The more you go, the more you will be lost.

[Demon Possession] is similar to the Heart Demon Tribulation, both of which improve strength by enlightening the mind and seeing the nature.

Of course, although the results and principles are similar, the process is very different.

The Heart Demon Tribulation focuses on enlightenment, and the relationship between the Heart Demon and the original owner is also very harmonious.

However, [Demon Possession] is completely different. Simply put, it can be summed up in one word:


Cut off the demonic obstacles in the heart and the confusion in the heart.

Therefore, among the ancient Qi practitioners, sword cultivators and similar cultivators have always been regarded as reckless by sorcerers.

But perhaps because of being too reckless, these cultivators' cultivation has improved rapidly, and they can also have stronger combat power than Qimen sorcerers in the early stage.

A large part of the reason is [Demon Possession].

Moreover, they can [Demon Possession] multiple times.

There is even a pill [Demon Possession Pill].

The way for sword cultivators and other cultivators to enter the demon barrier is very simple, that is, to ignite the heart fire.

After that, the cultivator's Yang Shen will fall into a place similar to the inner scene.

There, different cultivators will encounter different situations.

But without exception, cultivators need to be able to see their hearts and minds, so as to break the confinement.

And the Demon Possession Pill is the fuel to ignite the heart fire.


On the observation tower, after listening to Bai Ye's introduction to the Demon Possession Pill, Sauron made his choice without hesitation.

Although he had a vague understanding of the heart fire, demon possession and other things that Bai Ye said, he still understood that the pill in Bai Ye's hand could help him improve his strength.

So he looked at Bai Ye with gratitude and nodded solemnly:

"Thank you, Bai Ye."

Hearing this, Bai Ye shook his head:

"We are partners, there is no need to say this, but I have to emphasize it again."

"Although after entering the devil, once you break through, you will have a great improvement in strength, but you must also prepare for the worst."

"After taking the devil pill, you will enter the illusion. What will happen in it, even I don't know."

"But what I know is that once you can't break through the illusion, you may be trapped in it forever and never wake up again."

"And when the fuel that ignites the heart fire is exhausted, you will also... face death."

Bai Ye looked at Zoro and explained the words clearly.

Because even he was not sure that he could successfully bring the demon-inhabited Zoro out.

"At the cost of his life?"

Zoro said slowly.

He looked directly into Bai Ye's eyes, his gaze firm and powerful:

"I've had that realization for a long time."

"Heh, I should have guessed the answer long ago."

Bai Ye suddenly laughed at himself.

He suddenly realized how stupid he was. The guy in front of him was a man who could stand proudly with blood all over his body and say "Nothing happened".

How could he be afraid of a mere illusion?

Or, Bai Ye should now look forward to how powerful Zoro will become after he enters the devil world.

"Then, get ready and get ready to go."

Bai Ye said.

"Huh?" Zoro showed a puzzled expression.

"When you are possessed, you need to be in an absolutely quiet environment."

Seeing Zoro's expression, Bai Ye knew that he didn't understand, so he explained:

"You don't want to do it on the Merry, do you?"

"Even if we don't mention the turbulence of sailing on the sea and the unpredictable enemies, Luffy alone is an absolute hidden danger."

"Zoro, you don't want to be possessed by a demon and have Luffy break into your room."

Zoro felt okay about what Bai Ye said at first, but when Bai Ye mentioned Luffy, Zoro shuddered and his expression suddenly became ugly.

He also made a decision immediately.

This situation must not be allowed to happen.

But he quickly realized that if it was not on the Merry, then where should it be?

Zoro turned his head to look at Bai Ye, and a question mark appeared on his head.

"Ah, sorry, it seems I forgot to tell you one thing."

"I can now open the door to the rainbow fog anytime and anywhere."



In the conference room, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed again when they heard Bai Ye's words.

"Hey, hey, Bai Ye, you are not kidding, that's a famous pirate graveyard."

Usopp looked at Bai Ye, showing his excellent supporting qualities.

"Just being able to send us out and get all the treasures before is enough.

It's surprising enough. Can you do this now? "

Sanji looked at Bai Ye and said slowly.

The vice-captain of his own team really brings surprises from time to time.

"It was only recently that I was able to do it, so I didn't tell you until now."

Bai Ye was very calm. After all, he had long been accustomed to everyone's exclamations and surprises.

As for the rainbow mist, he did not lie.

Before, he just erased the creator's mark and indirectly communicated with the core of the rainbow mist world through the origin of his inner vision.

Thus, he achieved operations similar to those of an administrator.

And now, after Bai Ye's unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in putting a part of the new mark in the core of the rainbow mist.

Thus "stealing" more authority.

This includes opening the door to the rainbow mist anytime and anywhere.

It is worth mentioning that when Bai Ye obtained authority After that, the time flow rate inside the rainbow mist has returned to normal.

This is also a surprise for Bai Ye.

On the one hand, he doesn't have to worry about entering for a while and decades have passed in the outside world.

On the other hand, he can also slowly imprint the new time flow law in the days to come.

Don't forget that he has been using the [incomplete devouring law] in his inner scene to "corrode" the inner scene of the Taoist Collection.

Although the progress is slow, according to Bai Ye's estimation, the day when the time flow law in the Taoist Collection is completely engraved is not far away.


"In this way, we seem to have an extra secret base."

After listening to Bai Ye's description, Robin was the first to think of this.

After all, she had been living in darkness before, living a life of hiding.

Now that there is such a place, it must be said that Robin's sense of security has soared again.

"Robin is right."

Nami also reacted at this time, how big is Bai Ye's surprise:

"In the future, if we encounter enemies like the three admirals, we can escape faster! "

Bai Ye nodded to the two of them, agreeing with this statement.

"Secret base? Sounds interesting!"

As for the idea of ​​the only two girls on the ship, Luffy didn't seem to care too much.

For him, the fun of the rainbow mist far exceeded its practicality.

Especially after the Sky Island incident, Luffy seemed to care about this kind of secret base.

Of course, according to Bai Ye's speculation, Luffy didn't have any idea of ​​ruling.

It's just that [it feels great to have such an awesome place that belongs to me].

"Bai Ye, I want to go too!!!"

Luffy slapped the table and said excitedly.

This made Zoro on the side have a few black lines on his head.

As for Bai Ye, he said quite skillfully: "Next time, next time for sure."

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