One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 98 Danger (Part 2)

The offshore waters of Red Tide Island.

A high-speed water splash appeared on the red sea surface, chasing the flying shadow of flames in the sky.

Not long after, a burly and terrifying figure ejected from the water like a cannonball and jumped directly into the sky. The target was the black flaming figure.

Jhin wielded the flaming sword and clashed with MiG's armed arms. Sparks flew in the air for a moment, making it difficult to tell the difference. Air impact ripples continued to appear.

While attacking, Jin said: "Your moves are very similar to Jinbei's. It seems that you are from the same school!"

"We are from the same school but have different paths! There is nothing to say!"

MiG also smiled and said: "A race with wings like yours is quite rare! I heard that there is a group of winged people living on the Sky Island, which is 10,000 meters above the ground. Could it be that you are also from there?"

Jhin sneered: "Sky Island people? They are worthy of being compared with me!"

With a glare, he held the sword in both hands and swung a fierce flaming slash, which actually knocked the opponent away and fell into the sea.

At this time, Jhin has not yet used the power of Devil Fruit, but plans to test this brand new demon sword on his opponent.

With the wings on his back healed, he no longer needs to transform to fly. Although his flying speed is much slower due to this, he is still able to fly with ease at this moment.

Jhin's knowledge was now firmly locked on the sea area below, and he had already noticed that the opponent's strength was difficult, and it was definitely not that easy to solve.

"It's more interesting when the opponent is strong enough!" Now that Jhin has taken off his mask and disguise, his face is full of confidence.

And deep under the sea, a pair of big blood-colored eyes were locked on him.

MiG's body in the sea water shot out like a sharp arrow, stirring up large water bubbles. At the same time, with the help of his swimming speed, he pulled up a huge water curtain out of thin air with his hands.

"Murloc Jujutsu. Shuixin. Hailiu throws him over his shoulder!"

Wei Li threw the huge sea current out with his arms like a judo shoulder throw. It immediately broke through the sea surface, and actually set off a huge wave out of thin air, directly heading towards the ashes in the sky.

Facing the overwhelming waves coming towards him, Jin still did not dodge, showed a smile, and immediately clenched the flaming sword in his hand.

"The Flame Emperor's One-Sword Style! The Fire-Flowing Fox Emperor!"

The swords held in both hands suddenly slashed out a 100-meter-wide flaming slash, which was pushed directly towards the waves. When Vice Admiral was cut in half, it was divided into two sides.

When the hot flames came into contact with the sea water, a large amount of hot steam mist suddenly rose up, completely covering him.

"Huh?" Jhin looked at the white hazy fog in front of him and couldn't help frowning. Suddenly he noticed a hint of danger. He immediately waved his wings and wanted to escape from this visual obstruction immediately, but it was still too late.

A big hand stretched out from the white mist and grabbed his ankle.

Then, MiG's ferocious smile appeared, and he said faintly: "How long has it been since you went swimming? Let me take you to the sea to play! Landlubber!"


The murlocs near the battleship are still surrounding it at this moment.

The beast soldiers who had been quarreling with them before had all disappeared at this moment. No matter how provocative they were, they never showed up again. This made the fish-man pirates very puzzled.

"Would you like to go up and take a look?" a fishman asked.

"We must not launch an attack without the captain's order!" Another fishman was very determined.

"No matter what they are doing, as long as they are in the sea, they can't do anything to us!"

At this moment, the gun muzzle on the side of the battleship suddenly changed direction and aimed towards their position.

The murlocs who noticed this situation immediately mocked and laughed: "You want to hit us just because of this? It's simply ridiculous!"

"Brothers, go into the water! Catch the cannonballs they fired later, and return them all to them when the captain gives the order!"

Afterwards, this group of fishmen all plunged into the sea water.

As expected, the power of the cannonball was greatly reduced after entering the sea, and the hit rate was extremely low. Apart from causing a splash of water, it could not even scratch the fishman's body.

The fish people on the bottom of the sea laughed happily, and then swam towards the sinking cannonballs. Unexpectedly, before they could get closer, the projectiles burst open as soon as they entered the water. What was inside was not gunpowder, but a mysterious green substance. , spread rapidly with the sea water.

The surrounding murlocs didn't even react before their skin was infected, and their whole bodies suddenly felt as hot and painful as if they were being boiled in water. This high temperature symptom was gradually spreading throughout the body.

For a moment, the underwater fish people emerged from the sea one after another, their bodies covered with green substances, and screamed in pain. They felt as if the sea below them had been boiled, and the pain like a bath of fire made them move crazily. Swim far away.

But the boiling sea water is just an illusion. The real pain comes from the surface of their skin. No matter how far they swim, it is an endless hell.

At this time, the beast soldiers on the battleship appeared again, looking at the miserable and miserable murlocs below, they laughed happily and said: "You must have tasted the pain, you murloc bastards!"

"This is what you get for provoking us Beasts Pirates!"

At this time, the subordinates were extremely impressed by Falco's real attack, and complimented him: "Brother Falco is really capable, and he actually thought of using poison! Now they are in dire straits!"

Falco had previously directed everyone to replace all the gunpowder in the cannonballs with the "mummy virus" developed and produced by Big Sign Quinn. This cruel biochemical virus is the masterpiece of Plague Quinn. It not only has painful symptoms, but is also contagious. Extremely strong, it once tortured the Wanokuni samurai rebels.

As its name suggests, this artificial virus causes unbearable pain all over the infected person's body like fire. Afterwards, blood will spurt out, and the body will become as dry as a mummy after death. It can be said to be an extremely inhumane war weapon.

Falco looked at the miserable situation of the group of fishmen below and said calmly: "I originally brought this virus weapon just in case, but if you hadn't bullied people too much, I wouldn't have wanted to use it easily!"

"You have to pay a price for being arrogant in the New World, especially when facing the Four Emperors!"

Suddenly, a subordinate held up a telescope and said in panic: "Brother Falco, it's not good! Something seems to have happened to Lord Jhin!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Falco glared over, then stepped forward to take a look at the telescope, and his expression suddenly changed.


This was one of the most embarrassing situations in Jhin's life. His feet were tightly grasped by the opponent's strange force and he was completely unable to break free.

MiG, who succeeded in the attack, was laughing wantonly, pulling the opponent's body to sprint up and down on the sea surface, and from time to time he would drag him into the deep sea for a dive.

Jin's whole body was soaked in sea water, sour and weak, and he was even given a belly full of sea water. He could only dry his body with flames the moment he emerged from the sea. However, the other party did not give him a chance to recover his strength and immediately pulled him into the sea water. inside.

Jin, who had accidentally missed and was teased like this, was furious, but at this moment he was helpless and was surrounded by danger.

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