Then the corpse puppet's combat power increased again, and it fought with one of the incarnations of Qin Emperor Yao, making it unable to support the Buddha-figure.

"Extreme Yang Emperor Fist!" Ye

Yu no longer kept his hand, punched out a scorching sun, combined with the physical vision, and punched the avatar

in front of him into the depths of the desert! "Yin Yang Divine Light!" Jun

Chengdao's eyes bloomed with two-colored divine light, directly slamming on the incarnation in front of him, almost grinding it out on the spot!

As the five incarnations were entangled and worn out, plus Wang Teng and the other four people attacked with great powers.

Qin Di Yao finally quickly exhausted his strength and began to struggle with support.

After a while, when all five incarnations are eliminated and the other five people attack together, she will fall into a real big crisis!

I saw that she was dressed in a pure black lingbo skirt, long green silk casually draped, petite in size, delicate and picturesque appearance, although she must be more than a hundred years old, but at first glance she looked like an ungrown cardamom girl.

There is also a pair of black-haired cat ears, a fluffy flexible long tail, extremely cute.

However, she raised her hand and attacked decisively, like killing a god descending into the world!

Even if she fell into the downwind, her expression was firm, and she did not have the slightest fear of retreating.

"Is this the daughter of destiny, looking so cute, the strength is actually terrifying

?" "That white light is so strong attack power, is it prompted by the system, is her second supreme bone divine power?"

"And that sword technique, which can transform everything, seems to be one of the five great sword techniques of the Immortal Domain

!" "Well, not bad!"

Lin Xingyun observed and admired while holding his right hand and making a gesture of "all wanted"!

System, look at her properties panel. "

Ding!" "

Name: Qin Di Yao"

cultivation as: Divine Fire Realm Completion

Life Script: [Nirvana Heavenly Emperor] Red Life Number: [Nirvana Immortal] Red, [Supreme Eternal] Gold, [Flying Immortal Supreme] Orange, [Biracial Mixed Blood] Orange, [Encounter with People Not Shu] Ash, [Heavenly Evil Lone Star] Black, [All World's Enemies] Black..................

Favorability: 50 [normal

] Qi luck value: 300000

Detailed explanation:

[Nirvana Heavenly Emperor] Red: Originally the only female Tianzun in the oldest era of the Immortal Domain, Nirvana Tianzun, reincarnated and reborn in the immortal Qin family, accompanied by a piece of the heavenly supreme bone, after birth, was taken away by his cousin and the head of the Qin family, causing his parents to break with the Qin family and take him away, and then his parents left for some reason, entrusted it to a Great Sage Realm fox demon in the Sangzhou demon clan to raise, and regenerated a Flying Immortal Supreme Bone in his body as an adult, and was besieged and killed to death in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, digging bones, After taking blood, he became nirvana again, and the third supreme bone was born in his body, and then he took revenge all the way, fought the world, and finally preached to become a great emperor, and after awakening the memories of his previous life, detachment reached

.................. [Nirvana Immortal] Red: Although the memory of the previous life has not awakened, there is a Nirvana Tianzun Dao Fruit in the depths of the divine soul, which can ensure that its divine soul does not die or die, and the great emperor and the strong are difficult to kill, and their flesh turns into ashes, and they can gradually be reborn in Nirvana

! [Supreme Eternal] Gold: Born with a special physique, every time after being dug out of the supreme bone, after several years of cultivation, a new supreme bone can grow again, and the stronger the effectiveness of the newborn supreme bone with each piece dug up!

[Flying Immortal Supreme] Orange: After being dug up when he was young, the second supreme bone born can condense the light of the flying immortal, attack the world's power, and even develop many supreme bone powers such as the avatar of the flying immortal, which is endless.

[Biracial Mixed Blood] Orange: It is a mixed race of human race and demon race, and the blood of his parents is extremely noble, his natural bloodline is strange and powerful, and he can swallow the blood of all races infinitely, condensing the power of a strong bloodline far beyond the ancient royal family!

[Heavenly Evil Lone Star] Black: It is very easy to hinder relatives and friends, and his lifelong relatives and partners are prone to misfortune, even the Great Sage Realm fox demon who raised him also suffered from cold poison in order to protect him, and because he did not obtain immortal fire for timely treatment, he finally died of cold poison in his body.

Black: It is very easy to provoke countless enemies, easy to fall into siege, and in the later stage, he is the enemy of the world, fighting the world alone!



Then if I raise her, dig a supreme bone every once in a while, dig a supreme bone every once in a while, dig and dig and dig


But he suddenly thought of something and began to ponder again.

Now Qin Di Yao, as the daughter of Heaven's Destiny, it stands to reason that he should reap her and pit her to the fullest.

But she is also a woman, and in his usual style, he is not afraid of any woman except his mother, and can deal with it at will.

And whether it is her background or future combat power, she is shocking, if she can be under her command, wouldn't it be beautiful?

The first is to continue to pit her and harvest her luck, but she is obviously extremely difficult to kill, and the possibility of becoming a terrifying enemy in the future is extremely high.

Second, play to her strengths and make her fall in love with herself.

Third, give full play to her own strengths, let her be like Lin Chuan, replace favorability with loyalty, and finally surrender to herself.

But if you simply let her fall in love with herself, her orange, gold, and red lives can no longer be shared, and it is really a big loss to give up! But

looking at her proud demeanor that has fought the world, I know that she must also be a backbone, extremely difficult to succumb to others, I am afraid that the saving grace is far from enough to make her surrender.

So these three strategies, in fact, have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is not appropriate to choose any one..........

After weighing for a moment, Lin Xingyun made a decision.

"Since you have met such a superb daughter of Heavenly Destiny, the future Heavenly Emperor-level combat power, then..."

"Harvest her, take her heart, and make her submit

!" "Three times the happiness, I want it all

!" Then he looked at Qin Di Yao in mid-air, only to see that she was already at an absolute disadvantage, but there was still no fear on her face, let alone want to escape, and the fighting intent was still undiminished!"

"But if I take out the [Psychedelic Fragrance], how should Your Excellency deal with it?" Lin

Xingyun smiled evilly, and then turned his hand and took out a medicine bottle from the Qiankun Ring.

It was Lin Rong who stuffed the [Lost Soul Chaotic Divine Incense] into his Qiankun Ring!

He patted Bai Ze's dragon horn again, and transmitted the sound and ordered...

The next moment, Qin Di Yao, who was resisting the siege of nine people with all her strength, suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart for no reason!

With one enemy and nine, the pressure is too great, her divine power is constantly being worn out, her spiritual power is consumed extremely quickly, and the weakness is becoming more and more obvious

!" "She can't hold on!" "Kill!"


this, Qin Yi and Wang Teng exerted their strength again, and the five fierce beasts and the hand of the heavens burst out their power together.

Taking advantage of Qin Di Yao's weakness, he shattered the white giant palm in a few breaths, and then fell from the sky and killed

Qin Di Yao Town! "Boom————!"

Qin Di Yao relied on the protective body immortal light and resisted these two extreme moves, but he also retreated backwards and flew backwards in successive defeats, and his breath was even weaker.

Long Ao and Feng Tian also suddenly exerted their strength and broke through the Wanhua Sword Qi blockade.

The two of them struck a blow respectively, and a true dragon and a divine phoenix phantom quickly flew out, and Qi Qi slammed Qin Di Yao to the ground, and began to float and fall like a shooting star.

Immediately afterwards, she was no longer able to maintain the five incarnations, two of which had been killed by Ye Yu and Jun Chengdao, and the other two dissipated on their own.

Only the last one, in perseverance and stubbornness, resisted the corpse butcher.



[Alas, recently many old iron reflected that Qin Di Yao is too miserable, I want to say, the heroine of the Barren Heaven Emperor template, can she not be a little miserable? (=_=) (=_=)

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