One Piece: Working As An Intern On Red-Haired Pirate

Chapter 40 - Are current interns so fierce? 【Five Watches】


Yes it is!

Atmos is angry!

He stared at Lu En with unkind eyes, including the hundreds of pirates beside him, with a particularly fierce expression, staring at Lu En, as if he had an incompatibility with Lu En.

The weird atmosphere.

Lu En, who was on the sailing deck, was completely confused.

In other words...

Good end!

Why did the atmosphere suddenly change? !

Isn't it just sending letters?

Lu En can't figure it out!

What's wrong with the words just now.

Suddenly, the entire ship seemed to be blown up.

Those angry and fierce eyes fixed on his body.

Lu En can certainly feel it very clearly.

Including Atmos, these hundreds of pirates all had angry flames burning in their eyes.

"Boy, so courageous!"

Atmos had a bad face.

He is a burly figure and is located on the deck fence, making him particularly dazzling in the crowd!

A fierce and majestic aura spread from his body, pervading and enveloping Lu En, who is on the sailing boat in front of him, without mercy!

"Insult us..."

"But, insult Whitebeard Pirates, insult old man..."

"Absolutely not!"

Atmos sneered at Lu En, "Boy, come up and talk!"

"it is good."

Although he doesn't understand the situation, Lu En is not too uneasy.

Jumped up.

The feet landed steadily, located on the deck of this giant pirate ship.

At the same time when stable on the deck.

Lu En felt the sharp eyes more clearly.


"I'm just sending a letter, is it necessary?"

Lu En looked helplessly at the angry expressions of Atmos and others.

In his heart, he inferred a little.

He really couldn't figure out the so-called face of these big people!

"Boy, fight with me!"

"Won, I will take you there, if I lose, I will go back and talk to the red-haired guy. To deliver the letter, he will come by himself. At the very least, don't let a little intern come and deliver the letter!"

Atmos lifted the sword with both hands and yelled angrily.

Meditate for a moment.

Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly, and drew the samurai sword from his waist: "I don't want to run back to the ship with the name of a failed mission. In that case, I might be laughed at for a year."

"and so……"

"It looks like I have no choice!"

Words fall.

Atmos shouted to a group of men around him: "Go away!"

"Yes, Captain."

Hundreds of pirates quickly withdrew from the surrounding.

On the deck, leave a spacious and empty space.

"Boy, let me weigh it. In the past few years, the interns on Red Hair Pirates have improved the threshold of strength. Hope, don't let me down!"(Read more @

Atmos lifted two broadswords, his eyes flowed sharply.

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

Lu En's mouth moved slightly.

It just so happens!

He also wants to try it.

Can be the captain of the 13th Division under the Whitebeard Pirates.

How strong is Atmos in front of him?


The samurai sword in his hand gradually lifted and stood in front of him.

Next second.

A layer of black armor gradually ascended, completely enveloping the blade. Turn the blade into pitch black, like black jade, indestructible and exceptionally sharp.


Atmos' eyes narrowed, "Armed?!"

He was surprised!


He didn't expect it.

The little interns can mobilize Armament Haki!


It was just an accident.

Seeing the armed katana in Lu En's hand, Atmos also condensed a bit of contempt and began to become serious. At the same time, the large sword he held in his hands also began to be covered with a layer of armed armor.

In terms of strength, it looks like the armed color of Lu En, not to mention letting it go!


Hundreds of pirates were shocked: "Captain, actually used armed color? Is this serious? It's just a small intern, who made the captain serious?"

"Don't you see it?"

"Little intern, he is much better than us. Looking at the samurai sword in his hand, it is also covered with a layer of armed color. Obviously, the strength of this intern is not vulgar!"

After they talk.

Atmos has exploded


Kick your feet.

His terrifying body, like a buffalo, swiftly approached Lu En.

Although his body is large and strong, his speed is not as slow as imagined, but very agile and fast.

The oppressive feeling swept across the body.

Lu En's expression remained unchanged, holding the samurai sword covering Armament Haki, facing the direction of Atmos.

Waving the blade in his hand.

Without hesitation.

Cut it down!


Atmos stopped moving, holding two big knives, blocking Lu En's knife.

The blades collided, rubbing out dazzling sparks.

Juli spread his arms.

Lu En's eyes slipped through a ray of light.

The power of Atmos is terrifying!

at least!

It's not the current Lu En, it can be defeated head-to-head.


Lu En retracted, stepped back cleverly, a sideways, and flashed to Atmos's side, holding a knife in his right hand, and suddenly cut it down.

Atmos was preparing to resist.

Can be the next second.

Lu En's left hand was covered with a layer of armed color, and his fist was suddenly aimed at Atmos' waist and slammed down.


Atmos' pupils shrank.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

His huge body, like a buffalo, was hit by Lu En, and he was directly bombarded back more than ten meters, hitting the wooden pillar, and the entire giant pirate ship, the deck shook violently.

"Team, captain, was repelled?!"

Hundreds of pirates, with dull eyes, stared blankly at the figure of Atmos being shot into flight.


They looked at Lu En who was standing still.

For a time.

They couldn't help swallowing, and their lips trembled slightly: "Well, this year of interns, are they so fierce now?!"

Even their captain was so embarrassed to fly more than ten meters away!

To know.

other side……

It's just an intern from Red Hair Pirates!

But this is the one who is regarded as the kid of the little intern in their eyes. But he did it abruptly, forcing back the amazing feat of their captain!

This really makes them unpredictable!



(PS: The five changes have been delivered!

There will be at least six changes tomorrow!

and so……

Big guys, beg a wave of flowers! Seeking evaluation votes! Ask for a monthly pass! ! The author hereby thanks! (* ̄︶ ̄))

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