One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 138 Soul Devouring

The hinterland of Cake Island, the ultimate battlefield.

Four Emperors Charlotte. Linlin is in a very difficult situation. She is extremely weak due to the onset of an old illness. Not only has her iron constitution completely disappeared, but it has also become difficult to use Haki. After all, this is a power that requires considerable physical and mental strength.

At this moment, the green bull was manipulating two giant arms of dark, hardened trees to launch a violent blow to the opponent's huge body, causing many bruises and blood stains on his body, and it was on the verge of collapse.

"Cheer up! Mom!" Due to the mental influence of BIG.MOM, the three Homies were unable to show their strength at the moment and could only cry like children.

Green Bull laughed wildly and said: "The arrogant BIG.MOM actually has such a miserable time! As a pirate in the old era, this is the end of being a stickler!"

"Damn it!" Under the opponent's constant attacks, Charlotte. Linlin had no chance to breathe and cheer up, and her physical condition continued to decline.

Under the control of the green bull's will, a large number of trees swarmed up like giants, using terrifying strange power to hold down Charlotte Linlin's body. At this moment, she could not break free in a short time.

"Look at Laozi's winning shot!"

The green bull once again created Qiu Yue and used the huge tree fist that had resisted Kaido before, and instantly attached the dark Armament Haki. The fist as big as a castle directly stuck to Charlotte Linlin's body and slammed into the cake castle that had been turned into a forest peak. On the top, cracks suddenly spread all over, it collapsed suddenly, and the earth shook violently.

The successful green bull sneered: "It's time to end it this time!"

At this moment, Charlotte. Linlin was buried under the rubble. Many tissues on her body were severely bruised. She also coughed up blood stains at the corners of her mouth, but her eyes were still frighteningly ferocious.

"Mom, are you okay?" The Homies who followed her breath asked quickly with concern.

"Shut up, you useless things!" A ruthless shout made them tremble.

Charlotte. Linlin pushed away the huge castle fragment that was pressing on her body, sat up, and a glowing ball appeared in the palm of her left hand. This was exactly one year of life extracted from her body.

Seeing this, Prometheus was horrified and said: "No, mother! Your current physical condition can no longer swallow up your life span, it will kill you!"

Charlotte. Linlin was so overwhelmed by anger and humiliation that she could not care about the consequences. She said with blue veins on her face: "You forced me to do this, you little green bull!"

"Even if I die today, I have to drag you with me on the road!"

Under the shocked gazes of the Homitzs, she swallowed the ball of light in her hand, and her eyes suddenly blazed with frightening light, and her own aura also increased exponentially.

"Ah hahahaha, well, well, well, well~" A burst of heart-rending laughter resounded throughout the island.

The green bull in the distance also looked shocked and said in confusion: "Why did the old woman's aura become so strong all of a sudden? She looked like she was just being slaughtered just now!"

A strange light was seen radiating outward from Charlotte. Linlin's body, including a strange halo of light both inside and outside her body.

The next moment, all the buildings, forests, grasslands, and even rivers on the island had anthropomorphic faces, and they all started singing and dancing in unison, calling "Mom."

It even includes the internal tissues and bones of Charlotte Linlin's body.

This is the awakened form of the Soul Soul Fruit. It can inject the power of the soul into any inanimate object and turn it into a Homiz under her command. It can also give the soul to its own body organs and order them to heal and recover automatically.

"You can actually do such a thing!" Green Bull looked at the plants he had created, which had completely blocked his command signals at this moment, as if he were a stranger.

Charlotte. Linlin, whose physical condition has returned to its peak, jumped onto Lei Yunhela, pointed the knife at the green bull, and said with a ferocious smile: "Well, well, well, my good children! Go and get that nasty thing." I’ll tear it into pieces!”

"I obey my orders! Mom!~"

Countless Homiz responded like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, and then the entire island shook with a strong murderous intention towards the green bull.

The tree giants who had been commanded by the green bull immediately turned against him and pounced on him, tearing off the vines and branches on the tree man's body, and even the ground beneath his feet began to squeeze in towards him.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Green Bull could only break away from the tree man. The huge petals growing from his back rotated at high speed, supporting his body and flying high into the sky.

The tree man's body was immediately torn apart by the entire island and buried deep into the earth.

The green bull in the sky was biting his cigarette butt, staring at the terrible scene below and saying: "This is really a mistake. I didn't expect that dead old woman to have such a hand in the end!"

"Who are you following, little kid? Green Bull!" At this time, a scalp-numbing voice came from the sky. It was Charlotte Linlin who was catching up with Hera, Prometheus of the Sun. Si was also attached to her long pink hair at this moment, directly transforming into a huge evil god with a head full of flames.

And the three Homitz who were strengthened by her soul also became extremely tyrannical at this moment.

"Well, well, well, why do you think you can escape from my clutches!"

Seeing this, Green Bull still looked calm, spit out the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth, and said: "If the target was too easy to deal with, they wouldn't have sent me here specially!"

"Flying through the sky!"

The green bull's body immediately transformed into a huge and strange unknown plant. Countless huge petals grew out and rotated at high speed. It actually carried his body and suspended it in mid-air. It continued to grow and expand, and finally formed a natural airship like a plant airship. Micro islands.

Charlotte. Linlin laughed when she saw this: "Can it actually have such a function? The ability of the new Admiral is really outrageous!"

"Don't underestimate the power of nature! Foolish old woman!" The green cow's dull voice immediately came from inside the island.

I saw countless plants above attacking Charlotte. Linlin, such as cannonball-like plant fruits, arrow-like spear-like spiked branches, and the iconic tentacle vines. All these attacks were accompanied by Got on the powerful Armament Haki.

"Light cannon!"

Charlotte. Linlin laughed, and combined the flames and thunder on the Napoleon sword in his hand to form a circular energy circle. A column of thunder and fire light shot out. It was extremely fast and had an extremely wide range, blasting away all the attacks that came out. All were covered and annihilated, and then it didn't end there, and shot straight towards the flying Sky Island behind.

The huge pillar of thunder and fire suddenly penetrated the entire island, and then triggered a terrifying explosion in the air, and burning plant debris flew all over the sky.

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