A few days later, the Broken Monk Pirates were on board.

Urouge, who was covered in bandages, was sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, looking at the sparkling sea with a smile on his face, thoughtfully.

On the deck behind him, there was a group of children chasing and laughing, and it didn't look like a pirate ship at all.

The monks were looking after them like nannies.

"That's a mast, you can't climb it, you'll fall down!"

"Hey, don't run so fast, be careful if you fall overboard!"


The children had never seen a pirate ship. During this time, they ran up and down all over the place and had a great time. It didn't look like they had just escaped from death.

Compared to children with wild natures, those women were much quieter. They felt lucky that they could meet such an upright and kind-hearted pirate, and they were also very grateful to the monks for their life-saving grace.

After getting rid of Jack's group, Urouge decided to send these women and children to the nearest Marine branch as planned and let Marine resettle these refugees. After all, they were much more professional in this area.

At this time, a little girl wearing an oversized monk's robe walked to the bow.

When Urouge and others found them, these poor children were already hungry, and their clothes were dirty and torn. They could no longer wear them. Because there were no clothes suitable for them on the ship, they could only distribute their spare monk robes. .

These women all came from wealthy families, but they did not dislike these rough-made monk robes at all. After all, in this case, it was good to have clean clothes to keep out the cold.

The children were very curious about these unseen clothes and wore them in various ways.

The little girl approached and asked in a childish voice: "Master, what are you looking at?"

"Looking at the sea!" Urouge turned back and smiled.

"The sea has always been like that. Apart from water, it's just fish. What's there to see?"

Urouge continued: "There are so many beautiful things to see! The sea is a channel for communicating with the spirit. Not only can you see external objects, but you can also face the depths of your own heart!"

The little girl seemed to understand, but actually imitated him and lay down on the bow of the boat to take a look. What she saw was no different from before.

When the little girl was bored, she asked again: "Master, why do you think there are pirates in the world?"

Urouge was startled, turned to look at her, and asked, "What do you think of pirates?"

The little girl frowned and said: "Mom and dad said that pirates are the worst and worst people in the world! For example, the elephant pirate, he killed his parents!..."

When she thought of her tragic parents, she couldn't help sobbing again.

When Urouge saw it, he was immediately at a loss. He especially didn't want to see the little girl cry.

"But now I know that there are good pirates like the master in the world!" The little girl calmed down quickly and looked up at him sincerely.

Urouge looked at her innocent expression and didn't know how to explain this complicated problem of good and evil. He could only say: "The world is sick, and pirates are one of the germs, but they are not the only ones! Most germs are harmful Yes, but there are also a few that are beneficial! Marine is a drug that kills germs. Although the drug is effective, overdose can also be harmful to health!"

He tried to use metaphors to explain, but he made the truth more complicated.

The little girl listened to a few words in confusion, and suddenly asked: "Master, why do you want to make bacteria instead of medicine?"

Urouge was stunned for a while, and then he said with a meaningful smile: "Because the poor monk doesn't like the medicine seller. He doesn't really want to cure the world's diseases, but just wants to sell his medicine well!"

"Instead of using it as a drug to make profits for people, it is better to be a beneficial germ, at least it can be free!"

The little girl became even more confused and couldn't help but say: "Dad said you can't lose your true heart in business. Business is for the benefit of everyone! Why would someone refuse to cure someone's disease just to sell medicine?"

"Because there is no one who can control drug sellers! So the more drugs are used, the more serious the disease in this world becomes!"

The little girl had a sudden idea and said, "Wouldn't it be enough to change a good person to sell medicine? Is there such a person?"

Urouge smiled and said: "There are good and bad germs, and so do medicine sellers! And maybe they have appeared now!"

The little girl looked at him for a while and asked curiously: "Master, why do you always have a smile on your face? What is so funny!"

"Why do you have to see funny things? Laughter is the freest thing in the world!"

Urouge looked at her and said, "No matter when and where you want to laugh, you can laugh. Only in this way can life be enjoyable!"


New World, a Marine branch base.

On this day, Marine soldiers who were on daily patrols suddenly discovered a group of women and children in a small boat offshore. They immediately reported it to their superiors, and the branch commander immediately sent a warship to meet and protect them.

Afterwards, the branch chief had doubts in his heart.

First, how did a group of women and children manage to escape with their lives after being robbed by pirates, but how did they cross the pirate-infested waters and reach them safely?

Secondly, they have no ability to protect themselves or survive, but after so many days, they don't appear to be cold or hungry at all. This is simply incredible!

Although he guessed that someone had escorted them all the way here, the commander could not imagine that it was pirates. Naturally, he did not think any more about it and immediately placed these poor women and children properly.

During this period, they also found a little girl holding a strange string of beads in her hand, which was given to her by Urouge, and the Marines didn't take it seriously.


The Marine branch base is located far offshore.

The Broken Monk Pirates were sailing here. In order to avoid conflict with Marine, when they took the women and children to the shore of the branch, they put them into a small boat and then said goodbye to them.

After doing this good deed, Urouge was in a very good mood.

At this time, a monk crew member walked up to him and said quietly: "Seng Zheng, you have repeatedly harassed those female donors in the past few days, and you have violated the precept of obscenity!"

Urouge was startled, then he rubbed his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "The poor monk just talked about some love topics with them, and they were quite happy at the time!"

"But they were very troubled afterward! Seng Zheng, it seems like your seductive and flirtatious personality can't be changed!"

"Nonsense, if the poor monk swears to abide by this precept, he will definitely do it!" Urouge's face straightened.

The monk said slowly: "In this case, according to the rules you set before, you should be punished by copying scriptures three thousand times and doing ship cleaning chores for three months! All of us will strictly supervise the implementation according to your requirements!"

"Eh? Are there that many?"

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