Early the next morning, Ron got up comfortably, and then walked out of Califa's room, and when he passed by Conis's room, he found that Conise was not in the room, and when he went to the kitchen, he found that Conis, Magino, and Nokigao were all busy in the kitchen.

"That... Ron had just finished speaking when he was interrupted by Nokigaard.

"Do you want us to make some broth for Kalifa?"

"How do you know!" Ron asked knowingly.

"My lord!" Nokigao walked over and pushed Ron out of the galley, "You better go to the deck and relax, we'll take care of these things, and you need to remind you?"

"Is there a big move?" said Ron.

"It's too big, okay?" Nuo Qigao rolled his eyes: "Not only the Ark, I think even the sea is echoing with that woman's voice, oh my God... She screams so loudly, doesn't she know how shy she is?"

"I remember... Ron smirked and looked at Notchy, "I remember you didn't scream low that night!"

"What!!!" Nuo Qigao blushed, and quickly closed the kitchen door, and after a while, the sound of girls muttering and laughing and the sound of Nuo Qigao not being coquettish could be heard in the kitchen.

"Nokigao is still going to be coquettish!" Ron smiled and left.

On the deck, Nami stood in the control center, looking at the chart in her hand while comparing the recording pointer on her wrist to control the direction of the Ark.

Seeing Ron arrive, Nami couldn't help but roll her eyes and ignore him.

"Brother Ron!" Kaya ran over with the two little girls: "... Are you alright?"

Ron was a little puzzled: "What can I do?"

"I thought that Kalifa had drained you!" said Koya.

"Ahem... "Ron almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of saliva, my Boya girl, when did you become so sarcastic?

"Brother Ron, is that Sister Kalifa injured?" Abyss blinked her big eyes, looked up at Ron, and asked worriedly, "I saw that she screamed badly last night, I wanted to visit her, but I was stopped by Sister Kaya!"

"yes, yes, I'm worried too!" Aisha hurriedly said, "Can we go see her now?"

"Go, go, go!" Ron didn't look at the innocent big eyes of the two little girls, and waved his hand casually.

The two little girls hurriedly held hands and ran to Kalifa's room in the cabin.

"Brother Ron, didn't you think there were three children on board!" Coya muttered.

"Okay... I couldn't hold back at the time, I'll pay attention next time!" Ron was a little embarrassed, indeed, the other girls were adults, and it didn't matter if they heard it, but Abidis and Aisha and Golden Week were children, and it was indeed a little embarrassing for them to hear such a thing.

"Wouldn't it be the end of it if I hadn't pulled the two of them and they showed up at your bedside at the critical time?" "Well, Golden Week is a very smart child, and she won't bother to check on the situation even if she hears this! Miss Valentine's Day is there to take care of it, but, my brother Ron, is that Kalifa so good, and has made you fight for so long?"

"Uh... Don't mention that, okay?"

Where would Ron say too much, he couldn't tell Kaya, Califa looked like his esteemed action movie 'teacher' in reality, right?

"Okay!" Keya nodded in response, "I'll go see her too!"

"They're already doing it!" Ron nodded, even if Kalifa's physical fitness was good, but after all, she was facing a monster-like existence like herself, and she probably couldn't get out of bed all day today.

"I'll take a look!" Khaya left.

Ron made his way to the table and chairs on deck.

The embarrassing thing is that there are already three people sitting here, and Robin is calmly flipping through the newspaper and drinking coffee, as if nothing is wrong, there is nothing wrong with it.

Similar to her expression, while she was drinking tea with a teacup, her eyes didn't look at herself much.

Miss Valentine's Day was different, she looked at Ron with a playful look in her eyes after he left the cabin.

"Captain Ron... Awesome!" Miss Valentine's Day gave Ron a thumbs up.

"Ahem!" Ron sat calmly on the side, lying comfortably in his chair, he still had something to do, and now he didn't want to pay attention to Miss Valentine's Day.

"The system... Ron closed his eyes slightly, and asked the system in his mind: "I didn't have time to ask when I was busy with other things before!I broke through three hundred points of all attributes this time, why didn't you level up?"

There are a total of four levels in this system, and now it's only the second level, and there are two levels in the back, and more functions can be turned on after the level is raised, and Ron is strange that when all his four-dimensional attributes reached three hundred points this time, why didn't the system send a hint of upgrading.

"Host ... You're so busy!" the system said quietly.

"I... "Ron's eyes widened, I'm gone, and your system has come to tease me?

"Host, you have reached three hundred points of full attribute this time, and you have not met the conditions for my upgrade!" the system said.

"Three hundred points of all attributes is not enough?" Ron asked strangely, "Then what are the conditions for the next level of upgrade?"

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