With the support of the fur tribe, the pressure on the Straw Hat Crew was immediately relieved, but they were also shocked to see the miserable state of these Zou warriors.


When Nami and others saw their friend who was unconscious on the back of the fur tribe, they were also surprised and saddened by his miserable appearance.

But in this case, there was no time to ask in detail.

Nami made a quick decision and said to them: "You guys break out immediately, don't come to help us!"

A fur tribe warrior hesitated and said, "But where are the benefactors?"

Of course Sicilian understood what the other party meant. Their situation was not optimistic at the moment, and the situation of the two female leaders was even more precarious. Even if they stayed, they would only hinder their benefactors, so retreating was the wisest choice.

At this moment, he was the most authoritative person among the fur tribe, and he immediately ordered with tears in his eyes: "Fur tribe soldiers, break out with all your strength immediately! Don't let down the hard work of your benefactors!"

The Straw Hat Crew immediately helped them intercept a large number of pursuers.


At this time, Apu, who was watching the battle from a distance, sneered: "Ah, bah, bah, these idiots can't even protect themselves, but they still care about protecting others!"

The one-armed Hawkins remained silent, but his eyes were fixed on the battle of Straw Hat Crew, and he was surprised by the amazing combat power they were exerting now.

"What are you doing here?" A cold voice sounded.

Everyone turned around and saw Jin's murderous face on the big sign, and their hearts trembled.

At this time, Falco flew over with the injured L'Aquila in his arms.

Falco said: "Lord Jhin, my subordinates are incompetent! They tried their best to intercept the Straw Hat Crew but failed. Brother Aquila was slashed by the pirate hunter! Pierce was also seriously injured and has now been carried off. Treated!"

Jhin looked at the hideous blood-stained gash on his subordinate's body, with veins on his face, and cursed in a deep voice: "Quinn, that loser, can't even control a few people!"

L'Aquila looked ugly after being defeated miserably, and Falco on the side was even more silent. He was not even embarrassed to report that the fur tribe had also escaped from prison, for fear of making the other party more embarrassed.

"Jin, you bastard, you are saying bad things about Laozi behind your back again!" At this time, Quinn's sharp curse sounded.

After receiving the news, the big poster Quinn also led Fei Liubao who had just arrived from the royal city.

Jin was even more furious when he saw him at this moment, and said coldly: "It is because of your mistake that the current situation was caused! Mr. Kaido also became furious because of this!"

Quinn had offended Kaido when he heard about this, and he trembled in his heart, but he still scolded him unceremoniously: "Don't bother Laozi here! Listen, Laozi will solve the Straw Hat Crew matter personally. ! No need for you to be nagging!"

Fei Liubao on the side also understood the whole story at this time.

Fuzifu bit his cigarette butt and asked calmly: "So, are we going to clean up your mess now?"

Sasaki, who didn't mind the trouble, even said angrily: "It will really cause trouble for others!"

The two big signboards stared at the two of them in unison.

At this time, the royal figure floated down from the tower again.

She said to everyone: "His Majesty Kaido has a fate. The previously agreed-upon Fei Liubao arena battle has been temporarily cancelled. Instead, all the defectors led by the Straw Hat Crew will be hunted down with all their strength. The winner will be judged based on your performance!"

Fei Liubao, who originally looked impatient, immediately showed an expression of enthusiasm and excitement as soon as he heard Kaido's order.

The cautious Fuzifu asked: "Does the pursuit mean that we are allowed to take action at will?"

The emperor said quietly at this time: "His Majesty Kaido has said that except for Nico Robin, everyone else will live or die!"

Many people immediately showed ferocious smiles.

Jhin looked at this group of people and said coldly: "Listen clearly! This battle is about the face of our Beasts Pirates! Anyone who dares to cheat will be shown no mercy!"

Fozifu lit a cigarette and said calmly: "You don't need to teach us how to kill people!"

Sasaki also said: "Let's talk about it first. We only have to obey Kaido-sama to move freely this time. We will not follow other people's orders!"

Jhin was so angry at these two thorns that his veins jumped, but he didn't care to argue with them anymore. He immediately spread his wings and turned into a black shadow of flame and flew away.

Before leaving, Quinn also told everyone: "Those Kira guys must have escaped too, leaving them to you bastards!"

Sasaki looked at his retreating figure and said angrily, "This bastard is pointing fingers at us again!"

At this time, Fuzifu also said to the other six flying compatriots: "Since there are several groups of targets, let everyone rely on their own abilities! I have to leave first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly swelled, the hair all over his body grew rapidly, and two huge saber teeth emerged from his mouth.

Fozifu's ability is exactly Zoan. Cat Fruit. Ancient Species. Sabre-toothed Tiger form. He immediately turns into a huge saber-toothed tiger. With a movement of his body, he brings up a gust of wind. He easily jumps to the top of the building and moves towards the target at high speed. past.


Outside the capital of ghosts.

The Straw Hat Crew, as the key target, attracted most of the pursuers, but before the big sign and others appeared, no one could stop their progress. The group fought and retreated, quickly heading towards the coast. Go.

Robin, who was protected by everyone in the center, couldn't help but said: "You really shouldn't have come back to find me! You should have left the country immediately and found Luffy. The most important thing is!"

Nami smiled and said: "Why are you still talking like this, Robin! We will not leave any of our partners behind!"

Zoro said coldly: "Besides, if one of us is left behind, we won't have the shame to see the captain!"

"You bastard green algae head, why are you saying such things!"

Sanji scolded him angrily, then changed his face and smiled at Robin: "Miss Robin, don't you believe us?"

Robin was moved and worried at the same time.

Usopp asked at this time: "Franky, you said you hid the Sonny on the coast near here, are you sure it was okay?"

Franky screamed strangely: "Oh, are you questioning my ability? That place is absolutely hidden and it is impossible for the enemy to find it!"

Jinbei laughed and said: "That's good, otherwise we have so many landlubbers now that we really can't leave without a boat!"

At this moment, an extremely violent and dangerous aura approached everyone in an instant.

Zoro and the others, who had a sense of intelligence, were immediately aware of it, but the opponent's terrifying speed gave them almost no time to parry.

"Dan Gong Black Emperor!" Jhin, who was chasing after him from the air, used his most powerful killing move.

"Get out of the way!"

Zoro, who was the closest, subconsciously pushed his partner away, and only had time to draw out Third Generation Kitetsu and Enma to block the other party's black light slash that shattered the earth.

The people who didn't react in time only heard a sonorous cracking sound.

Zoro's sharp sword, Third Generation Kitetsu, was cut off at the sound. At the same time, his left arm holding the sword was severed, and a long and deep blood-stained wound opened on his chest.

A large amount of blood stains suddenly sprayed all over the ground.

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