The phantom shadows of their fathers behind Long Jue and Shi Jun continued to erupt with wisps of imperial power, and their vast bodies seemed to open the heavens and the earth, stretching out the eighteen layers of purgatory one by one, still wanting to fight hard!

However, the brand new supreme bone divine fetus, holding the Daluo Dao sword, floated into front of the two like flying immortals from the sky.

After several sword strokes, Shi Chen's huge body of the Holy Spirit that was like a majestic peak was immediately covered with mysterious sword marks, and quickly began to disintegrate

!"Lin Xingyun, my Holy Spirit Mansion does not share the sky with you!"


He was the first to let out a bitter scream, the sword marks on his body emitted a dazzling gray light, and in a blink of an eye, his body completely disintegrated, and even his divine soul was crushed and worn out by the sword qi

! ! Without the common support of Shi Qi, the eighteen-fold purgatory was like a millstone, crushing the dragon to the point that it was difficult to hold on to the slightest, and countless blood pool magma and other purgatory robberies quickly destroyed his body!"

"Lin Xingyun, my eldest brother will be born soon, he will avenge me———! When

Long Jue was about to die, he let out a desperate and resentful roar, but after a moment, he was finally completely unable to support it, and was worn out into flesh and bones by the eighteenth purgatory

! ! Seeing this, Lin Xingyun raised his hand and put all the remains of these three people into the Qiankun ring, although these three primeval royal families did not inherit the purest bloodline of their father's emperor, they were already powerful and the most exquisite flesh and blood treasure medicine!

But at this time, there were still outsiders present, and he wanted to keep it for a while and devour and refine them together.

After doing all this collection work, he converged the Supreme Bone Divine Power and breathed a long sigh of relief, and the eighteen-fold purgatory that had just been awe-inspiring gradually disappeared into invisibility.

Lin Xingyun immediately looked at Han Feiyu with a smile and walked slowly towards him.

Han Feiyu saw that he really killed all three princes of the primeval royal family as he expected, even if he knew that the other party had no killing intent on him, a trace of cold sweat could not help but break out on his forehead!

"Under Li Huangfeng, thank you Lin Gongzi for solving the siege!" "Li Huangfeng


Lin Xingyun raised his eyebrows, thought about it, and the playfulness on his face became stronger.

After a moment's thought, he nodded and smiled and replied.

"Li Daoyou don't have to be polite, they are my enemies, and saving you is just a coincidence.

"But Li Daoyou, I have already noticed when you and I met in the deserted city before.

"It's not a secret, your appearance is very similar to one of my old people!"

Han Feiyu listened, his expression couldn't help but be stunned, and he couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know what Lin Gongzi said about the old man...

"His name is Han Feiyu, he is a rare strange man in the world!" "

Lin Gongzi, you ———?!"

Han Feiyu only felt that thunder sounded in his ears, and his mind could not maintain stability

! When he looked at Lin Xingyun, his eyes were full of horror and shock, and he was more guarded, almost wanting to flee immediately!

His true identity has always been kept secret, and he has never revealed his real name in front of any cultivator, but at this time, as soon as he met Lin Xingyun, he was actually poked on the spot by the other party!

Secretly, he was ready to escape, and he was about to slip away at any time!

Lin Gongzi, there are many people with similar looks in the world, perhaps... "Perhaps

, but speaking of which, I have only met that Han Daoyou, and many years have passed.

Lin Xingyun stood with his hands in his hands, slightly raised his head to look up at the sky, and his face showed vicissitudes of memory.


... What is the reason???


Han Feiyu was more and more surprised, thinking that with a peerless figure like Lin Xingyun, if he had met before, how could he have no impression now?"

"It was a long time ago, I saw him fighting for life and death with a great enemy, and he was robbed of his life and treasure, and he was in danger!"

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