Bobbia Island is a small island located northwest of the Chambord Islands, with a population of less than 200 people, who grows and sells fruit.

In July, under the scorching sun, under a tall apple tree, a pink-haired boy was sleeping in the shade.

“Natsu, why are you still sleeping? Hurry up and get to work! This year’s watermelon harvest is very good, and the hands and feet are a little sharper. A rough voice sounded in the boy’s ears.

The teenager squinted and yawned, and said impatiently: “Got it!” Let me sleep a little longer. ”

“Then hurry up, you must finish the melons before the sun sets.”

Interrupted by Uncle Henry, Natsu suddenly lost sleep, he got up from the grass, leaned under the fruit tree in a daze, looking at the clear sky, Natsu was full of thoughts.

Here is the world of One Piece, he is a traverser, but it is a pity that he is a low-end crosser, no plug-in, no sister, no childhood sweetheart, and no mystery of his life. The only setting that fits his identity as a traverser is the orphan.

The most infuriating thing is that he is a demon tail fan, has never watched “One Piece”, and has no ability to know the plot well. The only thing that is gratifying is that his name is Natsu, and his hair color is very similar to the protagonist in Demon Tail. At the beginning of the crossing, with this setting, Natsu once suspected that he could kill dragon magic, but time gave him the answer.

Ten years have passed since the time traveled, Natsu is thirteen years old this year, and he has used countless methods, and it turns out that he is really just an ordinary person.

Although Natsu is just an ordinary person, he firmly believes that no matter what, as long as he works hard, he will be able to do it. Natsu began his ten-year cultivation and now it is finally an island… The youngest grower.

Say too much is tears, who said that after crossing it must be awesome, cultivation for a few years can be every second of the air, Natsu after such a long period of “hard cultivation”, now only more powerful than ordinary adults.

Thinking about it, tears containing bitterness appeared in Natsu’s eyes, forget it, don’t think about it, continue to move bricks … No, move the melons.

After a busy day, the melons have finally been moved, and tomorrow Natsu will go to the Chambordi Islands with Uncle Henry to sell melons, no way, for the sake of livelihood.

Natsu, who had worked all day, fell on the bed, extremely depressed, when is such a day a head, I already knew, I would watch “One Piece” more before crossing. Originally, Natsu watched a few episodes of One Piece, but now the plot is very advanced, Roger is a world-famous pirate and has not yet become One Piece, it is estimated that there are still twenty or thirty years before the start of the plot.

Forget it, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, Naz simply no longer thinks about it, let it be.

The next morning, Natsu woke up early, he simply packed up and went out.

“Good morning, Lady Mary, Uncle Henry.”

“Good morning, Natsu.”

“Good morning, Brother Naz.”

Natsu was an orphan with no means of subsistence, so the kind Henry couple asked Natsu to help in their family’s orchard and pay him a good salary.

The Henry couple have two sons, Potter and Sam, who are initially very unfriendly to Natsu, and after Natsu’s threats and deception, they immediately become obedient and call Natsu the eldest brother.

After everyone got on the boat, Henry’s two sons entangled Natsu: “Brother Natsu, let’s continue to tell the story of last time!” ”

Idle and bored anyway, Natsu decided to play with them “Well, where did we talk about last time?” ”

“Speaking of seven dwarfs dragging Snow White into the little black room.”

“Hahaha, remember, after dragging into the little black room… Ahem. Natsu suddenly remembered that the Henry couple was still nearby, and quickly stopped.

Natsu took a deep breath and revealed a ‘warm’ smile “It turns out that the dwarfs are not bad people, they just want to give Snow White something to eat… In the end, Snow White and the prince live happily together. ”

“Wow, that’s great! One more, one more. ”

Natsu swallowed his saliva: “I’m exhausted, next time, the ship will be in the Chambord Islands soon, how about we go to the bubble car together?” ”

“Okay, okay.”

Finally coaxed these two little things, sure enough, simple fairy tales are not suitable for him, he still likes the dark direction.

Finally landed on the Chambordi Islands, although Natsu has never seen the Chambord Islands in the manga, he has lived here for ten years and is no longer familiar, and this is a very important place.

The biggest feature of the Chambordi Islands is that the roots of the mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration, and the resin expands into bubbles due to the air, and then flies into the sky. Since the bubble is only suitable in the climatic range of the argentine mangrove, once the bubble leaves the climatic domain of the Chambord Islands, the resin component will blow up because it cannot fully use its power.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles… Bubble culture permeates every part of Chambordi Island!

The whole island is made up of 79 trees (all numbered), each with towns and facilities, and people call the archipelago of these 79 islands “Chambord Islands”.

This is the only way for the pirates to reach the new world, and Luffy will definitely come here in the future.

The first half of the great route is called paradise, and the second half is called the new world. There are two ways to reach the New World: one is to make a request to the world government, and then directly pass through the holy place of Mary Joa, located at the peak of the Red Earth Continent, so you can only abandon ship, although it costs a lot of money to apply and time-consuming, but it is safe; The other is to wrap the boat with alqiman mangrove resin, dive 10,000 meters, cross a huge hole under the red earth continent, and pass through the “submarine route” Fishman Island to the New World, but it is very dangerous.

After getting on the island, Natsu and Henry came to a small shop, and Natsu said domineeringly: “Boss! What about my Skybreaker Dragon? ”

The boss gave Natsu a blank look, took out something that resembled a small bicycle, and handed it to Natsu. That’s what makes the Chambord Islands special, the bubble car, and Naz’s favorite toy.

Henry and they also took their respective bubble cars, and after making the bubble cars, Henry said to them: “The children wait for a while, we will go and bring all the watermelons.” ”

The bubbles here are amazing, and it is very convenient to use them to hold things without any weight.

After Natsu and the two children loaded the bubble car, they played happily, and just as Natsu was having fun, the owner of the bubble car shop suddenly stopped him, “Natsu, come here.” ”

“What’s going on?” Natsu asked suspiciously.

“Naz, I forgot to say, you remember to tell the Henry couple later, it’s best not to come to the Chambord Islands for a month.”


“I heard that there is a big man going to the New World, and when the time comes, Marin Fandor will come to a lot of navies…” said the boss God mysteriously.

Yikes! Natsu suddenly remembered, the newspaper said that the sea thief Gor. D. Roger has conquered ‘Paradise’, so his next target is definitely ‘New World’, and he is not running.

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