand was also attached to the last Haki, and he killed the opponent without hesitation.

Baron Eggman also unleashed the final power of his Earl Cock form, with astonishing speed. His cane and long sword also danced with graceful sword flowers, and were also adorned with a jet-black armed color.

After a unique sound of weapon collision, the two men's sabers and long swords broke at the same time, and blood spattered on their bodies. They fell straight to the ground, but Kakuzu showed a relieved smile.

"Vice Admiral!"

"Lord Baron!"

The soldiers on both sides who had been waiting for a long time immediately gathered around to check their condition. When they saw that their cadres and officers were still breathing, they immediately took them down for treatment.

Perhaps influenced by the duel between the two, they did not take the opportunity to attack each other throughout the whole process, but only wanted to save the two people who had finished the battle.

"The next time we meet, we will be strange enemies again!" This was the last consciousness of the two before they fell into coma.


On the other hand, the situation at Stolo Berry Vice Admiral is not optimistic.

For no other reason than General Hoshi Katakuri appeared in front of him silently at this moment, with an evil look on his face.

As a result, his unbeatable record came to an end.

Katakuri looked at the other person's expression with cold sweat on his face, walked towards him slowly, and said: "Let me state in advance that my time is very tight! So I will only give you one chance to take action. Can you seize it?" It’s up to you!”

Stolo Berry knew the other party's intention and the strength of the other party. He knew that there was no need to hesitate. Then he concentrated hard and attached the strongest Haki, Six Styles of Shave, to the two long knives in his hands. He was so fast that he disappeared without a trace, and used his strongest killing move to attack the opponent.

"Nutuan thrust!"

Katakuri's arm immediately turned into a glutinous ball and surrounded the weapon trident, and then the arm continued to rotate the weapon "earth dragon" and stab it forward.

However, just when he was about to reach the opponent, he paused and moved behind the opponent instantly.

However, Katakuri's attack was like having eyes. He instantly turned the gun head and struck directly, causing the opponent's armed swords to collapse. Then he directly penetrated the opponent's chest and vital points, covering his entire body. Raised high.

Only then did Katakuri raise his head and stare seriously at the other person's empty eyes, and asked faintly: "Answer me, when you killed my brother, was he staring at you like this?"

At this moment, Storo Berry Vice Admiral was lifted high by the opponent holding a halberd with one hand. His whole body was twitching, his face was showing veins, his throat was choked with blood, and he kept coughing, but he couldn't say a word at all.

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