The big guns were thrown into the water, and the big guns were thrown into the water.

"What...what is this!!!"

On the main island of Judicial Island, the garrison composed of the Navy and the World Government Intelligence Department is rounding up the Straw Hat Pirates who broke into the island.

At this moment, everyone looked at the tall robot that suddenly appeared in front of them, but they seemed a little stunned.

"These three cannons must be fake, right?!!!"

Someone collapsed and shouted, obviously not believing what he saw.

Just now, the robot in front of him underwent a second transformation in full view of everyone.

First, the feet, after a sound of mechanical transformation, the feet turned into a thick gripping platform, firmly fixed on the ground.

Next is the upper body. The robot's two sturdy arms and the middle of its chest all turned into a gun barrel in the blink of an eye. Looking at the three black gun barrels, the soldiers who had just transported the cannon to the top of the house and were ready to fire at the Straw Hat Pirates were dumbfounded. Looking at the muzzle of the robot and then at the "cannon" next to them, their mouths twitched: "I must not have woken up yet..." "Awoo!!! This is [General Franky·Siege Cannon Form]!!!" Franky was very satisfied with the reactions of the crowd. After all, in his opinion, his current appearance can be described in two words--Super handsome!!! "[General Franky·Siege Cannon Form]?!!!" X2 Merry and Chopper were already showing extremely admiring eyes, staring at Franky in front of them. "Ouch!!!"

"Get ready to go, everyone. This is me, the super super!"

While Franky was shouting at the remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates, he pointed his three guns forward.

"Hey, hey, hey, get out of the way!!!"

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who had just surrounded the Straw Hat Pirates panicked, especially those who were pointed at by the guns. They wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

It's not their fault. Just looking at the caliber of the cannon, no matter what will burst out of it, it will be scary.

But as mentioned before, the encirclement of nearly 10,000 people is almost crowded, so it's not so easy to disperse.

So some soldiers could only watch Franky grin and shout:

【Super~per~·Wind Cannon!!!】

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a few deafening gunshots, the encirclement of the Straw Hat Pirates was blasted open with several unobstructed passages.

Obviously, Franky's wind cannon is quite effective.

If Bai Ye were here, he would definitely feel familiar.

Because the attack Franky just launched was exactly the same as the wind cannon on the Wanli Sunshine in the original book, but the power was slightly weakened.

The wind cannon in the original book was able to carry a three-masted sailing ship away. Even if it was weakened a little, it would still be easy to blow away hundreds of people.

This is also the reason why Franky dared to stay and block the encirclement.

He had designed such a mechanism for the ship he had conceived, and after eating the Swallow Swallow Fruit, Franky naturally used a set on himself.

Looking at the passage he had blasted open, Franky posed in a classic pose and laughed out loud:

"Awooo!!! [General Franky] is really super~per~!!!"

"Okay, let's take this opportunity to split up. Although Bai Ye said that it is unlikely that there is information on the main island, we still have to look for it."

"Finally, let's meet at the last Judgment House on the main island."

Seeing that there were several passages ahead, Nami also hurriedly told everyone, but the next second, her face changed drastically and she shouted:

"Hey Zoro!!! That direction is the way back!!!"


In short, after Franky stayed behind to fight the large force, the Straw Hat Pirates also set off in one direction.


Tower of Justice, CP9 Office——

With a bang, Spandam was kicked to the ground, holding his stomach in some pain.

"Although it's just a fake, seeing you like this reminds me of something quite unpleasant."

Bai Ye sat on the sofa in the office, waved his right hand gently, and Frankie, who was lying on the ground and screaming, began to change.

In a moment, he became a paper man and slowly returned to Bai Ye's hand.

With a flip of his wrist, he put the paper man into the inner scene, and Bai Ye looked at the person in front of him again.

Spandam, who had recovered somewhat, had a somewhat cold look in his eyes.

The reason why the paper man [Franky] was caught was not only to play along with CP9, but also to prevent Spandam from escaping.

Although the plot is different from the original, the result of Spandam escorting the criminal through the Gate of Justice should not change.

So Bai Ye engraved an information anchor point on the paper man, and he could reach the paper man at any time through the anchor point in the shortest time.

The reason why Bai Ye left suddenly before was because he found that the paper man seemed to be under continuous attack, so he changed his plan and came directly to see it.

When he passed through the teleportation array, he came up and saw Spandam beating [Franky].

He was laughing at something while beating him, which reminded Bai Ye of a scene in the original.

Looking at the early plot of One Piece, Robin was the worst when she was wearing seastone handcuffs and was abused by Spandam.

Bai Ye believes that anyone who has seen this plot will remember Spandam's face at that time.

So Bai Ye chose to attack directly, oh no, kick.

"Asshole, you..."

"It's you?!!!"

Spandam was very angry when he was suddenly attacked. When he raised his head and was about to attack madly, he saw Bai Ye's figure.

He was also a little stunned for a moment.

Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates - [Tianshi] Bai Ye.

When the World Government handed over the Demon Killing Order to CP9 and issued related tasks, it had mentioned this person.

And the World Government's judgment on him also made Spandam a little frightened.

The other members of CP9 had just left not long ago, and there were 10,000 garrison forces on the island. How did this guy get here so quickly?

Could it be that Lucky and the others have been defeated?

"Don't worry."

Seeing Spandam sweating, his pupils trembling constantly, and glancing at the gate from time to time, Bai Ye naturally guessed what he was thinking.

I can't help but feel a little curious.

How did someone like Spandam become the head of the World Government's CP9?

Institutions like this can't really be hereditary.

Just because Spandam's father Spandine is the head of the CP department, his son can take the position steadily?

If this is true, it shows how corrupt the World Government has become.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye continued to speak:

"My partner should have just fought with your subordinates."

"But the battle will be over soon."

"Now that I'm here, let's talk about business."

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