One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 85 The Long Night (Part 1)

Drake is a Zoan. Dragon fruit. Ancient species. Allosaurus form ability user. He can transform into a prehistoric creature Allosaurus and has an amazing physique.

The human-animal form Drake is huge in size, and his physical strength is comparable to that of Fozifer.

He stared at the other party closely at this moment and did not look back.

Sicilian behind him said with emotion: "We, the fur tribe, will remember this kindness!"

Drake said coldly in a low voice: "I don't need this kind of thing!"

Afterwards, the members of the Musketeers quickly turned around and boarded the ship.

"Want to leave?"

The human-animal form of Fozifu had a fierce look in his eyes, raised his leg and kicked out a sharp Tempest Kick wave, driving a gust of wind towards the ship on which the fur tribe was riding.

He was an agent of CP9, a secret spy agency directly under the former World Government. He was a Grandmaster in the Six Styles of Taijutsu. He was imprisoned because he failed to perform a certain confidential mission. After escaping from prison, he became a pirate. He later joined the Beasts Pirates and became one of the flying six cells. The bounty is as high as 546 million Berry.

That swift and violent Tempest Kick strike was irresistible to today's fur tribe. Drake jumped up high and swung two long swords to split the strike and dissipate it.

"X. Hunting Ground!"

Drake crossed his swords in the air and swung out a huge X-shaped slashing wave, which immediately shattered the ground below and exploded. The beast soldiers who came to chase the fur tribe were also released in batches. Fell into dust and smoke.

At this time, Fozifu no longer paid attention to the remnants of the fur tribe who took the opportunity to escape by boat, but stared at the man in front of him. If he was still a little confused before, he now completely recognized the man.

He said coldly: "It's really you bastard, traitor Drake!"

Drake also stared at the other party and said: "Forzifer, you are a self-destructive guy who has no right to criticize me!"

Fozifu sneered: "Didn't you betray Marine after seeing the corruption and darkness of World Government? I just realized this earlier than you did!"

Drake said in a particularly serious tone at this moment: "I have never betrayed Marine, let alone the justice in my heart! Don't confuse me with you!"

Fozifu was startled, then sneered: "Justice? It's just a fig leaf for Marine and the government! You actually gave up your precious life and freedom for such a ridiculous reason, and risked your life to save those fur tribes who have nothing to do with you. It’s so hopelessly stupid!”

Drake also fell silent for a while.

The reason why he made such a decision against his will to live was certainly not out of sympathy for the fur tribe.

When he first joined Marine, his instructor, the original Marine Admiral "Black Arm" Zephyr, once asked him what justice was in his heart. At that time, he was still very confused and just wanted to be an outstanding Marine, not wanting to be like him who defected from Marine. The kind of scum my father was.

With his outstanding talent and hard work, he was promoted to the rank of Marine Rear Admiral. He was originally a promising Marine hero, but one day his superiors assigned him a special task to infiltrate the pirates. Another major change occurred in the trajectory of his life. He always remembered what his superiors told him that day: Even if you take off this military uniform, don't forget the justice in your heart!

As long as you are convinced in your heart that it is the right thing to do, you should never look back.

When Drake was preparing to sail, he suddenly recalled the life creed he once adhered to.

"Having been a pirate for so many years and dealing with scum like you every day, I almost forgot who I am! Fortunately, it's not too late to remember now!"


The offshore waters of New Onigashima.

It was already dark by this time.

The ship Kira and others were on had been sunk by the artillery bombardment of the Beasts Pirates warship. At this time, they also came directly to the enemy's warship to launch a counterattack.

Behavior that seems like throwing oneself into a trap is actually a trapped beast with no other choice.

Sasaki, who had a high self-esteem, directly attacked Kira, completely ignoring the others.

His ability is Zoan. Dragon Fruit. Ancient species. Triceratops form. He can transform into a huge prehistoric creature Triceratops. The bounty is 472 million Berry.

The human-animal form of Sasaki holds a mechanical spiral knife and fights Kira's rotating scythe, causing fire to burst out, and he is very excited.

Runti, who was on the side, was carrying a mace and said angrily: "Sasaki, you bastard, this guy is my opponent first, get out of the way!"

Sasaki smiled proudly and said: "Who cares about you, you stinky girl? Go and kill those little minions!"

Obviously, both of them are more inclined to fight against the powerful Kira.

Runti, who looked evil, immediately planned to intervene in the battle between the two.

"Don't underestimate us!"

"Don't even think about fighting two against one!"

At this time, in order to protect Kira, the fire-breathing monster Hit and Vaye in demon costume desperately attacked her.

Unexpectedly, Runti, whose face turned black due to Sasaki's anger, suddenly turned around and glared at the two of them.

"Tiangang Eight Trigrams!"

The jet-black mace was swung directly through the air, creating a harsh sound in the air. The air flow caused the surrounding decks to explode, and many unlucky soldiers nearby were also swept away.

The two people who were hit from the front were like two broken blood bags. The blood spattered horribly. They were thrown directly into the air and rolled over, leaving two pools of blood on the deck.

"Hit! Vaye!"

Seeing his only remaining comrades being slaughtered by the other party, even the calm Kira couldn't help but lose control of his emotions. Sasaki immediately caught the flaw and slashed with a strange force of the sword, flying directly against the weapon. The whole person smashed through the cabin board and fell into the Inside the cabin.

But the next moment, he jumped up again. Blood stains were already spilling from the corners of his mask, but his eyes remained on the body of his partner.

Seeing this, Sasaki also laughed and said: "The arrogant Kid Pirates are about to be wiped out!"

Kira's chest heaved violently, turned to look at the other party, and suddenly shouted: "The Kid Pirates are not destroyed, there is still me!"

"Kaname sound attack!"

As soon as his body moved, he shot out like a sharp arrow from a bow, and the two sickles spun rapidly. As the speed increased sharply, the two sickles seemed to be magnified ten times, driving the hurricane to cut towards each other.

"Well done!" Sasaki also looked at it with a fanatical expression and swung his long knife to chop it off.

"Don't fight with me!" The human-animal form Runti jumped up high and hit the opponent hard with the blood-stained mace.

For a moment, the wind was raging and sparks were flying.

On the other side of the battleship, the battle between Peggy Wan and the Heart Pirates is also fiercely underway.

His ability is Zoan. Dragon Fruit. Ancient species. Spinosaurus form. He can transform into the prehistoric creature Spinosaurus. He has superhuman resistance and resilience. The bounty is 290 million Berry. Although it ranks last among the Fei Liubao with more than 400 million per capita, considering its youth advantage, its potential cannot be ignored.

Peggy Wan, who is gentle, introverted, serious and reserved by nature, will be affected by the carnivorous ability and show her wild and ferocious side once she transforms.

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