Seeing that he was about to face more and more sieges, Lin Xingyun's eyes flickered, and he began to quickly rummage through Qin Di Yao's Qiankun ring.

Soon, he found the green lotus tinder from among them.

His own lotus seed tinder, which he hunted and fed by fire spirits all the way, has now completely bloomed into a green lotus and lies in his Qiankun ring.

And he had already learned from the spiritual memories in the tinder.

Although this green lotus fire can be used to protect the body, it has some restrictions, and it can only protect one person into the Immortal Fire Palace.

After a little thought, he took out Qin Di Yao's Green Lotus Tinder.

Then he suddenly cut out countless sword qi again, urging the Nine Leaves Sword Domain with all his strength, and finally annihilated his own sword domain and the other party's divine powers into nothingness!

The next moment, he directly turned the green lotus fire in his hand into a divine light, and quickly threw it out.

"It's decided it's you!" That

divine light smashed directly into Ye Yu's hands in front of everyone

! "Huh?! Lin Xingyun, you ——!"

Ye Yu was stunned for a moment.

But when he saw clearly that it was the green lotus fire in his hand, he was immediately surprised and delighted!

However, immediately afterward, he felt countless greedy and vicious eyes converge towards him.

"It's not good, this beast wants to use me as bait!" Ye

Yu also reacted quickly, and immediately no longer hesitated, the golden crow vision behind him spread its wings

, and took him straight to the Immortal Fire Palace! He actually planned to enter the Immortal Fire Palace first, and if he could subdue the Immortal Fire at that time, his strength would greatly increase, and he would be able to be fearless of these strong hands!

However, as soon as he reached the halfway point, a white-haired demon shadow had already swept towards him at great speed, blocking his way.

"Hand over the fire!"

Wang Teng Tie with a black face, controlling the five fierce beasts divine form, blocking the way ahead.

"Get out of my way!" Ye

Yu was furious and immediately punched out, and the majestic sun and red sun slammed towards Wang Teng.


Xing, Shi Huang, you continue to rob that woman, we will take the fire." Long

Ao and Feng Tian glanced at each other, and quickly made up their minds, and attacked Ye Yu together.

"That's the Green Lotus Fire! It has never been in the world before, and this time it has finally been brought into the secret realm

!" "If you grab it, you will have a chance to subdue the immortal fire!"

"What are you waiting for? Seeing

this, the other cultivators also boiled instantly, and they all left Lin Xingyun and Zhao Hanyi to ignore it, and rushed to Ye Yu in unison! Lin Xingyun's

pressure suddenly decreased, and he directly recalled Bai Ze and carried him, Zhao Hanyi and Qin Di Yao are about to move towards the peripheral strategy of the Immortal Fire Palace.

"Shi Zu Divine Fist

!" "Fighting Saint Fist!" The

two giant monsters Shi Huang and Yuan Xing saw that they wanted to escape, and each smashed out a monstrous fist shadow, wanting to shoot Bai Ze down.

Seeing this, Bai Ze directly shook his momentum, and between the flickering immortal light around his body, a pure white terrifying beam spit out from his mouth.

After shattering all those two fist shadows, they bombarded the huge bodies of the golden ape and the stone man, directly causing them to fly out upside down, setting off thousands of miles of sand!

However, just as Bai Ze turned around and prepared to evacuate, a sense of surprise suddenly arose in his heart.

"Heavy Pupil Opening Technique!" The

next moment, a pair of huge eyes fell from the sky, instantly turning into a huge strange prison, directly trapping Bai Ze and his group in it!

"Lin Xingyun, it's hard for you to fly today!"

Jun Chengdao's eyes gradually overflowed with blood, but he still sneered and declared.

Obviously, after a series of fierce battles, and forcibly performing this type of great power, the burden on his eyes was already great.

But if he could kill Lin Xingyun and deal a huge blow to the Lin family, he would not be soft at all! However, Lin Xingyun

immediately changed to holding the Da Luo Dao Sword in one hand, and countless lapis sword grass, spiritual power, and dragon and elephant particles around his body were poured into the sword in unison.

Three feet above the top also appeared the Dao Immortal Bell.

"Dabai, Cold Clothes, listen to my orders, and prepare to break through this prison with all your might.

Bai Ze snorted, which was regarded as a reply, and then his snow-white hair flashed fairy light again, intending to reproduce the previous extreme move.

Zhao Hanyi also began to condense his sword momentum, ready to strike at any time.

"If you don't measure your strength, how can you

be able to..." When Jun Chengdao sneered, he planned to urge the divine effect of the heavy pupil prison and began refining Lin Xingyun!


However, the next moment, an invisible spirit sword on the corner of his clothes suddenly burst out of power and attacked his divine soul!"


Chengdao was also not flustered, and the power of the soul in his eyebrows gushed out, instantly resisting the soul chasing spirit sword.

The soul chasing spirit sword alone is not as good as the soul sword, and it will be consumed in a blink of an eye.

However, Lin Xingyun, who was not far away, just moved his mind, and the magic ring that was placed on the spirit sword in advance was suddenly released!

In the next instant, countless magic rings fused into one, soaring into the air at an extremely fast speed, and fixed on top of Jun Chengdao's head.

"What?!" When

Jun Chengdao was surprised, he wanted to wear out this magic ring.

However, the next moment, the power of the magic ring burst out with a majestic divine soul, making him only feel that his mind was sluggish, and the divine soul seemed to have been cast a body-fixing spell, and it was difficult to operate in the slightest

! The control of the heavy pupil prison was also sharply weakened to the extreme!

However, due to its huge consumption of divine soul power, after weighing it before, Lin Xingyun naturally decided to attach this heavy divine power to the soul chasing sword and give it to Jun Chengdao, who was the most threatening person present!

"Uh-huh!" Although

it was only a moment later, Jun Chengdao roared angrily to restore his clarity, but it was too late.

"A grass chops the stars!" Lin

Xingyun seized the opportunity and immediately slashed out with a sword, and the immortal bell on top also roared away.

Bai Ze spat out the world's immortal light again, and Zhao Hanyi also cut out the vast sword river.

Under the combined attack of the three people, they finally broke the

heavy pupil prisoner! Then Bai Ze's four claws stepped on the glow, shining with extreme speed of the immortal beast

, and it was already gone in the blink of an eye! "Ah———!

" "Lin Xingyun! You damn it!" Jun

Chengdao's consumption was too great, plus the heavy pupil divine power was broken by strong attack, at this time, he only felt severe pain in his eyes, and he was bleeding more and more.

"Hateful, let her escape!" Qin

Yiren's face was full of resentment, eager to pursue.

Helplessly, his injuries are heavier and more consumed than other Tianjiao, and he is already powerless!

"No, I can't be wrong, there must be a new supreme bone in the girl's body, and the power is shocking!" "

If I can combine my bones into one, from now on, who in this world will dare to disrespect me?!"

Qin Yiren gritted his teeth and thought angrily, obviously not planning to stop there.

He suddenly remembered something, looked back, and saw that in front of the Immortal Fire Palace, there was already a big battle.

Ye Yu had turned into a scorching sun and constantly rushed, trying to forcibly break into the Immortal Fire Palace.

However, Wang Teng, Long Ao and the others had blocked his way ahead, and there were still a group of scattered cultivators behind him.

Ye Yu resisted stubbornly, still reluctant to hand over the green lotus fire.

But as the siege became more and more ferocious, he gradually could not support it.

In the end, he summoned a Great Saint Soldier Treasure Furnace, shielded himself, and broke through to the southeast, intending to flee first.

While everyone went to pursue, Jun Chengdao brushed off the blood stains on his face, revealing a gloomy and cold color.

When there were no more than a few Tianjiao powerhouses left, he saw the opportunity, turned into a streamer, and stepped into the Immortal Fire Palace in one step!

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