Ron and Nami stood on the deck.

"What did that princess and those two princes drug us?!" Nami said in surprise when she heard Ron's words.

"Yes~ And that so-called princess is not a princess, but a man, just looks like a woman!" Ron said to Nami again.


Nami stayed for a while.

"Hahaha~" suddenly pointed at Ron and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Ron asked as he looked at Nami, who was smiling and bent over.

"Hahahahahaha~" Nami still couldn't stop laughing, and the tears of laughter came out of her laughter.

"Haha~cough~I~I'm not good~ I'm not good~Haha~" Nami laughed, and her stomach hurt when she laughed at the end.

"Haha~ Just like you said, if the so-called princess is a man pretending, then~that~ Aren't you flirting with a man all the way?!haha~ I~ How can I not laugh~!hahaha~" Nami held back her laughter and explained to Ron a few laughs.

When Ron heard Nami's thoughts, his eyes widened and he looked at Nami who was smiling and clutching his stomach.

"Is it that funny?" Ron said as he looked at Nami, who couldn't stop laughing.

"It's so funny!haha~You Ron is so good~ Even if you flirt with women, even men won't let go~!terrible!haha.~" Nami sneered at Ron.

"You~" Ron heard Nami's words and knew that Nami was teasing herself.

"You don't want to be good~~" Ron said and hugged Nami in front of him with his hand.

"What are you doing?"


"Hahaha~Ron~Ron~Hurry~Stop~~Haha~" Nami struggled in Ron's arms, laughing and screaming at Ron.

"I'll make you laugh! I'll make you laugh at me~ I'll make you laugh enough!" Ron didn't intend to let Nami go, and Ron shouted at Nami in a tone of feigning punishment as he forced her to tickle Nami with his hand.

"Ah~I can't do it~ I don't dare~ Luo~Hurry~Stop~!" No matter how Nami struggled in Ron's arms, she couldn't break free of Ron's arms, laughing and screaming at Ron in his arms begging for mercy.

"Do you know it's wrong?~You know it's wrong~ Call me 'dear'" stopped what she was doing and smiled at Nami.

"Huhu~Huhu~" Nami was tickled and laughed by Ron just now, and at this time, she lay in Ron's arms, blushing and panting.

"No!" Nami said with a sigh of relief.

"Huh, still disobedient~?" Ron threatened Nami, and with one hand he was about to start tickling Nami.

"Ah~good, good!" Nami quickly agreed as she felt Ron's arm stop on her back start tickling herself again.

"Say it~" Ron said as he lifted Nami's chin with his hand and stared at Nami's eyes tightly.

"Dear~dear~" Nami gritted her teeth and called out to Ron in a weak tone.

"What??it's too quiet~I can't hear it~" Ron obviously didn't intend to let Nami go, and said to Nami with a wicked smile.

"Honey!" Nami shouted when she saw that Ron still refused to let go of herself.

"Look into my eyes, can you be serious, your 'dear' call doesn't have any emotion at all!" Ron said unhappily at Nami's reluctant call to himself dear.

"Oops~ You let me go, Ron~" Nami saw that Ron still refused to let go of herself, and snorted.

"No~ Call me dear so reluctantly?" Ron said to Nami as he feigned dissatisfaction.

"I see, isn't there no atmosphere? I'll create some atmosphere!" Ron said and kissed Nami on the lips.


It's only been a moment since Nami has been kissed twice by Ron.

"Whew~" Nami was kissed by Ron and exhaled a little hypoxic.

"Come~Call!" Ron said again, lifting Nami's chin on his shoulder.

"Dear~dear~" Nami looked at Ron with a blushing face and shouted.

"Alas~That's right~" Ron was very satisfied to see Nami like this.

Nami glared shyly at Ron, who had made her bad.

"Can you two not be so shameless in broad daylight?"

Nami and Ron turned their heads to see Abis standing in front of the door.

"Abith, you're awake!" Nami said as she left Ron's embrace and ran to Abith.

"What is wrong with us?" Koya slowly walked out of the room, covering her head, and asked Nami and Ron quizzically.

"Oh~yes! What's wrong with us? When are we coming back?"

"Aren't we in the castle of the royal palace?"

"Was it just a dream?"


The other Robin and other beauties also came to their senses one after another, and wondered. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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