Black curly hair, wearing a suit with yellow and white stripes, wearing a pair of sunglasses, thin and tall… The first one to rush up was none other than one of the three monster lieutenant generals, the yellow ape!

“Speed is weight, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?”

In the gradual slowdown time, the yellow ape’s feet quickly lifted and swept directly towards Fang Qilin’s head!


Fang Qilin was directly hit, and his body was thrown out like a cannonball with a tail of yellow ~ color beam, smashing a building from it!

There was a sound of explosions, and the area seemed to have experienced a major earthquake, and many buildings collapsed, raising dust in the sky.


Everyone’s eyes froze, staring at this side through telescopes one after another.

“It’s just a little ghost, thanks to your cautious look.”

The yellow ape indifferently took out a cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath, pretending to be extremely strong.

“The flash man who ate the shining fruit was really a little unexpected in speed, and even I was hit before I could react, which is really amazing!”

At this time, the dust raised dispersed, and Fang Qilin stood on the roof unscathed, looking at the yellow ape with a light smile on his face.

【Yellow Ape Borusalino】

HP: 13526

Attack: 5082

Defense: 3659

Speed: 683

[Shining Fruit] ability: Flash man, can turn any part of the body into light, has the speed of light, can perform light-speed attacks, and can move at the speed of light. You can use the speed of light to make a heavy hit. The body can emit strong flashes of light, which can cause temporary blindness to enemies. It is also possible to compress light particles to emit lasers. Moreover, the emitted laser can produce a large-scale explosion. Because it is light, it can float and stagnate.

“On the character attribute panel, even the red dog is not as good, no wonder the kick on me does not feel at all.”

The corner of Fang Qilin’s mouth lifted.

The blow just now seemed to be very powerful, but in fact, this attack power could not even break Fang Qilin’s defense, and the damage hit was 1!

In other words, Fang Qilin didn’t suffer any damage at all, just moved a little more.

“Not even hurt?”

When the yellow ape saw Fang Qilin appear intact, he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

He directly raised his black-gloved hand, stretched out his index finger, and gently pointed in the direction of Fang Qilin.


A brilliant and dazzling laser laser hit Fang Qilin’s heart in an instant at a rapid speed!


Another explosion sounded.

However, this time, after the black smoke of the explosion dispersed, Fang Qilin did not even change his movements, and there was no scar on his body!

“This guy… A bit quirky! ”

Seeing this, the yellow ape’s mouth opened slightly, converged the calm and relaxed look just now, and couldn’t help frowning, and his heart was even more surprised.

All of his own attacks have been hit, and it stands to reason that even if he is as powerful as Hero Karp, he will never be so indifferent when he is attacked by himself!

How could this guy be so powerful?

“Resisted Salino’s two attacks without the slightest damage?”

Buddha’s Sengoku’s face became extremely pale.

Karp also found it a little tricky.

The combat effectiveness of the yellow ape is the most clear, among the three monster lieutenant generals, his strength ranks first, not only fast, long-range attack is strong, but also emits flashes to temporarily blind people, armed color domineering and seeing color domineering is cultivated to a very powerful point, even if they face the yellow ape, hard to resist these two, dare not say that they have not suffered any trauma.

This little guy didn’t even have a little thing, and if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe that this kind of thing really happened!

“Salino, how’s it going? Have you tasted it? ”

The warship on which the red dog was riding had already landed, came directly to the shore, stared at Fang Qilin’s figure, and snorted coldly.

“Sakaski, don’t get too smug too early!”

The yellow ape’s eyes flashed, and he did not admit defeat, his figure turned into a flash again, disappeared in place in an instant, and then suddenly came to Fang Qilin’s side.

【Tiancong Cloud Sword】

【Armed color・winding】

The yellow ape put his hands together, and when he tore it apart, he pulled out a dazzling lightsaber, and the invisible armed color domineering attached to the sword, and slashed down violently against Fang Qilin’s head!

“Yellow ape, if you succeed once, you should stop in moderation, and the most annoying thing is to be an insatiable guy like you!”

This time, Fang Qilin did not let the yellow ape get his wish again, turned his head sharply, and punched him head-on!


The lightsaber collided fiercely with the fist, but sadly, the lightsaber with an armed color domineering was not even able to stop it, and it was directly shattered by Fang Qilin’s fist!

The fist then rushed towards the yellow ape’s face, smashing the yellow ape’s monkey-like face into a dent!

Fang Qilin’s punch opened up full power, and up to more than 20,000 attack power poured out, how could it be that a guy with only three thousand defensive power in the yellow ape could resist?

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

Immediately, the yellow ape’s body was like a cannonball, smashing through one building after another, flying upside down from one end of Moyaranco Island to the other, embedded in the wall of the last building, before it could stop.

But the yellow ape’s consciousness had already been dispersed, and he couldn’t even speak, so he directly lowered his head and passed out.

Before falling into a coma, the yellow ape only had one thought left –

“So strong!”

The people who saw this scene were frightened by Fang Qilin’s terrifying power.

No matter how bad the yellow ape is, he can also be regarded as a monster-level vice admiral, or a devil fruit ability of the natural shining fruit, not to mention anything else, the ability to save life can be described as very strong!

So far, the yellow ape has never been so embarrassed, even if it can’t be beaten, it can run!

However, in Fang Qilin, the yellow ape sacrificed his “first time”, not only was defeated, but also beaten unconscious on the spot, and directly lost consciousness.

“What a joke!”

Cold sweat ran across his forehead.

He remembered very clearly that the last time Fang Qilin used a bow and arrow to deal with them, but this time, the bow and arrow had not yet been taken out, and the yellow ape had already lost.

“Where the hell did this monster come from!”

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